So much media chatter about #WomenVoters in #Election2020. Except, if (white, non-college educated) women vote in large numbers for #Biden, doesn't that mean the story is really about why (some) men still love Trump? A Sunday 🧵on gender & the vote. ⤵️ 1/9
To begin, @kdittmar gets it right in this @nytimes piece: "To characterize the women’s vote as if it stands for a single ideology or agenda would be too simplistic...We would rarely make the same characterization for men.” (Follow her.) 2/9…
My piece in @SmithsonianMag makes a similar point: Clinton swept Black women, but narrowly lost white women; but w/in the group of white women, those who are educated, young and/or single broke for Clinton. Race & socioeconomic status matter. 3/9…
So Trump goes ahead & appeals to suburban white women, because if older, married and/or non-college educated white women abandon the #GOP ship.... 4/9…
But let's go back to men. Amazing folks at @CAWP_RU like @claire_gothreau are tracking polls' #gendergap (🙏). Recent poll: 58% white men support Trump vs 48% white women... and 25% non-white men like him, compared to 10% non-white women. Hello! 6/9…
So let's not let a good "#WomenVoters story" distract us from how GOP is becoming the party of disaffected men. There's some coverage on men voters gaining steam, using the hook of why non-white men support Trump, despite his racism. 7/9…
But here's where diversity *among men* matters (cf @kdittmar). Biden's support is not just due to winning (white) suburban women. He's won back Democratic-leaning (white) men who really, really, didn't like Clinton (cf "but her emails"). 8/9…
📢Today #Chile votes in a once-in-a-lifetime referendum that could make history for women & indigenous peoples, among other groups. A quick thread on why you should care & what you need to know, focusing on why #PlebiscitoChile matters for ♀️. ⤵️ 1/8
Today's ballot has Chileans three Qs: should the country hold a convention to write a new constitution? If so, should it be #ConvencionMixta, where the authors are half citizens + half members of Congress, or a #ConvencionConstituyente, where the authors are all citizens? 2/8
How did Chile get here? Read my explainer piece in @ConversationUS w/ Peter Siavelis. Very short answer: over a year of violent protest re: economic & social injustice --> "Chile shows what frustrated peoples in democracies achieve when they rise up." 3/8…
The Wall of Moms in Portland joins a long history of women activists using their maternal identities to shame and goad authoritarians. We can compare to #latinamerica. 1/5…
In #Argentina, for ex, authoritarian dictators claimed to defend the trad order, incl the family. When men security forces attacked women protesters, the activists revealed the regime's hypocrisy: they had attacked that which they claimed to defend. @labaldez@sufranceschet 2/5
In U.S. context, where white supremacy pretends to protect white women from men of color, the moms' Whiteness matters too. They wield both their gender and their race to contradict those who presume white women should be aligned against, not with, BLM, BIPOC, & Latinx. 3/5
In this @bostonreview piece, Shauna Shames & I argue not that democracy has failed women, but that democracy without women fails everyone. A Saturday thread about the awesome @womenalsoknow scholars whose work shaped our piece. 1/11…
Understanding the situation in Bolivia will require grappling with some serious contradictions that won't fit easy white & black narratives. 1/4
Evo Morales came to power in 2005 and ushered in series of reforms that truly benefited indigenous peoples. He was also a populist who modified the Constitution to stay in power after two terms. 2/4
He probably committed widespread fraud in the recent elections, where he was trying to win a fourth term. If reports are true that the military has intervened to force him from power today, and now is trying to find and arrest him, that's absolutely undemocratic. 3/4