Bakufem!Deku with Yakuza Boss Baku and college student Deku uwu

She was the cute barista at the coffee shop he loved to frequent. If he came out of a meeting while wiping another mans blood on his face, his chauffeur knew exactly where he wanted to go. Seeing Deku’s cute-
-face always made his day better, so he always made sure to tip her generously. It was especially nice after a bad meeting, seeing her smile always calmed him down.

“Good afternoon, Bakugou-san,” she’d smile at him as her boss cowered behind her, shaking as Katsuki smiled down-
-at the cute, oblivious barista. “Your usual?”

“Never get anything else,” he smirked as he got out the needed amount. Deku smiled and turned to make his drink, after which Katsuki slip 10000 yen onto the counter for the owner to take, giving him a harsh glare.
That tip money was for Deku only, and if he found out she didn’t get it, his protection fee was going up. The man was lucky Katsuki wasn’t adding his orders onto his fee, but he schooled his expression as Deku handed him his drink.
“Be careful, it’s hot!” she said as she handed him his drink.

“Thanks Deku,” he said as he slipped another 1000 yen into the tip jar.

“Thank you very much!” she chirped with an adorable smile. “Y’know Bakugou-san, if you came in at a more /consistent/ time, I’d be-
-able to have your drink ready for you beforehand,” she said with a slight pout.

“Eh, my work is pretty, chaotic,” he shrugged.

“Then I guess it can’t be helped,” she nodded. “Well, c’ya soon!”

“Later, Deku,” he waved as he stepped outside and into the backseat of his-
-car before being taken back to his home.

“You should just ask her out already,” his right hand man, Kirishima, said.

“/Hah/, like that’ll ever happen,” he laughed bitterly with a roll of his eyes. “Now shut the hell up, idiot.”
The next day when Katsuki went in to get his drink, he did not like what he saw.

“Oi, what’s up with you?” he asked Deku once he got to the front of the line to order.

“Oh, h-hi Bakugou-san,” she gave him a weak smile. “It’s just been one of those days, y’know?” Katsuki-
-felt his lips pull down in a scowl, but decided not to say anything. “A-anyway, your usual?” she asked, putting up a bright smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

“Sure,” he nodded as he stepped off to the side to wait for his order to be made.
He typed away at his phone as Deku switched to making drinks as someone else took over the register. As one patron, an old man in a suit, went up to collect their drink, he took one sip and then scowled at Deku.
“Hey! This coffee is all wrong!” he shouted, making Deku’s brows furrow upwards.

“I-I’m sorry, what can I do to fix it?” she asked, forcing a smile on her face.

“You could not be an incompetent bitch is what!” he shouted. “I demand a refund!”
“R-right away, if I can just have that-“

“Excuse you!? Do you know who I am!?” the man shouted as he raised his hand and made to slap Deku across the face, when Katsuki grabbed his wrist and squeezed. “What the fuck? Let me go or I-“
“Get out,” Katsuki growled, tightening his grip on the offenders wrist even tighter. “Get the fuck out now, and never come back if you know what’s good for you,” he said as he narrowed his eyes. The business man looked between him and the rest of the cafe and made to leave-
-when Katsuki yanked him back. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going!? Fucking apologize.”

“Wh-wha?” the man balked, looking at the teary eyed Deku. Katsuki spun his arm so it was twisted behind his back and forced him to bow.
“Apologize,” he repeated with a steal-hard voice, tightening his grip on him, “/now./” He already wanted to kill the bastard for raising his voice at Deku, he should feel fucking grateful.

“I-I’m very sorry,” the man squealed. Katsuki scoffed but let him go, watching as the-
-man stumbled out the door and took off down the street. Katsuki would have to have one of his men look into that bastard and get him fired. /Do you know who I am/ my ass. He looked back to Deku, who was being ushered into the back of the store, and followed after her.
He pushed the door open and saw her crying while being consoled by a coworker.

