Trend Facts of "SendBackRangersFromSindh"
*Total tweets Posted: 28,231
sums of tweets and retweets
(Tweets: 3,306 & retweets: 24,925)
* Trend created by on 22 Oct @MehranMemon32
*2,184 no of distinct accounts participated in this trend and more than 861 accounts (39%) have a foreign location
including India, US, Germany, Canada and others 2/n
*107 accounts have 0 followers,
*639 accounts have followers between 1 to 5.
*473 accounts created between 25 Sep to 20 oct 2020 3/n
*4 blue tick account participated in the trend including @RiazSangi @BushraGohar @AWGoraya @BaaghiTV
*Maximum tweets are copy-pasted
* Only 126 tweets have distinct text
* 192 tweets having following picture Ranger picture
*According to data analytics, this trend is created by PPP.
*Most of accounts following @BBhuttoZardari , @AWGoraya@GulBukhari .
*Public participation in this trend is nearly 7%
and according to twitter T&C, this trend is FAKE
• • •
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Followers' Analysis of Hamid Mir Twitter account
(@HamidMirPAK )
*Total Followers 6,052,986
*1,322,955 (more than 1 million followers have 0 followers)
*951,733 followers have 1 follower
*1,839,946 followers have 2 to 5 followers 1/n
By followers' Account Age
*2,291 accounts created today
*3,549 accounts created on 17 Oct 2020
* 406,241 accounts created in between 15 Sep to 15 Oct 2020 2/n
By No of tweets
* 2,607,876 followers account have not posted any tweet yet
*376,221 followers account posted 1 tweet
*1,347,311 followers account posted between 2to 5 tweets yet 3/n
Follower's Analysis of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Twitter account
*Total Followers 3,976,842
*887,832 followers have 0 followers
*499,219 followers have 1 follower
*992,878 followers have 2 to 5 followers 1/n
By followers Account Age
*1,462 accounts created today
*2,743 accounts created last day
* 87,211 accounts created between1st to 9oct 2020 2/n
By No of tweets
* 1,464,590 followers account have not posted any tweet yet
*453,972 followers account posted 1 tweet
*918,545 followers account posted between 2to 5 tweets yet 3/n
Last day Maryam Nawaz taunts and said "Don't mess with PMLN" and termed my analysis as Ilzaam.
I have analyzed the recent 5000 followers of Maryam Nawaz and check out the following analysis. 1/3
6 oct 2020 from 00:00:00 to 12:59:59 AM
* Total followers 905,
* Account created today 405 2/3
5 Oct 2020 full day
* total followers 2835
* out of 3,287 followers, 1648 followers account created on the same day, 5 SEP 2020
Please ask your highly paid social media team to refute these facts.
Trend Facts of "SindhRejectsIslandOrdinance"
*Total tweet Posted: 152,428
sums of tweets and retweets
(Tweets: 23,604 & retweets: 128,824)
* Trend created by @aaftabkhaskheli
*7,284 no of distinct accounts participated in this trend and more than 2,384 accounts have a foreign location
including india,dubai,US and KSA 2/n
* 410 accounts have 0 followers,
*2,438 accounts have followers between 1 to 5.
*1,931 accounts created in Sep 2020. 3/n
Follower's Analysis of Maryam Nawaz Sharif Twitter account
(@MaryamNSharif )
*Total Followers 5,592,493
*1,071,309 (1 million followers have 0 followers)
*743,906 followers have 1 follower
*1,439,946 followers have 2 to 5 followers 1/n
By followers Account Age
*1898 account created today
*37,204 accounts created last day
* 297,537 accounts created in SEP 2020. 2/n
By No of tweets
* 2,031,918 followers account have not posted any tweet yet
*685,416 followers account posted 1 tweet
*1,006,024 followers account posted between 2to 5 tweets yet 3/n
Trend Facts of خاورمانیکا_کوعزت_دو
*Total tweet Posted: 84,311
sums of tweets and retweets
(Tweets: 9,807 & retweets: 74,504)
* Trend created by @M_ullah5. 1/n
*3,411 no of distinct accounts participated in this trend and more than 1,857 accounts have a foreign location
including Qatar, India, UK, Dubai &US 2/n
* 286 accounts have 0 followers,
*157 accounts have 1 follower,
* 807 accounts have followers between 2 to 5.
*1621 accounts created after 26 SEP 2020.
*Overall 2000 accounts created in Sep 2020. 3/n