Now SurveyMonkey
use Model R > D in Nevada
Nevada: 10/1~10/28. 3,333 LV
REP 1,569 LV(47.07%) / DEM 1,515 LV(45.45%) /
IND 233 LV(6.99%)
(I guess they use with leaners model)
TargetSmart Early Voting Model 10/29
Oakland County, Michigan
Now D 44.8% R 42.3%. (2016. D 39.3% R 35.1%)
Considering Early Voting INDs Vote Dem more than Rep
R 42.3% means more likely to flip. + Elecion day factor #Michigan2020
TargetSmart Early Voting Model 10/29
Maricopa County, Arizona
R 46.9% / D 46.3%. R +0.6% Just flipped.
+ Elecion day factor, I guess
Maricopa County: Tilt~Lean Trump #Arizona2020#AZ2020#Maricopa