“You,” he snapped, making the other woman jump, “out.” She looked between the two and finally cowed when Katsuki’s glare intensified, and she bowed her head as she ducked past him, closing the door-
-behind them, leaving the two alone.

“Hey,” he said as Deku continued to stifle her sobs. “You alright?”

“B-Bakugou-san?” she sniffled, looking up at him with big, teary eyes. “Wh-what are you d-doing here?” she asked as she tried to compose herself, trying to blink her-
-tears away and smoothing out her hair.

“Checking on you,” he said as he slowly sat down beside her. “I’m sorry that asshole said that shit, I promise, it won’t happen again.”

“I-I appreciate that,” she said with a watery smile. “But, there’s nothing you can do.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” he muttered to himself before continuing. “But, is there anything you need? Anything you need at all?”

“Huh? O-oh, n-no, I’m sorry, I didn’t, I don’t, um, thank you but, well,” she stammered, her face turning red, making him smirk in amusement.
“Why don’t I take you to dinner?” he asked, making her eyes snap open in surprise.

“Hah!? Wh-you, with me!?” she squeaked, her face beet red. “Wh-but why!?”

“Because, I like you,” he smiled down at her, enjoying the blush on her cheeks. “So, how about it?”



Katsuki made sure to sweep Deku off her feet with that first dinner, getting them a private table in the corner of his favorite restaurant, with bodyguards stationed inconspicuously around the area as they ate. She looked a bit uncomfortable in the setting, but it was cute-
-seeing her fumble her way through dinner, and he loved learning more about her.

She was intelligent and passionate, also a huge nerd, but he loved seeing how her eyes lit up when she talked about something she loved. He learned she wanted to be a teacher, born out of a-
-desire and love for helping children. She even confided in him that she was heavily influenced by one of her teachers, who later married her mother, and his kindness had stuck with her. She was so damn pure, and he could only imagine how adorable she’d look in a cute-
-teachers outfit as she taught a roomful of brats, a bright smile on her face.

Of course, when she asked about him, he gave her a half lie and said he worked in business, which she seemed to happily accept. He wasn’t about to tell her he had a hold over half of Tokyo, and-
-could easily get anything he wanted with the snap of his fingers.

After dinner, he took her around town, and felt himself grow even more smitten when she seemed to prefer walking around the park together as opposed to the busy shopping districts, enjoying the fountain and-
-listening to the musicians that played there. It was so fucking adorable. What was even more adorable was how red she turned when he asked to kiss her at the end of the night when he had taken her home.
Her lips were a bit chapped, probably because she was always picking at them, but he fucking loved it.
In the weeks that followed, he constantly swung by to pester Deku at work, enjoying how pink she’d turn in the cheeks, but it was worth it to see the way she’d shyly draw a heart on his cup before filling it for him, and he’d walk out with a smirk on his face to his-
-car, slipping back inside with his hostage or back to a meeting. He’d text her while he and his men beat up a traitor or someone who owed him money, smiling as she sent him cute little smiley faces and emoticons.
She even started calling him “Kacchan” and /fuck/ did it make his heart soar.

And, much to her dismay, he began to get her things. She’d complain about her old phone being on the fritz, and a new one was waiting for her as she went into the break room, the newest make and-
-model with all the fancy additions available. She’d mention a pretty dress she’d seen, even if it was just in passing conversation, and she’d come home to find it waiting in a fancy bag on her front step.
Despite how expensive the gifts were, and despite his clear willingness to spend money on her, she always huffed and reprimanded him for spending money so carelessly on her. That she didn’t need all these fancy things, it was too much. But when he found out her mother was in-
-the hospital, and he paid to make sure she got the best care in the country, she merely accepted it all with a cute little pout and a small “thank you”.
His personal guard teased him relentlessly about it, and if they weren’t so damn good at their jobs, he’d’ve knocked their teeth in. He heard some of the lower level goons make snide comments about his ‘toy,’ and soon other extras would be cleaning their blood off the ground.
She wasn’t his /toy/, she was his darling Deku.

