One day, Eric decided to tweet about the idea of creating a Navalmanack.
The tweet went viral with tons of people saying he should do it and even @naval himself responded and gave the project a green light.
3) Seek Wealth Not Status
Don’t confuse wealth (having money) with status (being famous).
You can have a large following (high status) but if you don’t have a business or monetize that audience, you won’t be wealthy.
It’s better to be rich & anonymous than poor & famous.
4) To Get Rich Own Equity
When you trade your time for money, you only earn when you’re working.
But if you own equity, you can make money even when you’re sleeping or on vacation.
Equity can be:
• Owning a business
• Earning sweat equity
• Buying public shares
5) Use Leverage To Create Wealth
There are 3 main forms of leverage:
• Capital: using money as a multiplier
• Labor: using people to get more done
• Products with zero marginal cost: creating one product and selling it an infinite number of times
6) To Get Wealthy, Productize Yourself
Find something you enjoy doing and become an expert in that domain.
Create a product using the specific knowledge you’ve acquired over time.
It can be a book, app, course, etc. and now sell it to as many people as possible.
7) Happiness Is A Skill
Happiness is something that can be learned, it's not easy but it's possible.
See the world as fixed and yourself as malleable, not the other way around.
You can’t choose what happens to you, but you can choose how to respond to what happens to you.
8) To Be Happier, Mediate
Meditation is like intermittent fasting for the mind.
Meditation can be:
• Sitting
• Hiking
• Journaling
• Anything that gets you alone with your thoughts
A lot of unresolved issues will come to you. Work towards getting to a mental inbox zero.
Check out this great quote about reading from writer Lin Yutang:
"Compare the difference between the life of a man who does no reading and that of a man who does. The man who has not the habit of reading is imprisoned in his immediate world...
His life falls into a set routine; he is limited to contact and conversation with a few friends and acquaintances, and he sees only what happens in his immediate neighborhood. From this prison there is no escape.
But the moment he takes up a book, he immediately enters a different world, and if it is a good book, he is immediately put in touch with one of the best talkers of the world.