He named the girl, Jyoti!! Soberan worked hard day and night and did not let her feel the lack of anything. He sent her to school and did everything he could to fulfill her needs. Even if he had to remain hungry, he never let his daughter fall short of anything.
Years passed by... and Jyoti graduated in Computer Science in 2013. She started preparing for competitive exams.
In 2014, Jyoti performed brilliantly in the examination conducted by the Assam Public Service Commission and was appointed the Assistant Income Tax Commissioner!!!
Soberan's eyes welled with tears on seeing his daughter fulfilling her dream.
Presently, Jyoti is taking good care of her father and is fulfilling all his wishes.
That's Soberan & his daughter, Assistant Commissioner Jyoti!
The Govt. is preparing the rules for the listing of unlisted companies in foreign jurisdictions so that it becomes possible for start-ups & MSMEs to raise capital abroad.
MCA wants keep threshold for direct foreign listing at a level that is attractive and feasible for companies. The plan is to allow such listing in 8 jurisdictions to begin with i.e. USA, UK, France, Japan, South Korea, Germany & Canada.
22 year old, fresh engineer on her way to work on a bike taking a turn under a bridge is crushed by a lorry coming from wrong side. She gets proper medical care only after 9 hr of the accident & doctors have to amputate one of her leg to save her.
A bright girl Manasi excelled in both studies and sports. Lived life to fullest and was on her way to live her dream.
2019, exactly after 8 years of her accident, she is crowned No. 1 para badminton player in the world defeating her country mate in Switzerland.
In between
As badminton was something she played as part of rehabilitation, she picked it up as her passion & slowly opportunities kept unfolding.
And now, Barbie, has released One Of A Kind (OOAK) doll dedicating her willpower & mental strength.
19 जुलाई
इतिहास स्मृति
जलियांवाला के प्रतिशोधी ऊधमसिंह 🙏
ऊधमसिंह का जन्म ग्राम सुनाम (जिला संगरूर, पंजाब) में 26दिसम्बर, 1899 को सरदार टहलसिंह के घर में हुआ था। मात्र दो वर्ष की अवस्था में ही इनकी माँ का और सात साल का होने पर पिता का देहान्त हो गया @_Krantikari@PunjabTourisms
ऐसी अवस्था में किसी परिवारजन ने इनकी सुध नहीं ली। गली-गली भटकने के बाद अन्ततः इन्होंने अपने छोटे भाई के साथ अमृतसर के पुतलीघर में शरण ली। यहाँ एक समाजसेवी ने इनकी सहायता की।
19 वर्ष की तरुण अवस्था में ऊधमसिंह ने 13 अपै्रल, 1919 को बैसाखी के पर्व पर जलियाँवाला बाग,
अमृतसर में हुए नरसंहार को अपनी आँखों से देखा। सबके जाने के बाद रात में वे वहाँ गये और रक्तरंजित मिट्टी माथे से लगाकर इस काण्ड के खलनायकों से बदला लेने की प्रतिज्ञा की। कुछ दिन उन्होंने अमृतसर में एक दुकान भी चलायी। उसके फलक पर उन्होंने अपना नाम ‘राम मोहम्मद सिंह आजाद’ लिखवाया था।
1) An enterprise for purpose of this process will be known as Udyam & its Regn Process will be known as 'Udyam Registration'. 2) Permanent registration no will be given after registration. 3) After completion of the process of registration, a certificate will be issued online.
4) Certificate will have dynamic QR Code from which web page on the portal & details about the enterprise can be accessed. 5) No need for renewal of Registration. 6) Help of single window systems at Champions Control Rooms/ DICs in the process. 7) Registration is totally free.
भारत में जिन महिलाओं का जीवन आदर्श, वीरता, त्याग तथा देशभक्ति के लिए सदा याद किया जाता है, उनमें रानी अहल्याबाई का नाम प्रमुख है। उनका जन्म 31 मई, 1725 को ग्राम छौंदी (अहमदनगर, महाराष्ट्र) में एक साधारण कृषक परिवार में हुआ था।
इनके पिता श्री मनकोजी राव शिन्दे परम शिवभक्त थे। अतः यही संस्कार बालिका अहल्या पर भी पड़े। एक बार इन्दौर के राजा मल्हारराव होल्कर ने वहां से जाते हुए मन्दिर में हो रही आरती का मधुर स्वर सुना। वहां पुजारी के साथ एक बालिका भी पूर्ण मनोयोग से आरती कर रही थी।
उन्होंने उसके पिता को बुलवाकर उस बालिका को अपनी पुत्रवधू बनाने का प्रस्ताव रखा। मनकोजी राव भला क्या कहते; उन्होंने सिर झुका दिया। इस प्रकार वह आठ वर्षीय बालिका इन्दौर के राजकुंवर खांडेराव की पत्नी बनकर राजमहलों में आ गयी।
इन्दौर में आकर भी अहल्या पूजा एवं आराधना में रत रहती।
1) Tulsi for tinea cruris and ring worm infection. Tulsi has anti fungal properties. Take 10 fresh leaves of holy basil & crush to extract juice. Mix a pinch of neem powder or turmeric powder to this & apply over affected skin area. Do this for 10 days time.
2) Respiratory support: Tulsi is very effective in the treatment of various respiratory diseases, including chronic and acute bronchitis. Immunomodulating properties of Tulsi helps against cough.
With its antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal activities, Tulsi helps in the management of respiratory infections. Anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties Tulsi help in the treatment of allergic diseases of the airways. @AyushmanNHA@PypAyurved@vpkmapi@AyurvedicInst