We are through with the review of the really amazing book for October, "WHOLENESS" by @toureroberts 😪It was indeed a very beautiful and essential journey..
Just before we draw the curtains..
Chapter 12 is on Testing Wholeness.
How do you know you are whole?
How do you know you are growing?
How do you determine if you have moved forward?
Here are three ways:
1) Inner sufficiency.
This defines you and tell you you are enough. You don't need anyone to validate you.
You are content with who you are, where you are and reaching for more.
Wholeness heals neediness!💜
2) Adequacy:
This tells you you are enough also.
You are satisfied and proud of who you are.
3) Generosity:
You don't hoard information or resources. Love is abundant.
Poverty mindset goes!
Some things might stand on the journey to wholeness.
Forgive that person and let it go.
When others are doing better than you. How do you handle it? Confront it.
Examine the root cause and fight it. You are enough!
Jealousy Hack: Pray for the person you are jealous of and celebrate the person greatly!!!😇🤗🤗
Tell that green eyed something that, "I know you're here but I won't let you ruin me because I'm going to pick myself up and do better for myself."
Pastor T says it's been an honour to take us on this journey to wholeness and why we can't all scream Thank You sir for your tremendous help as he is not with us now.
Here are we saying THANK YOU SIR! @toureroberts
We do not take this wealth of wisdom for granted 🙏❤
It's imperative we continue on grow journey and carry others along as well.
He also gave a link freely to help us know if we are truly whole.
We end this book but not our journey to wholeness with a prayer from our beloved Pastor Toure Roberts.
May the Lord bless and keep you. May he make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May he lift up his countenance upon you, and grant you shalom. Peace and wholeness to you.
Thank you joining us!
Expect the book for November😉
Here are some snippets from our book review.
"Wholeness" by @toureroberts reviewed by @TheDebrah_
Chapter 9 talks about taking it step by step.
The journey of wholeness doesn't end till we die, as broken versions of ourselves will arise here and there.
Wholeness is not instant, we go through different stages on our way to it. These stages can also be called changes as we are changing different dialogues.
The journey to wholeness is hard.
Submit to change and don't resist it..
It's only then that a lot will change and with profits in the long run.
When we seek to update ourselves, we no longer become altered but defined. This process only begins to come into play when we have submitted to change.
Submit, for the most beautiful you is yet to be born.