He hadn’t asked her out yet, but he planned on it, he just wanted to make it special. He would clear out a whole week so they could spend time together, and he’d make her fall head over heels for him. He was going-
-to /dazzle/ her, treat her like a fucking princess \, just the way she deserved.

Needless to say, he was fucking pissed when he went to her workplace to whisk her away, only to find out from her quivering boss that she hadn’t come in that day. He scoffed and headed to-
-her place, texting her that he was coming for her and she’d better be ready.

She didn’t answer the door. He, impatiently, had one of his personal guards, Jirou, pick the lock before barging into her place. Everything looked untouched, but it was too untouched. Something was off
When he found the note, he saw fucking /red/. He was literally shaking with rage as he turned and stalked out, leaving his men to scramble after him as he slid into the back of the car. He gave his driver the address and they drove off, Katsuki texting everyone he could about-
-the situation and to come /ASAP/ or else.

It was nighttime by the time they got to the warehouse, and he had his men drop him off so he could walk in by himself. Many of his lower level goons tried to get him to stay, and as he shot one of them in the head, he could see his-
-personal giving him concerned looks. But he didn’t need their fucking concern, he needed /Deku./ He stood outside, took a deep breath to quiet his anger, and stepped inside. On the direct opposite side of the warehouse, the man who Katsuki assumed to be the leader grinned at-
-him as he walked forward.

“So, you’ve finally come,” the dirty blond said, his sleazy, slimy voice making Katsuki’s skin crawl.

“Where is she?” he growled, fists clenching at his sides. The man before him, whose name Katsuki couldn’t even be bothered to remember, nodded-
-to one of his goons, and he slunk away into the shadows.

“You’re unarmed?” the other asked, cocking a brow at Katsuki.

“Yes I’m fucking unarmed,” he snapped.
“Touchy, are we?” the dirty blond leader asked, clearly amused with himself before gesturing to him with his chin. Two of his goons rushed forward to pat Katsuki down, and being none too gentle about it. He internally bemoaned the lose of his suit as they got their grubby, dirty-
-hands all over it, but he held his tongue.

“He’s unarmed, boss,” one of them said, making Katsuki roll his eyes.

“Good,” their boss nodded as they retreated. “Y’know, your little /toy/ is quite the spitfire.” As he spoke, the extra he had sent away came back, a struggling-
-Deku in tow, although now he seemed to be sporting a bloody nose.

“Little bitch is ballsy,” he grunted as Deku tried to get out of his hold.

“K-Kacchan!” she exclaimed, one of her eyes nearly swollen shut as she looked at him. “No, what’re you /doing/ here!?
Y-you shouldn’t be here, go!”

“Relax, Deku,” he said, trying to keep his voice even despite the anger bubbling inside him. They had put their fucking hands on her, they had hurt her! He was going to make them all pay. “I’m going to take care of it.”
“I’m surprised,” the leader went on, amusement loud in his tone. “I never expected the infamous Bakugou Katsuki to care so much for, well, such a plain looking girl like this.”

“Shut your fucking mouth,” he snarled. “I’m here, now let her go.”
“I don’t know,” the man chuckled, walking over to Deku and grabbing her cheeks, squeezing them as Katsuki’s blood boiled. As he spoke, he brought his face closer to her, saying, “she’s kinda fun to have around, even if-gyah!”
Katsuki’s brows shot up as the leader reeled back, clutching at his nose, and he noticed the blood dripping from Deku’s mouth. She, bit him!? Fuck, he didn’t know if he was aroused or pissed.

“You bitch!” the goon holding her yelled, sweeping her legs out from under her as-
-she collapsed to the ground, unable to break her fall due to her arms being restrained, and her cheek smacked against the concrete floor with a sickening crack, followed by a choked off wail as she was yanked back up. Tears were streaming down her face, and her cheek was-
-already starting to swell, he was going to fucking murder them! His men better fucking be in position.

