Some small experiences from my own life for people who venture to do homa. I personally ascribe most of the successes in my life to these practices. I wish I had discovered them earlier.
Here is an episode from my late father’s life.
After my mother’s untimely death decades ago, my father was devastated. He went into severe depression... stopped.
In 2004-2005, after a long period of cajoling, he started MahaGanapati homam. The effect in his words was “electrifying”.
He restarted giving free medicines
My father was an excellent homeopath (in his free time). I saw him cure things like kidney stones, nasal polyps, etc.. all for free.
I rarely if ever talk about these things now, but he had stopped giving out medicines so deep was his depression..
It took him around 4 months to get his practice of homa correct. After 12 months, someone living on my house saw him absorbed in complete silence in total bliss, completely unmoving for an hour post MahaGanapati homa.
That is the power of homa.
He literally came alive after that.
He would describe it as if a huge dose of prana had been delivered to his nervous system. He would become happy after the homa. My father by the way, was someone whose spirituality was limited to lighting a diya.. not a great believer.
This continued for years... then rather unfortunately one fine day as he was now well, he stopped. It was a cruel transit of grahas. I would call him again and again and try and tell him to just do it even if for 10 minutes... but I suppose Mahakaal got hold of him by then...
15 days later, suddenly he died.. “kuch nahi hoga, I am perfectly fine, I will start doing homa again, what’s in that” were his words on my last phone call.
So, I have personally seen the protective effect of the fire ritual.. this is well known to those close to me...
So unexpected was his death for him (this is many years ago, he died of a sudden respiratory arrest from acute acute asthma, had not had an attack in 5 years) that he was deciding what to do the next day just 1 hour before he died.
In years gone by, these and my other successes used to prompt me to take people, call them up daily and make sure they are doing homa properly.
Now... I am somewhat more dispassionate.
It’s your life. You have to live it. I know what miracles homa does..
@PanditKatti will tell you of my evangelical zeal in those days. @irudragaur learnt the hard way and so did @bombay_delhi
Many hundreds of others are from that source, people are even copying our manuals without our names... 😂😂😂
(No matter, we don’t want anything from it )
By the way, those who want to do japa can do lakhs of japa (I have also done it... and those procedures ancillary to it) but fact of the matter is that most people can’t do all that.
We are NOT talking of getting Siddhi.
We are taking of getting people’s troubles away and as you can see, many have that experience.. there are shastra resources too.
Best part is that influenced by a few people, many Indians are staying away from the practice... whereas many Westerners are deriving benefits...
Anyway it’s not my business, so I can’t be bothered.
You like it you take it, don’t like it, don’t take it. Simple.
Then Rama entered the auspicious mother's apartment and saw his mother performing sacrificial ceremony in sacred fire there.
Sarga 2-20-16
People talk of “liberation”.
I know people doing homa who had such experiences and who changed so drastically after just 5 years of practice that you wonder if they are the same person.
Jai Mahakaal
Jai Shri Rama
Those wishing to do japa of 1.25 lakhs (one of my disciples completed 1 crore japa recently, another completed 6 lakhs of japa).. here is the thread:
For those who feel that homam didn’t give them results and prescribe Vishnu Sahasranaam (and japa), here is an interesting conundrum and I hv seen this 100’s of times in last two decades.
Japa = no tangible result.
I see weekly at least a few people who say that japa did not work and they have finished around 10,000 japa or so... now what to do?
Why did this happen?
I will tell you my opinion.
This was my precise observation in the 1990’s. Japa technique if one desires a very tangible result (job/marriage/health) is really difficult to bring about unless one just does graha japa.
Devata japa takes serious time and energy over years. An observation only.
Chanting of Sahasranaam:
General thread:
Vishnu Sahasranaam:
Excellent choice. Do chant. Verbal and non verbal both produce results.
Nakshatra mapping available
Asked by many about Lalitha Sahasranaam:
I have personally seen many teach it (including @homam108’s wife for free) and mass chant it in numerous places (including Swami Sathashivom) and others.
Works and it’s excellent.
Now what about people who say that don’t chant it because of beeja mantras and Nyasa... this is not a problem in general.
Those who quote that it should not be done because of pronunciation issues...that is everywhere. You have to take care of that, onus on you.
So, a very few people asking about japa:
The japa of 1.25 lakhs can be completed in around 2 months at 21 malas a day.
It will take around 2 hours for medium length mantras and reasonable umampshu method.
This japa of 1.25 lakhs is repeated 3 times in a course of a year with gaps of 2 months in between each 1.25 lakh krama.
In 3 years, at this rate, 9 lakhs japa is completed.
The main issues which will arise: 1. To eat less and to somehow reduce heat in the body, 2. To avoid disease during the 9 lakh krama. 3. To slow down the effects of the karma you are burning.
That will cause you some problems, for that graha homa may help.
So a few people ask, why do I tell people to do homa (without doing japa first) and what’s the outcome of these things?
Why should one do homa?
A part of my guidance is revealed here.…
A further small portion of a different guidance is revealed here, FB friends can check.
Now for some practical bits to what I have taught. 1. Many of the people doing homas now are doing japa after their homa. They were not even lighting lamps otherwise. (I claim no credit, it’s Mother’s power) 2. Most who I tell to do japa, tell me they fall asleep doing it.
Few things I advise people who are in a good/great situation in life is to: 1. Never speak of it with your own tongue (it may burn some of it eventually) 2. Never tell others of your really big successes, it will come out on its own. 3. Hide your real treasures. Never reveal.
4. Spirituality wise, never reveal your best experiences. 5. Reveal experiences decades after they happen if you must ... if you want others to get motivated or to have faith (that fits with Swa Dharma) 6. If harmed, stop those ppl from harming you rather than retaliate.
7. Always promote the next generation of people, especially those who are NOT blood relations if they show promise. 8. Where possible to help, always help. If not possible, try and express sympathy. 9. Try not to laugh at people’s desperation.... no matter how bad they may be.
A President of the United States dropped atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Aug 1945 killing 226000.
Mughals too followed no rules, killing millions unlike the Mahabharata which was fought between two sides in 3067BCE following rules and disallowed genocide of non combatants
The point I make is pretty simple. Apart from a few plot twists during the Mahabharata, non combatants basically were not harmed on the battle.
That’s India for you.
Hell, the Indians even returned 90,000 POWs to Pakistan (then West Pakistan) in 1971...
Compare that to America, dear Audrey.
To enkindle memories, it’s the only country to drop the atomic bomb on hundreds of thousands of civilians in the history of mankind and so you do not get to lecture Indians on the Mahabharata!