Advaita Vedanta wants you to think this body is only an inert instrument and only the INFINITE SELF within is our real nature. The adjunct of mind is HIS first subtle covering & this body is the gross outer covering & the SELF lies hidden under these delusive veils.
The real nature is always unknown to us as the mind always runs after the senses.The mind has to be killed first by turning it inwards.
This gross body on death dissolves into five elements but the bundle of mental impressions, which is in the mind, does not die soon.
It remains in seed form for some time and then sprouts and grows in the form of a tree when it takes another physical body. This cycle of birth and death continues until SELF-KNOWLEDGE arises through meditation & power of philosophical discrimination.
Only when the mind dies, all limiting adjuncts vanish and you get established in SELF.
Only through renunciation & meditative practice the succession of thought waves in the mind are brought under control, all the knots of the heart are cut asunder.
All philosophy and scriptures have come from the plane of relative knowledge of subject & object. But no thought or language of the human mind can fully express the REALITY that lies beyond the plane of relative knowledge. Science or philosophy are only partial truths.
They can never be adequate channels of expression for the transcendent Reality. Viewed from the transcendent standpoint, everything appears to be unreal, I , you & the universe- everything is unreal.Then only it is perceived. I am the only REALITY. I am the all pervading Spirit.
When I am the proof of my own existence,where is the room for seperate proof to establish the reality of my existence? I am always known to myself as the the external subject & I have seen that state & realised it.
You also see, realise& preach this TRUTH of BRAHMAN(SELF) to all.
Can @RahulGandhi & @INCIndia answer whether these recruitment details are facts after #AntonioMaino took control of the Admin in 2008?
1.Rashtrapathi's office . Out of 49 posts, 45 were Chrislamists appointed.
2.Vice President's office. Out of 7 posts, 7 were Chrislamists.
3. Secretaries in Ministries. Out of 20 posts, 19 were Chrislamists. 4. PMO. Out of 35 posts, 33 were Chrislamists. 5. Agri & Water Dept. Out of 274 posts, 259 were Chrislamists. 6. MoD. Out of 1379 posts, 1331 were Chrislamists. 7. Social Welfare. Out of 209 posts, 192 were
Chrislamists. 8. Finance. Out of 1008 posts, 952 were Chrislamists. 9. Labour Dept. Out of 74 posts, 70 were Chrislamists. 10. Chemicals & Petro Chemicals. Out of 121 posts, 112 were Chrislamists. 11. Lt Gov.office. Out of 27 posts, 20 were Chrislamists.