Good News *but*:
- Pfizer's claims aren't yet scientific evidence
- "Effective" doesn't mean "safe"
- "Placebo" vaccine may be alerting immune system & "flattering" vaccine
- Trial only half complete
- 43,000 not enough to cover all groups for safety…
(Note on "Too few": To declare a vaccine "safe & effective", it must work on every racial type (~10), at every age group (8), for both sexes (2) & despite major underlying conditions (20) - & when you combine them, with "significant" numbers in each, you need 10x more volunteers)
(1/2 Why does it matter? Well, what if the vaccine is approved & after a year in use we find that it protected the general working population (age 0-60) *except for doctors, nurses, vets & teachers of BAME ethnicity* (all of whom are exposed to high viral loads)...?)
I went out over the last few days & used public transport (1st time since March), & saw large shops outside my normal small neighborhood.
I must report its *not looking good...*
There's no doubt in my mind cases will rocket.
People *need* an infomercial on masks!
What I saw:
2/4 - No distancing in bus queues
- No masks, gloves, sanitiser
- Masks (disposable, used, grubby) retieved grudgingly from pockets as bus arrived & hung round ears.
- Masks mostly down round chins as bus pulled out
- *Everyone* touched *every pole & seat* as they went in & out
3/4 - Everyone clustered around lights waiting to cross to shops. No Masks.
- Same grubby, well-used, disposable masks hooked loosely on ears to enter food stores
- Sanitiser ignored
- People using contaminated hands to touch *every* tin, packet & item, then put it back...
Medicines in the UK come from a range of bulk suppliers - there are only 3 or 4 main ones.
As we know from anecdotal evidence, many medicines are already in short supply & this *will* worsen after #NoDealBrexit.
Here is the latest list of those medicines *currently* affected.
This is a really important point... some of those medicines *are* addictive, & withdrawal effects from sudden removal (or incorrect substitution) can be dangerous & unpredictable...