“Ghh,” the leader hissed out through gritted teeth, wiping some blood on his cheap suit pants before pulling out his gun. “I’m gonna fucking kill you!”
“Stop!” Katsuki shouts, panic welling inside him as the muzzle of the gun was pointed right at Deku’s head. Deku, for her part, didn’t cry out in fear, though he could see her body shaking, and she was biting her lip so hard it was bleeding... though maybe that was the blood-
-from the leader’s nose. Thankfully, he drew the attention of all the men in the room.

Suddenly, gunshots rang out, and he felt fear race through him at the thought of Deku getting shot, but when one of the extras collapsed, blood spurting from his neck, he knew his men-
-had taken action. Without sparing another second, he tackled the leader to the ground, his knees colliding harshly into the concrete as he broke the man’s wrist and disarmed him.

“You bastard,” he roared, grabbing the man by his neck and squeezing. “You’re going to regret-
-ever even /thinking/ about putting your fucking hands on her!” He tightened his grip around the gurgling man and began to bash his head into the concrete, blood and brain matter splattering as his skull fractured and broke.
Soon enough, he was just a twitching, unrecognizable mess, and then he heard Deku let out a shriek, followed by a gunshot.

“Deku!” he shouted, whipping his head around to see a gun falling from her shaking hands.
“F-fuck,” she whispered as she collapsed to her knees at the feet of the dead man before her as Katsuki’s own followers poured into the warehouse. He hurried over to her, unbuttoning his jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders.
“Deku, are you alright?” he asked, pulling her closer to him, trying to get her to stop shaking.

“I shot him,” she choked out, beginning to heave.

“Hey, hey, take a deep breath,” he soothed, rubbing up and down her back as she gagged and then threw up. “It’s okay, it’s okay.”
“Boss,” Kirishima called out as he approached. “We’ve got a doctor we can take her to, you alright?”

“H-hospital,” Deku gasped out, grabbing onto Katsuki’s sleeve. “T-take me to a hospital.” The others in the room went silent as they all turned to Katsuki. If they took her-
-to the hospital, she could snitch on them, tell the police everything about their operation, about what happened, but Katsuki didn’t fucking care.

“You fucking heard her,” he snarled, “get me a fucking car!”
Katsuki didn’t see her for a couple days while she was in the hospital, but he made sure everything was being paid for and that she had the best care. She had a black eye, a fracked cheekbone, a dislocated shoulder, and several internal and external bruising, but she should-
-make a full recovery. He wanted to visit her, but he was sure she wanted nothing to do with him, but he couldn’t stay away. He got a bouquet of flowers and walked through the front doors, past the nurses who knew who he was and up to Deku’s room.
He hesitated before walking into her room, but he felt like they needed to talk, so he steeled his nerves, and knocked on her door.

“Come in,” her voice called through the door, and Katsuki stepped inside.
“Hey, Deku,” he said, his stomach turning as he saw her. The swelling had gotten worse, half her face was black and blue, her eye was still swollen shut, and she was hooked up to too many machines for his liking, but she was sitting up and breathing.
“Oh, Kacchan,” she said, her brows raising slightly as he came in, closing the door behind him, and she huffed out a laugh. “Are those for me?”

“Uh, yeah,” he nodded, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “How are you feeling?” he asked gently, setting the flowers down-
-on one of the counters as he stood by her.

“Well,” she sighed, a weary look on her face. “I’m not great, to be honest, but, nothing I can’t recover from,” she smiled at him, though it wasn’t nearly as vibrant as it should have been.
“I’m glad that I could check up on you one last time,” he nodded, trying to muster up a smile.

“Last time?” she asked, confusion in her eye. “What do you mean?”
“C’mon,” he scoffed, “no way you’d want to be around me now, after all that shit happened.” To his surprise, she merely pouted at him.

“You shouldn’t make assumptions about people,” she mumbled.

