Anyone who sees everything through race or has allowed it to oppress them doesn't know or believe The Written Word.
For those who know Yahweh:
*Jesus always causes us to triumph
*He's given us authority to trample on serpents, scorpions & over all the power of the enemy
*Yahweh is no respecter of persons, anyone willing to seek Him diligently & in faith will be rewarded
*In The Kingdom of Yahweh finances are based on sowing/reaping aka giving and being blessed
*Everyone in this generation has full access to The Word so no one has an excuse not
not to prosper, be healed, be exceedingly blessed. Yes, the unseen enemy will fight you, but if you go back to my first point, you always win.
*The number 2 negative representation is division/divorce, those aren't godly things, they're demonic aspects.
*In Yeshua there's no Jew,
gentile, male or female. When we separate by those things we're doing the opposite of what Yeshua is all about.
*The only ppl Believers are to be separate from is unbelievers when it comes to covenant - light & dark have no business together.
*We're to be holy as our Father is
holy and those are about the only separations we're to make.
*The Word also warns us that people will be deceived by doctrine of demons in the latter days and we see that increasingly.
*Stick to The Word and The Godhead and don't get caught up trying to build an audience. An
audience is not worth your soul. Hell and demonic torment is real.
There are other things in The Word that debunk his statements about #whitesupremacy but that's about all I can pull out of the top of my noggin.
Father, I ask in Yeshua's Name that you call to account today
everyone claiming your Name but not being submitted to You. Show them explicitly how You vomit out the lukewarm & turn away workers of iniquity who at death say they worked in Your Name. Judgment begins with The Church. I ask this by faith & seal it by Holy Spirit. Amen.
The LORD is in His Holy Temple. Let all the Earth keep silent before Him!
For those walking in The Fear of The LORD, I bless you in Yeshua's Name.
Abba, You are Holy, Magnificent & greatly to be praised. Your Glory is a hiding place and Your Throne is established on Righteousness and Justice. Your Great Name is to be reverenced and Your Presence Awe-Inspiring. I worship You for You have done
Marvelous Works.
You are The Most High GOD, The One True GOD, The only GOD Who Works Miracles for Your followers; those who are submitted and committed to You. You are Covenant-Keeping GOD. You show favor to those who love You for a thousand generations. And we are known b/c
we keep Your Commandments.
Your Word is Awesome to us. We don't live by bread only but by every Word You speak because it's Yeshua in the flesh, Emmanu-El, GOD With Us. We eat His Flesh & drink His Blood to show we have part in Him and don't condemn ourselves through sin,
Yahweh Mishphat, Just and Righteous Judge, I ask in Yeshua's Name for an audience in The Courts of Heaven.
I come boldly before The Throne of Grace in this time of great need as one in Covenant Relationship with Yahweh Elohim through Yeshua's Blood.
I put You in remembrance of Psalm 2:
How dare the nations plan a rebellion.
Their foolish plots are futile!
Look at how the power brokers of the world
rise up to hold their summit
as the rulers scheme and confer together
against Yahweh and his Anointed King, saying:
“Let’s come together and break away from the Creator.
Once and for all let’s cast off these controlling chains
of God and his Christ!” God-Enthroned merely laughs at them;
the Sovereign One mocks their madness!
Then with the fierceness of his fiery anger
he settles the issue and
Yahweh Mishphat, Just and Righteous Judge, I ask in Yeshua's Name for an audience in The Courts of Heaven.
I come boldly before The Throne of Grace in this time of great need as one in Covenant Relationship with Yahweh Elohim through Yeshua's Blood.
I put You in remembrance of Psalm 2: You are wondering: What has provoked the states to embrace anger & chaos? Why are the people making plans to pursue their own vacant and empty greatness? Leaders of states stand united; rulers put their heads together, claims to advance
plotting against the Eternal One & His Anointed King, trying to figure out how they can throw off the gentle reign of God’s love, step out from under the restrictions of His of His claims to advance their own schemes.
At first, the Power of heaven laughs at their silliness. The
Don't even consider discontinuing your prayer and confession, Righteous Remnant. While many in the faith have been deceived and led astray by doctrines of demons, Yahweh is working according to our prayers of faith. And I know from past
experience you can get ANYTHING you want through prayer if you're willing keep praying and believing until you have it in your hand. I'm a living, breathing witness. I've stayed in prayer several times over impossible things and continued to speak what I needed, wanted & what
Holy Spirit told me in spite of family, friends & judges and lawyers saying it ain't gon' happen, capn. But I ended up with the victory and all the spoils.
Remember we serve Yahweh Elohim. The Creator, Supreme Ruler & Lawgiver of The Universe. Is anything to hard for The LORD