"The church needs a lot more Deborahs...who lead and teach...and do so with a perspective that is sometimes hidden to us as guys...Those of us who work in the church have to ask ourselves if we are as committed to raising up Deborahs as we are to raising up Gideons." @jdgreear
@mentions@jdgreear Hypothetical: "You're in a house church + I'm the one leading the Bible study...my wife raises her hand...says something out in the Bible teaching time that some guy in the circle feels like is insightful. 'Oh no! I just learned something!' Did she sin and he sin? Of course not."
@mentions@jdgreear "We have gone literally through our entire staff directory...and just asked, 'where have we just traditionally assigned this to a man when...a woman could lead it?'...That's a question that those of you that are Southern Baptists, we've got to ask in the convention at large."
@mentions@jdgreear "The evangelical church in the west has suffered...too often we've only had 1 perspective at the table...I can't help but wonder if this sexual abuse crisis...might have been avoided...if those sitting around the table...had experienced knowing what it's like to be vulnerable."
@mentions@jdgreear Source:

Gonna start another thread, as this takes a TURN.

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29 Oct
I've previously clipped @jdgreear preaching 3rd way-ism/no policy stances from Luke 12/brothers' inheritance. Here it is in early 2019, as well. Had to be disappointing to the woke audience. In essence, "the church must do justice but everyone's free to decide the best solution."
@jdgreear Oh wow. More of his 2020 political stuff is recycled material. Next one (from this 2019 talk) is: I hear your complaints about taking clear sides, but that can backfire badly like when we endorsed the invasion of Iraq.
@jdgreear And then: Simon the zealot + Matthew the tax collector were on opposite sides of the debate on Roman occupation.

This section is a MAJOR walkback of the "this isn't extracurricular" talking point, isn't it? Or am I missing something? Gonna file this in UNWOKE PREACHER CLIPS.
Read 6 tweets
29 Oct
"Today, 20% of Southern Baptist membership is people of color. Which is something, honestly, knowing our history, I do not understand. It is an act of extraordinary generosity." @jdgreear
@jdgreear This is where the "gender justice" clip falls in the wider speech:
@jdgreear "We tend to put helping the needy or the oppressed under the heading of charity. And we say, 'if you don't do that, then you're stingy.' But God calls it injustice, which is a much more serious thing...you start to realize, 'what's this election look like from that perspective?'"
Read 6 tweets
29 Oct
"I have been begging Thabiti to let me come and be a part of this conference since he announced it." more @jdgreear from Just Gospel 2019
@jdgreear "[Thabiti] added, 'typically at this point of the conference, we're in the mood for a good exposition of a scripture passage...make sure that it's an actual exposition, not just some topical garbage cloaked in exposition. Ain't nobody interested in your opinions on this stuff.'"
@jdgreear "There are some that have speculated that the only reason that Deborah was a prophetess is because, well, there was no men around to lead, but there's simply nothing in this passage that indicates that. She held court under her palm tree because God had given her divine wisdom."
Read 6 tweets
29 Oct
"There are so many ways in which we assume that the songs that we sing, the art we create, the verses that we emphasize, we assume that those are all biblical and universal." @KSPrior x @DavidAFrench
@KSPrior @DavidAFrench "#ChurchToo..has shown many leaders willing to cover up abuse in order to save the institution...That also gives [women] some sort of partnership with minorities, because they too are the victims of these power structures...Trump just sort of crystallized all that."
@KSPrior @DavidAFrench DF: You see some people say..."We talk about theology AT THE GUN RANGE," + it's this sort of performative ideological combat...the world's method of interacting...infecting the church + alienating people.

KSP: I actually think the gun range would be a better place than Twitter.
Read 4 tweets
28 Oct
"You and I all come to scripture with biased hermeneutics...To deny bias is to say, 'oh, I'm good. I'm acultural. I approach this neutrally, as if the Word was divinely inspired to my brain, which has had no experiences whatsoever.'" @DrCEdmondson
@DrCEdmondson "Paul is declaring the rock of our salvation physically standing on the rock of paganism...this legalism that props its head up and says, 'well, Christina, I don't want you read any social science books.' You know, 'can you only say words that I'm comfortable with?'"
@DrCEdmondson "I for one am not gonna trample on the blood of Christ by pretending I can't read books that I get the right to read...I've noticed something about the bias that lives here...something unique about people of color + about women when they read...what they're not supposed to."
Read 10 tweets
27 Oct
"What story will we tell our children?...that only bad things happen to bad people...that 'oh, he was really hopped up on PCP'...'if you comply, everything will be okay'? Or will we tell them, in its very root and very core, America has been a system of injustice?" @jtrob3
@jtrob3 "[God is] disgusted by a president that says 'if there's looting, there is shooting.'...if you know anyone that does not see that our president has a problem with in [sic] way he sees people, I don't think you should listen to that person anymore to be a voice for the Lord."
@jtrob3 "Creation groans with the pain of childbirth...reminds me of a podcast I listen to...Truth's Table, + they refer to themselves as 'midwives of culture.' Because as a pregnancy results into a life that's born, there needs to be someone that ushers that process along." @rasoolberry
Read 4 tweets

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