“First, you were lengthening my nose in attack ads to remind everyone I was Jewish”
“This is so beneath the office of a US senator. You’ve continued to demean yourself ... You shouldn’t do everything your handlers in Washington tell you to, because you’ll lose your soul along the way, Senator”
I would subscribe to a Substack that consists solely of editors' and reporters' nasty notes to each other.
Greenwald has posted the email exchange with the Intercept, and his editor's comments are reasonable, and completely within the bounds of normal newsroom practice.
After NYT published the "Anonymous" op-ed, the edit page explained when they've done this before.
The other examples - a Salvadoran asylum seeker, a Syrian refugee, a man fearing ISIS retribution -- are of an entirely different caliber than @MilesTaylorUSA
The firewall that protected the Voice of America from political interference is gone, swept away by the new agency chief who has made clear he'll use the agency to push the Trump administration's views and objectives.
“Donald Trump is a bully and a bigot.... He panders to racists. He tweets conspiracy theories. He’s cavalier about COVID-19 and has led poorly through the pandemic...
In July, 280 WSJ journalists signed a letter to the publisher that included this:
"Opinion’s lack of fact-checking and transparency, and its apparent disregard for evidence, undermine our readers’ trust and our ability to gain credibility with sources”