If you're worried about Kamala Harris's history with stomping on sex worker rights @SWOPPHILLY and @safephila could use your donations and volunteer hours.
If you want to support somewhere a little south of Philly, but in Biden's home state, @FnbWilmington is always taking donations, plus I work with them and can vouch that they are AMAZING fucking people. Again, Food Not Bombs is one of my favorite orgs.
This thread is for anyone who wants to get more involved in community organizing, whether you were radicalized today, four years ago, or twenty years ago.
If you're doing the work, you're doing the work.
Mutual Aid Philly, for ... mutual aid in Philly. Hooray!
Y'all have seen my constant nattering on fash and alt-whiters getting mad about the "meltdowns" I've written for V5 and CtL2e and other, similar, games. Those same lads have melted down over @ShannaGermain 's Consent In Gaming.
It's pretty easy to dismiss them, most of the time. The backlash bois down to "BUT MY FREE SPEECH" and misses the critical point that these are SUGGESTIONS and writers do not have the resources or the desire to be table cops
Look, if you hurt your friends, it's on you
If I make fun of you, it's not because you won't use the safety rules. It's because you've taken something that is meant to be an optional splat, like Libris Mortis or Races of the Wild for D&D 3.5, and turned it into "THE SJWS ARE COMING TO TAKE MY FUN HOW DO WE STOP THEM"
Happy Valentine's Day. Zak has posted his statement, so I'm responding with some of my favorite anti-abuse resources. #AbuseIsNotAGame
For all y'all visual learners: The Duluth Model wheels. I've attached an image of the Power and Control Wheel. theduluthmodel.org/wheel-gallery/
The National Domestic Violence Hotline has some great definitions of abuse, as well as explaining the Power and Control wheel in further detail. thehotline.org/is-this-abuse/…
Lundy Bancroft's profiles of abusers, reproduced in this Facebook note with his permission.
Some people asked for a continuation of my #LessWrong abuse thread. Some people told me I was polluting Kathy's legacy and twisting her words. Some people said I made up my abuse, that I threw in Michael Vassar and Andrew Rettek to get more views.
So I guess I'm continuing.
Before I go on, I wanted to thank @davidgerard at @RationalWiki and the folks at r/Sneer Club for helping propagate Kathy's note. I also want to thank @bi_gendian for being an amazing co-spear carrier and friend.
I also want to include links to some of Kathy's works before I talk about my own abuse some more. Her note is what allowed me to come out publicly in a way that could be spread.
#LessWrong and Effective Altruism are cults. I was abused by both Michael Vassar/Arc and Andrew Rettek, both of whom used @slatestarcodex 's writings to emotionally torture me.
Sarah Constantin, who assisted in my abuse, Keller Scholl who tried to step on my boundaries to prove he was cool, his girlfriend who named herself after the wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus but made it very clear I was dangerous because I disagreed...
Ray Arnold the wannabe cult leader, Thomas Eliot who got physically angry at people if they weren't pretty enough to be around him, Eliezer Yudkowsky who kept brilliant women as his "math pets".