“Y-you can’t be serious,” he stammered as she took the flowers and turned them-
-over in her hands.

“I,” she paused, focusing on a rose petal she was rubbing between her thumb and forefinger. “I like you, a lot, Kacchan, and, as long as I don’t have to kill anyone, I... y’know,” she mumbled, a slight blush on her cheeks.
He reached a hand out and gently cupped her chin, turning her head to face him.

“Can I kiss you?” he asked. She nodded, and he leaned down to press his lips to hers. They were slightly chapped, but he didn’t care. His lips massaged against hers, and she let out a slight-
-sigh, prompting him to cup the back of her neck as he pressed even more firmly against hers. He wanted to keep kissing her, but he didn’t want to aggravate her injuries, so he, reluctantly, pulled away. They parted only an inch or so, smiling gently at one another before-
-Deku giggled and they rested their foreheads together.

“It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve kissed,” she laughed gently as he huffed.

“I was going to ask you out on the day you got,” he trailed off, anger bubbling up inside of him at the mere thought.
“Hey, it’s over now,” she sighed, putting a hand over his.

“I wish you hadn’t shot the fucker who hurt you,” he said, his brows furrowing. “I wanted to make him pay.” Deku went quiet and ducked her head, a small tremor going through him.
“K-Kacchan,” she spoke shakily, tears brimming in her eyes. “I can’t, I killed someone,” she sobbed. “And, and I can’t tell anyone! I-I feel like i-it’s eating me up inside.”

“Hey,” he soothed, brushing some of her hair behind her ear as he sat down beside her. “It’s okay. You-
-didn’t do anything wrong, he was a bastard.”

“B-but that’s no excuse!” she exclaimed hysterically, her cries making his gut wrench. “I-I shouldn’t, I had no right to-!”

“You were defending yourself,” he insisted, pulling her close as she shook with cries. “Hey, I have a-
-good therapist on my payroll, sworn to secrecy, you can talk to him. It’ll be alright,” he promised, pressing a kiss to her temple as she burrowed into his side.



It was a bit rough after Deku was released from the hospital, but Katsuki was with her through every step. He /insisted/ that she live with him, to keep her safe under his own roof, and she agreed. He tried to get her to quit her job, but apparently the work helped her deal-
-with the trauma, and the therapist encouraged it, so he begrudgingly let her do it. But he insisted that he have one of his men keep watch. Each time he had his personal guards rotate, he didn’t trust anyone else with her safety, and apparently she endeared them to her.
Of course she did.
After she got off of work, he would be waiting to pick her up and bring her home. She’d babble on about her day while Katsuki hoped and prayed that she didn’t notice the blood on his suit. On some nights, they’d just curl up on her couch and watch hero movies, while other-
-nights, he’d take her on a helicopter ride over the city. They’d visit antique shops and book stores in the daylight, and then go fine dining in the evening. The only time she actually asked him for something was for him to take her to America for a trip. He rolled his eyes at-
-her as she fangirled over the cliche American tourist traps, but they made her happy. Although, he flat out refused to buy her /any/ of those “I ❤️ whatever” shirts, he absolutely would not tolerate that, which made Deku pout, but she didn’t fight it.
He made sure to fulfill her every wish and desire, and now that they were dating, he turned it up a notch. He started buying her jewelry, gold and silver that glittered against her freckled skin. He loved to fasten necklaces around her neck, especially when she moved the hair-
-away from her nape so it wouldn’t get tangled. He wanted to kiss and bite her there, but he didn’t want to push her. He would fasten beautiful bracelets around her ankles that jangled as she walked, he wanted to nibble at her skin, it looked so fucking good.
He’d buy her lovely earrings, very much pleased when she got her ears pierced again to accommodate more of the jewelry.

