@ClimateOfGavin@alicebell The next National Climate Assessment, the federal government’s most definitive and comprehensive report on climate change and its consequences for the United States, will be directed by atmospheric scientist Betsy Weatherhead.
@ClimateOfGavin@alicebell WaPo: Weatherhead "accepts human-induced climate change is happening and is a serious physical, ecological and economic threat."
@ClimateOfGavin@alicebell Here's the problem: "Picked by Kelvin Droegemeier, director of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy and a Trump appointee, Weatherhead is to be formally brought into the government as part of the career civil service..."
@ClimateOfGavin@alicebell Sad, but not surprising to see Trump admin. fail once again to challenge National Climate Assessment. Kelvin Droegemeier strikes again. Poor pick for Trump.
@ClimateOfGavin@alicebell Droegemeier has proven to be a wasted pick for Trump. He is a science bureaucrat best known for dodging any opportunity to go on record with his views on climate. He clearly does not want to be associated with any Admin. that would dare challenge so-called climate ‘consensus.’
@ClimateOfGavin@alicebell I guess it does not matter much now. Trump admin lost a historic opportunity to challenge the scientific claims made by National Climate Assessment, IPCC, etc. And all of Trump's overturning of Obama's climate policies will be reversed in the coming year. climatedepot.com/2019/07/10/tru…
@ClimateOfGavin@alicebell What an additional punch in the eye by Trump admin to climate skeptics & science to pick a "mainstream" scientists (as WaPO describes Weatherhead) to lead National Climate Assessment.
@ClimateOfGavin@alicebell Here is past National Climate Assessment that Trump admin allowed. A disgrace. Fed climate con job: Obama’s UN Paris negotiator & green activists helped prepare dire federal climate report climatedepot.com/2018/11/29/upd…
‘Serfdom & misery’: ‘The Great Reset’ – A ‘fascist experiment being pushed by controlling elitists’ climatedepot.com/2020/10/11/ser…
The most important read of the day!
"Stripped of the propaganda, the Great Reset is not new. It’s another fascist experiment being pushed by controlling elitists. Economic growth and social mobility must be subordinate to the collective."
Students have been punished for “refusal to wear a mask or face covering in public, non-adherence to Penn State’s quarantine/isolation guidelines, and failure to observe guidance that strictly moderates gatherings both on and off campus,”
204 have been placed on probation or probation with a transcript notation, which is reserved for multiple or more serious offenses; and 10 have been issued suspensions from the University,
Dr. Birx warns of 'troubling signs' in northeast after new upticks in COVID-19 cases | Daily Mail Online - dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8…
More troubling signs that we need to ignore what our govemnent is saying!
"To avoid a repeat of their disastrous springs, state and local officials around the northeast have begun tighten restrictions on business and schools, as well as the use of outdoor spaces."
NEJM: "China, faced with the first outbreak, chose strict quarantine and isolation after an initial delay. These measures were severe but effective"
Morano Response: Locking people in their homes in dramatic fashion while being filmed for drama is not "effective."
Morano: It is awesome that the U.S. did not have China's "Strict quarantine and isolation" It's amazing you ignore Sweden's rational & scientific approach of avoiding lockdowns!
They are getting richer during an economic collapse they helped create with insane COVID lockdowns. 'Disaster Capitalism'
Flashback June 2020: World Economic Forum Chairman Schwab: ‘We need a Great Reset of capitalism’ due to COVID – Virus has given ‘opportunity’ for ‘equality & sustainability’ & fighting climate climatedepot.com/2020/09/20/fla…
It’s OVER, Yet The Coronadoom Corpse Walks On: Coronavirus Update XXXIV – William M. Briggs - wmbriggs.com/post/32799/
Statistician Dr. Matt Briggs: "Testing is already at stupid levels, but it is scheduled to increase. This can make a dead epidemic seem still alive. Testing will make coronadoom zombies."
Briggs: "Florida released their fear and the Michigan Supreme Court quashed Governor Whitmer’s forever-extended State of Emergency. There hasn’t been anything even resembling an emergency for months."