Félicitations to Jean-Daniel Fekete on the #ieeevis#vgtc technical achievement award! I always love award talks showcasing career highlights and great collaborators, this one is no exception.
Félicitations to Catherine Plaisant on the #ieeevis#vgtc career award! Another lovely retrospective talk.
So very delighted that the Polaris paper from Chris Stolte, Pat Hanrahan, and Diane Tang -- which led directly to @tableau -- won the #ieeevis#infovis 20 year Test of Time award. Seeing it grow over the weeks and months was a great part of my Stanford years.
The #ieeevis#infovis 10 year Test of Time award to Edward Segal and @jeffrey_heer, on Narrative Visualization, another great one!
The #ieeevis#scivis 25 year Test of Time to Allen Martin and Matt Ward for High Dimensional Brushing for Interactive Exploration of Multivariate Data, davis.wpi.edu/~xmdv/docs/vis…
So many of us missing Matt, his memory remains a blessing and his work remains an inspiration.
The #ieeevis#scivis 15 year Test of Time award to Jarke van Wijk for The Value of Vis, yet again another fantastic paper that holds up so well.
Linking to the followup journal paper that adds even more, Views on Visualization win.tue.nl/~vanwijk/vov_t…
Much #ieeevis discord discussion of his acceptance talk point of how liberating it was that he assumed it would be rejected
- less self-censoring,
- think freely and deeply. paper acceptance is secondary
- PC: let's not reject deeply thought through opinion papers
Speaking of discord, that's where a huge amount of #ieeevis back and forth is this year, leading to much more sparse twitter this year. Mixed feelings - far richer and more realtime since much larger fraction of community is participating, less of a footprint for those not there.
Whew. So much happened last week, with the #ieeevis firehose of livestreams and discord and post-live catchup for parallel stuff.
Linear time is passé - giving up on per-day summaries, but continuing with my (only partial) view of cool stuff
Alan Wilson on
More than a Style Guide: Data Visualization for Design Systems
deep and thoughtful dive into bridging from research into practice (as the name suggests)
@VisInPractice#ieeevis#vip @alangwilson covered questions I've also grappled with: explicit / prescriptive guidance vs foundational concepts. Design guides go more for the former, my own textbook goes more for the latter. He usefully frames it as a continuum.
She unpacks a subject I cover poorly in a dorky 90 seconds of intro in my own talks into 15 minutes of richness and depth.
@VisInPractice@juliasilge Her #ieeevis talk expands on when and how vis is used in ML, distinguishing exploratory data analysis and model evaluation as two key and different points.
is truly beautiful transfer of ideas from differential geometry, to create derived attribute/feature that viewers need
#ieeevis discord lit up when fantastic video played:
Better than what's possible in person! High production values not just glitz (although pretty damn cool to sneak behind arrows etc), really helped make material more comprehensible
#ieeevis keynote from Mario Capecchi was far outside vis but interesting story of medicine/bio Nobel work + meta-commentary on process of science. And gut-wrenching story of childhood lived on street after mother sent to Dachau (& amazingly later reunited)
SplitStreams: A Visual Metaphor for Evolving Hierarchies from
Fabian Bolte @MahsanNourani
Eric Ragan @SBrucknerVis
I like both the analysis and the exposition in the video.
I am always grabbed by papers that synthesize some higher-level way of thinking about things that elegantly unify previously separate ideas. SplitStreams is one of them.
It's like the treemap/streamgraph version of microsoft.com/en-us/research…
Great #ieeevis session on guidelines and design spaces.
LineSmooth work from Rosen & Quadri: within-paper integration of scivis-style mathematical sophistication with infovis-style task analysis. arxiv.org/abs/2007.13882
Between papers saw nice breadth in session. #reVISe FTW!
Truly wonderful #ieeevis video talk from @accidental_PhD on Guidelines For Pursuing and Revealing Data Abstractions
that felt like PBS science show!
Very strong work - I loved framing of 'latent data abstractions', and abstractions as interventions
Also appreciated able session chairing from @codydunne, helping evolve #ieeevis norms in discord to keep stream readable instead of flooded with individual claps. I stole many ideas from him when I chaired later in the week.
A Simple Pipeline for Coherent Grid Maps by Meulemans, Sondag, & Speckmann.
A fave genre: expert intuitions crisped up into explicit criteria & embodied in carefully designed algorithm w/ deep knowledge of prior work both in & out of #ieeevis
Great #ieeevis panel on The Role of Vis and Data Researchers During a Public Health Crisis
So much good stuff that I can't summarize, just watch it!
Cool spectrum of methods in #ieeevis session on Theory that I chaired: from qual research for humanities & argumentation to methodology advice from vision science to VR for visceralization to systematic review of DB lit to next-level design studies
@miriah_meyer@alexander_lex There's a paper-within-paper structure in the writing, with design study embedded within methods paper. But wait, there's more! A talk-within-talk moment that made me & the technician & every #ieeevis watcher jump out of their skin. You gotta watch video:
Finally, let me re-up and link up my thread about the CRC Press virtual book table to this one, so that most of my #ieeevis stuff is findable in one spot
In the brave new world of virtual conferences, we've still got a book table at #ieeevis for @CRCPress! It's virtual too. Here's a thread of what's new in the past year, and what's forthcoming, in our visualization books.
Dove into virtual #ieeevis this morning, along with many others. I've found lots to like already about virtual.ieeevis.org, especially the shuffle by serendipity papers browser. I'll likely be tweeting a lot this week, enjoy or mute as you see fit!
Started off #ieeevis with a bang, my own Visualization Analysis and Design tutorial is running first thing, even as I type. Slides and all videos on our own group's YouTube already posted, see cs.ubc.ca/~tmm/talks.htm…
Just posted a handy thing in the #ieeevis tutorial discord that some folks might not know about: the page from the VAD book site with all my further reading suggestions in one spot, complete with links for all the papers! cs.ubc.ca/~tmm/vadbook/f…
Great start to #ieeevis on Sun morning at #belivws: fiery keynote on open science from @Protohedgehog so good and dense that I just sat back to absorb inspiration for new and better ways to fight the good fight.
@Protohedgehog Good point from @amcrisan following up @Protohedgehog 'penguin metaphor' - not fair that junior penguins asked to test the waters for killer whales while senior tenured penguins wait comfortably on the shore #ieeevis#belivws
@Protohedgehog@amcrisan Appreciated @Protohedgehog emphasis on all four pillars of OS: in addition to reproducibility, also access, serials, evaluation. Articulate calling out perpetuators of paywalls including commercial (El$evier) and academic (IEEE is major offender) #ieeevis#belivws