Occult ritual thread Final chapter. Atto ottavo.
Lockdowns are little more than social isolation rituals performed for the purpose of purifying the initiate so he can enter the new age unhindered by his past life no longer considered by the EL ite to be beneficial to the initiate
Back to the occult ritual. There are 4 stages to the isolation ritual. Isolation for purification. You’re cut off from the normal, and thrust into a“new normal” that’s completely different from your past life.
Surrender to the “new reality.”This often involves being given a boon.
Consider the various governments and their assistance plans during the lockdown. The initiate is then led to believe he is being taken care of by his masters, hence no need to rebel against the New Order one is being initiated into.
Sacrifice. No gift can be given without something being taken. In this case, your energy, your sovereignty, your voice, your individual role on this earth as a representative of the Word of the Divine. All of these and more, are being taken from you in exchange for the cold
comfort of a lead role in a cage. Submission, consider, if you will, the various guidelines dictated by your government.
Track and trace, the rule of 6. Curfews, essential shopping and, basically mandatory testing, with the looming shadow of the compulsory injection ever closer.
Once again, the idea is that the “new person” being initiated into the “new order” needs to be psychologically, if not physically, purged of the old way, before gradually being initiated into the new way. The isolation stage of the ritual is for purification.
In this stage, the initiate is separated from the mundane. The novice is largely removed from the otherwise familiar persons, places and things that they’re used to, in order to be “cleared” of them. Forced to become detached and insulated, purged and “purified.”
An essential element of this separation from one’s typical environment is the suspension of the normal rules of living that one is used to; the normal way is no more. Most of the initiate’s senses will become commanded and regulated at this time. In other words,
the majority of what the initiate sees, hears, smells, touches and tastes, is deliberately controlled.With nowhere else to go except the places that are “allowed,” the insulated, isolated, initiated may be forced to confront his or her own reflection and inner shadows that have
have been ignored or buried somewhere deep beneath the average routine. And so the release of negative energy increases.
Just as they involve surrender, initiation rituals also involve sacrifice; both the tangible and the intangible, such as behaviors, must be given up by order
Whether dramatically overt or deceitfully subtle, the ritual reinterprets reality; a new definition of reality is given. Training in the form of new behaviors and knowledge, including symbols and codes are introduced. Consider all the hashtags like stayhome, staysafe, newnormal.
The new tropes necessary for new members to function properly in the new version of society they’re being inducted into are all introduced during this time. Constant repetition by MSM, that old propaganda trick, is typical as it’s use helps hammer home the spell on the initiates.
I'm describing the implementation of the new normal, but you need to detach yourself from the old one first.
Hence lockdowns, financial crisis, unprecedented loss of jobs and businesses, travel restrictions, entertainment limited to the scrying screens offerings, food shortages
In the end, the “new normal” becomes the norm, and the old ways are gradually forgotten. New mythologies are created for the new world, by our new owners and the “new you” the transmuted you is birthed from the isolation. Meanwhile, the dark entities hidden behind the EL ite
gorge themselves of your negative energy.
Consider, the increase in mental health issues, domestic violence, depression, anxiety, rage and impotence and, inevitably, suicide.
Exquisite nectars for the hungry, shadows projected by the ones who rule over you.
You are a commodity.
To be continued. Good night.
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Occult ritual thread. Final chapter. Atto nono.
But we try to pretend, you see, that the external world exists altogether independently of us.
Alan Watts
By now you must have wondered about the inner workings of an occult ritual of such magnitude. You might believe it isn't real
but, you see, what you believe doesn't really matter. Our brain is such a wonderful creation, but, alas, it is also quite vulnerable. It creates our reality and it is the vessel on which we sail the infinite sea of Consciousness.
Occult ritual thread. Final chapter. Atto 7.
At this point, I'm going to take an inductive leap and posit the following hypothesis.The God Gene inhibitors will be used to suppress the resistance beforehand.
Only those who are likely to fight back will be targeted.You.
By you, I mean people with a strong faith in a rigidly structured set of beliefs. Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, etc. You see, science has, apparently, proven that the God Gene is active only in the brain of those who are prone to react with fanatic, behaviour to defend their faith.
Spirituality on the other hand, cannot be precisely pinpointed. They have found a neuropsychological basis for spirituality, but it's not isolated to one specific area of the brain, according to Brick Johnstone, professor of health psychology.
Occult ritual thread. Final chapter. Atto sesto.
"There is a price to be paid for every increase in consciousness. We cannot be more sensible to pleasure without being more sensible to pain."
Alan Watts
There's a vast array of direct mind-control techniques available today.
following consistent investment from governments in projects such as the U.S. BRAIN project and Europe's counterpart the Human Brain Project, all told, billions of dollars are being spent to decode what makes us tick and how to change it. There are ways to create a brain-computer
interface, magnetic manipulation via "neural dust," high-powered lasers, using light beamed from outside the skull, the implanting and erasure of memories, and even the direct uploading of the contents of our brain. After all, you need only search Google for patented mind-control
Occult ritual thread. Final chapter. Atto quinto.
"You don't look out there for God, something in the sky, you look in you." Alan Watts
Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
The Divine state is what most of us yearn for and it is
the spark within us and the source without.
We knew this as we came into this reality.
Let's consider our brain waves. Delta (0.5 to 4 Hz). Delta waves are the slowest in frequency but are the highest in amplitude. Observed in deep, dreamless sleep, this frequency is the gateway
to the universal mind and the collective unconscious, where information received is otherwise unavailable at the conscious level.Delta brainwave states have long been associated with healing, because deep sleep is necessary for regeneration and for your body’s self
Occult ritual thread. Final chapter. Atto quarto.
Knowledge is educated out of you.
′′ In the future, the soul will be eliminated by medicine. On the pretense of health, there will be a vaccine whereby the human organism will be treated as soon as possible, possibly directly at
birth, so that the human being cannot develop the awareness of the soul and the Spirit." R. Steiner.
Let's return to the God Gene hypothesis. Spirituality has a genetic component, of which (VMAT2) comprises one component by contributing to sensations associated with mystic
experiences, including the presence of the Divine and feelings of belonging to a larger uni-verse. The research uses the self-transcendence scale developed by psychologist Robert Cloninger to quantify spirituality using three sub-scales:
Occult ritual thread. Final chapter. Atto terzo.
"There is a beautiful thing inside you that is thousands of years old.
Too old to be captured in poems. Too old to be loved by everyone, but loved so very deeply by a chosen few." N. Gill
Old souls sailing through the ages. Alone.
In the course of my research, I have had quite a few epiphanies, some of them of a more personal significance, others so beautifully revealed that convinced me that there is indeed a meaning behind all of the ugliness, suffering and despair so predominant in these strange times.
Whilst I was reading about the theory of the God Gene, the Triune Brain and the various DNA altering concoctions that are/will be used to transform and diminish us, I remembered a passage from a R. Steiner lecture, which in turn made me think of A. Fomenko's theory and the Resets