“I’ve always wanted to get more piercings,” she admitted with a shy giggle, her cheeks red as he cupped her face, brushing a thumb over her skin.
He leaned down to kiss her, making her gasp in surprise as she stood on her tip toes to kiss back. Her lips were less chapped nowadays due to the lip balm he made her wear, now she tasted like sweet fruit. And he couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted to badly to put his hands on-
-her, so so badly, but she hadn’t told him he could yet. She hadn’t told him not to, but she hadn’t explicitly said yes, and he wasn’t about to pressure her to do anything, lest he scare her off. Of course, one could reason that if the getting kidnapped hadn’t turned her-
-away, nothing would, but still.

One night, he and Deku were curled up on his couch together up in his penthouse suite, watching a movie on his huge flatscreen TV. She was snuggled up against him, wearing one of his old t-shirt, and it was so big that it hung around her petite-
-frame, although, she wasn’t so petite anymore. She was still on the smaller side, but he’d insisted on buying her dinner all the time, as well as getting her deserts and all sorts of delicious goodies, which caused her to gain a bit of weight, not that he minded, it just made-
-him want to dig his fingers into her even more. She yawned and snuggled deeper into his chest, throwing her leg over his lap, showing off her beautifully freckled skin.
“Mm,” she hummed, digging her fingers into his shirt as her shirt rode up across her thighs to show the frill of her panties. Fuck, she wasn’t wearing shorts, fuck. He felt himself squirm beside her, his pants suddenly feeling tighter than before, fuck.
“Kacchan?” she asked, looking up at him curiously. “Stop squirming,” she giggled.

“You’re making it hard,” he gritted out as he bit into his hand to try and calm down.

“Hmm? Good,” she giggled, putting a hand on his thigh, making his eyes widen.
“You little shit,” he growled, making her smile impishly at him. He’d make her regret that. He pinned her down onto the couch and ravaged her, making her scream and squeal as he pounded into her pussy. Her cries echoed off the walls as he fucked her, pulling her head back as-
-he marked up her throat, digging his fingers into her thighs as he pushed them open to watch as his cock plunged into her tight pussy. He loved listening to her cry as he fucked her, babbling and begging for more of his dick inside of her. He fucked her until she couldn’t-
-move, resulting in her being a fucked out, red, crying mess of pleasure. Once she was barely coherent, he scooped her up and carried her to the master bathroom, filling up the tub and climbing inside with her, where he proceeded to clean them both off.
“Mm,” Deku whined, sloshing the water as she turned to lie better against his chest.

“Let me finish cleanin’ you off, baby,” he cooed as she whined again.

“Ugh, I’m gonna regret this in the morning,” she groaned.
“Shouldn’t have teased me, brat,” he chuckled as she pouted up at him.

“S’not my fault you were taking too long,” she mumbled.
“I didn’t want to pressure you,” he said, tucking his finger under her chin and lifting it up. “And besides, I didn’t even know if you wanted to have sex with me.”
“How could I not?” she asked as she looked away, her chubby cheeks red with embarrassment as she traced meaningless patterns into his chest. “Kacchan’s so cool and handsome, of course I’d want to do everything with you.”
“Well,” he purred, lifting her chin up once again so he could kiss her swollen lips, “we have time for /everything/ later. Right now, let’s get you to bed.” She nodded and the two got out, and he had to resist ravaging her once again as she bundled up in a big, soft towel.
However, they got dressed without incident, and then curled up tightly against one another, with Deku’s face resting comfortably on his chest where she quickly fell asleep. He didn’t fall asleep as fast, but he didn’t mind.
He spent who knows how long just watching her sleep. Her cheek was all squished on his chest, and her mouth was hanging open so that a little bit of drool was escaping. He smiled as he used one of his fingers to play with one of her curls, they were so light and springy, he-
-loved to watch them bounce. She snored, but just a bit, the sound so soft it was little more than her normal breathing. He couldn’t believe how much he was in love with her, it scared him a little bit, if he was being honest... he wanted to be with her all the time, and he-
-was terrified of letting her out of his sight. He had many enemies after all, and she’d already been kidnapped once, he didn’t know what he’d do if she got hurt. But no way was he letting her go, he’d protect her with his life, come hell or high water, no matter what.

