Good and Evil are man made definitions and not gifts of the universe Like the Batman and the Joker.Without one the other is incomplete & we need them provides meaning, measurement they are concentrated extracts, illusionary two poles two truths or two man made boundaries.
and with unlimited shades in between that reside in every living being, in every breath of the infinite unfathomable expanse of the timeless space. Life is a collage of a million colors across a trillion canvas thriving between the poles of the perceptible good and evil
.And the so called good and evil are perceptions..... So different for each one... What is good may be evil for others and vice versa....Let us celebrate the ever changing trillion shades....not any good, neither any evil....Let us celebrate every color, every shade as it is....
Strong minds do not exist. Mind is largely made of #neurons and not #Steel. Each one of us can suffer from sadness,fear or depression and attempt suicide though some are more vulnerable. Suicide is due to a state of mind that needs to be treated."
#MythSuicide Those who talk about attempting suicide are less likely to act
#FactSuicide: People who threaten are more prone to attempt than those who do not. Hence do not challenge those who threaten to attempt
#MythSuicide: Suicidal attempts in families will dissuade relatives from doing the same when in emotional turmoil
#FactSuicide: Suicidal behavior can be seen in families across generations as Depression can run in families