Four years ago at this time, the only REALLY enthusiastic Trump voters in Miami I knew were the older Cuban population, plus the Pro-Lifers. This year, there is wild energy for Trump.
My assessment is that the Dem's hard-left turn, with @JoeBiden signing up to commie @BernieSanders
plan to downgrade America scares the pants off Hispanics.
Hispanics have a strong survival instinct and they KNOW what a crappy life it is, when one lives in a socialist state where the only people who get ahead are the well-connected. Everyone else waits for the water and electricity to come back on.
4/ Hispanics have been denied the freedom to go to church, while the Dems have applauded the ravaging mobs that burn churches down.
The marxist antifa riots and the "mostly peaceful" marxist BLM protests have hurt Hispanic small businesses and wrecked their neighborhoods.
5/ Around here, the @JoeBiden signs are on the Range Rovers and the Teslas. (yes, Hispanics too)
But your average Hispanic knows that his great chance at the American dream will be stifled in the Dem's socialist crib. So he flies the @realDonaldTrump sign on his junker.
The people who exhibited the incredible bravery of coming to America and starting over, from the very bottom, new language, new everything, and are sweating their way to success, are not seeing the world through the same lens as the laptop liberal.
The Laptop liberal has enjoyed the lockdown. Same pay, no commute, kids in private school again. No boring parties and dinners, an excuse to be comfortable and do as much or as little as they want.
For poorer Hispanics, the lockdowns have been a heartbreaking disaster.
@JoeBiden 's basement-hugging plan to ride out #COVID19 only looks attractive to the gentry.
Hispanics know that they will be the ones bringing them their organic produce for PEANUTS, as they pick up instacart jobs while their real work goes to hell due to lockdowns.
9/ For Hispanics, America is a thing of beauty, an oasis of sanity in a dark, lunatic world.
Here, #Cops are your friends, they don't extort you on behalf of the local drug gang.
Here, you can get a public sector job, EVEN if you didn't vote 4 the current strongman
In America, the water comes out of your spigot. ALL THE TIME. And people are treated equally by the law.
In America, people in charge are kind to you. They know your papers aren't what they should be, but they let it slide.
Because they are generous.
In America, your daughters are safe from kidnapping and being trafficked across the porous border. You are safe from hunger and cold.
In America you can be proud of your country.
@JoeBiden doesn't know that this beautiful America of ours exists. He's been simmering in the Democratic party's self-hate soup for years.