I hope you all enjoyed this!! I feel like I’m not very good at writing accidental sugar daddy/baby stuff, but I liked this!!

If you’d like more, please consider donating to my kofi!!

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4 Nov
#bkdk time Quirk shenanigans where future Katsuki gets sent back in time to their days at UA. The baku and deku of that time still haven’t acknowledged their feelings for each other, but Adult Katsuki knows that he had a crush on Deku at that time.

So of course he has some fun
In his time, he and Deku are engaged, and they know each other intimately. Katsuki knows everything about his Deku, and he decides that this would be the perfect time to make his cute nerd feel appreciated. He always did regret how he treated Deku, too stubborn and-
-prideful to admit his feelings. Deku deserved better, and hey, maybe the younger him would grow the balls to make a move.

So, Katsuki treated younger Deku how he treated his Deku, within reason of course. He made sure to make Deku’s favorite food, drinking in-
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3 Nov
I know this is ooc but I love the idea of #bkdk where Baku gets really excited over stupid little things. His and Deku’s hands brushing together, having an indirect kiss, Deku texting him about anything and everything. He keeps it on the inside of course, but inside you better-
-believe he’s yelling with joy and trying to keep his cool. He doesn’t want Deku to think he’s uncool, so he stays stoic and calm, even when Deku’s doing the most adorable shit. Talking about the newest comic he got, a new hero he’d discovered and their Quirk, the way he-
-smiles so happily when he solved a problem he’d been dealing with. Katsuki was constantly having to resist grabbing his adorable boyfriend’s face anytime he was being too cute, which was all the time in Katsuki’s mind. Everything his nerd does is illegally sweet, it-
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27 Oct
#bkdk #kinktober Day 27: breeding
Bkdk A/B/O , mating press , hybrid , text , do not repost
Pleas consider supporting me on kofi!!
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26 Oct
#bkdk #kinktober Day 26: filming ft. femdeku Image
Based off of the exclusive fic I wrote on P*treon, maybe give it a look? (Sneak peek)

Being a cam girl was not where Izuku thought she’d find herself, but she wasn’t exactly complaining. The money was good, she always had her Amazon wishlist bought out, and her confidence-
-had skyrocketed. So many people thought she was sexy and paid to see her touching herself, how could she not feel good about herself? She also liked that she had some people (mostly women) commenting on how her show helped them be more confident about their bodies.
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29 Sep
Bkdk Gods AU where Izuku is a new god and keeps getting glared at by a god of war named Katsuki. Izuku thinks the blond hates him when in all actuality Baku really likes him but he’s too emotionally constipated to do anything but glare and hopes he gets the hint
Dk: Kirishima-kun? Who is that? *points to baku*

Kr: oh! That’s Katsuki! He’s a god of war!

Bk: *glaring from afar*

Dk: um, I think he hates me

Kr: no! That’s just his “I’m in love face”

Dk: ????
Dk: hello! My name is Izuku!

Bk *panicking*: tch, fuck off, stupid Deku

Dk: I-it’s Izuk-


Dk: eep! *runs away*

Bk *to himself*: omg I talked to him
Read 9 tweets
29 Sep
Bkdk with werewolf Baku, and Deku had no idea, so one day he walks into their bedroom so see Baku just finishing his transformation, looking over at Deku in shock. Deku looks down to see Baku’s tongue slightly out and can’t help but start laughing.
He kind of just shrugs and accepts that this is his boyfriend right now and he’ll ask questions later.

“Um, you hungry?” he asked, giggling as Kacchan’s tail began to wag.

Deku quickly decides that he loves werewolf Kacchan, he’s so cute and silly!
He can’t really vocalize well, but he’s still the bratty Kacchan he knows, maybe just a little nicer and more affectionate. He likes pressing up against Deku for cuddles and whines happily as he’s called a “good and handsome boy”
Read 4 tweets

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