2/ Specific OSHA guidance on ventilation is weak, but okay. Tho "Ensure all HVAC systems are fully functional" or "Upgrade to MERV 13 or higher filters where feasible" isn't exactly ground-breaking at this point.
3/ More shocking to me is that the #OSHA summary of "How does COVID-19 spread?" reflects all sorts of inaccurate or unclear statements that were never true & that most agencies eventually expunged long ago.
4/ A screenshot from the #OSHA site tonight says, for example, they're still focusing on early statements by the CDC that #COVID19 spreads primarily within 6-ft. They even emphasize that it comes from coughs or sneezes and that airborne transmission is "believed to be unlikely."
5/ Following the "Overview" link on the #OSHA COVID-19 page emphasizes again their idea that spread is most likely by close (<6 ft) contact, when a person coughs/sneezes, & that there is "growing evidence" of transmission from asymptomatic people. osha.gov/SLTC/covid-19/
6/ The statement that OSHA believes even the concept of asymptomatic spread to be novel shows they haven't updated their public understanding in months.
And there is no reason to improve ventilation if airborne transmission is believed to be unlikely (as they incorrectly state).
7/ I'm glad #OSHA updated wording on ventilation, but they've got to move MUCH faster to help workers protect themselves. This pandemic is too strong and too dangerous for the national health and safety agency to parrot such outdated & inaccurate statements about COVID spread.
8/ And if you need more resources on why #ventilation & reducing shared indoor time is so important (i.e. spread of inhalable/airborne SARS-CoV-2 particles)
1/x With #COVID19 cases skyrocketing all over the US, holiday meals are going to be very dangerous. To show the risks of meeting indoors I used an #aerosol box model to estimate relative the risks.
3/x Modeled only room-mixed #aerosol (not droplet spray or aerosol plume; these add risk).
Results highlights:
- No matter the room size, infection for 10 people is at least 40% or much more
- If #superspreader there, everyone will be infected
- Outside, risk drops dramatically
At least five great webinars / learning opportunities on airborne COVID & aerosols this week. See Tab 7 (Live Webinars) here for links & previous webinars/recordings: bit.ly/3fzmB16; links for this week in thread.
[Let me know if I’ve missed any]
Webinars this week including (all times Eastern):
Today (9/14: <1 hr from now): Dr. Lidia Morawksa & @j_g_allen
(Aerosols & school re-opening)