QUESTION: President Donald Trump's knowledge of US secrets and his debt may make him and others targets of foreign spies. We asked @LarryPfeifferDC of the @mvhaydencenter, how significant is this threat? Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: "There’s been a bit of discussion in the media about how the large debt President Donald Trump carries into his post-presidency presents a significant security risk. What’s not discussed is the potential risks posed by those in his inner circle.
This is a president who has demanded loyalty above all—those who remain in his inner circle after 4 years are family and others undoubtedly the most loyal. If President Trump were predisposed to reveal classified or other sensitive US government information to foreign
governments, would those most loyal support those efforts by providing details the President may have forgotten? They could become targets of foreign intelligence service of their own right. Some may find it difficult to find jobs often available to administration officials at
the end of a term—consultancies, lobbying, contractor positions—owing to their advocacy of policies considered of questionable legality or ethics, or their inability to influence a new Administration of a different party.
Some may hold a grudge against what they perceive as a “deep state” that forestalled President Trump’s reelection. Some may find themselves tossed aside by Trump. These areas—financial, ego, grievance—are often exploited by foreign intelligence services."
QUESTION: How have the 2020 election results impacted U.S. allies? We asked Ellen Laipson, Director of the Master's in International Security degree program at the @ScharSchool@GeorgeMasonU. Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: "US allies around the world have expressed genuine relief at the news of Joe Biden's electoral victory over President Donald Trump. In Europe in particular NATO allies and other close security partners had grown deeply troubled by Trump's disdain for the substance and
the formal rituals of alliance relations. He had treated NATO and South Korea as business transactions, and spent years trying to negotiate more favorable financial terms, rather than engage those countries on shared threat perceptions and joint decisions about strategy.
QUESTION: Why are women and girls are more essential than ever to U.S. national security? We asked @GirlSecurity_ to lay out the reasons. Follow this thread.
ANSWER: "National security is the most important common cause, but norms, bias, and discrimination continue to shape the roles girls and women play in security, despite women’s longstanding contributions.
Women remain underrepresented in national security. While increasing the number of women in national security alone will not remedy shortcomings or shortfalls across sectors, it creates a stronger foundation upon which long-needed advancements can succeed.
QUESTION: Recently, the US government & @Microsoft disabled -probably temporarily -"Trickbot" one of the world’s largest hacking operations, for fear it would interfere with the U.S. election.
What is Trickbot? Our friends at @NCSC explained. Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: "Trickbot is an established banking trojan used in cyber attacks against businesses and individuals in the UK and overseas. Trickbot attacks are designed to access online accounts, including bank accounts, in order to obtain personally identifiable information
In some cases, Trickbot is used to infiltrate a network. Once inside it can be used to deploy other malware, including ransomware and post-exploitation toolkits. Trickbot targets victims with well-crafted phishing emails, designed to appear as though sent from trusted commercial
QUESTION: Who are the "Proud Boys"? We asked Scott Stewart @stick631. Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: First, they are a group with an organized national and regional structure. Second, they are not classified as white supremacists as many press reports claim. While some Proud Boy members have links to white supremacists,
the Proud Boys group has members of different ethnicities and its current leader, Enrique Tarrio, is a Cuban. The group is self-avowedly “western chauvinist” meaning that they believe western civilization is superior to others.
ALERT: @FBI & @CISAgov have sent out an alert warning the public about FALSE CLAIMS OF HACKED VOTER INFORMATION: "Foreign actors and cyber criminals are spreading false and inconsistent information through various online platforms in an attempt to...
to manipulate public opinion, discredit the electoral process, and undermine confidence in U.S. democratic institutions. These malicious actors could use these forums to also spread disinformation suggesting successful cyber operations have compromised election infrastructure and
facilitated the “hacking” and “leaking” of U.S. voter registration data. In reality, much U.S. voter information can be purchased or acquired through publicly available sources. While cyber actors have in recent years obtained voter registration information,
QUESTION: Recently, we learned, the CIA Worldwide Intelligence Review had been leaked. What exactly is that? We asked former CIA clandestine service member @douglaslondon5. Follow this thread for the answer.
ANSWER: "The product to which you're referring is from the world intelligence review which is a strong product from the agency’s analytical directorate that is updated daily with new articles.
It covers all issues of the world as well, geographic and functional alike. It's intended for senior policy makers below the level of the president or cabinet secretary who would receive the president's daily brief. It tends to target substantive people.