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@UoE_IAD is delighted to host #ResearcherRealities today. Many thanks to our Ops Team for all the support & to our chairs & tweeters. We're excited by this new initiative, led by @anna_pilz. Follow this 🧶 of the conversations.

Full programme:
@UoE_IAD @anna_pilz We start with a welcome from Fiona Phillipi @UoE_IAD. 🙏 for invitation to attendees to take time to listen, reflect & engage as they join our conversations on #ResearcherRealities.

Read why ‘Talking about #ResearcherRealities’ matters by @anna_pilz 👉 Image
In our 1st #ResearcherRealities conversation @Annie_Irvine @kcsamh, Andrew Schurer, @_CecileBM @GeosciencesEd & Dr Eilidh Garrett @SCADR_data will share insights into their “Researcher Career Journeys”.

👉accompanying blog series introduced by Cecile Image
Read 104 tweets
China's President Xi Jinping's alma mater Tsinghua University just released a survey named "China Unfiltered: The Chinese People's View on National Security". (“无滤镜的中国”:中国人的国际安全观调查)

What did the survey find? A thread. /1🧵 Image
Tsinghua University is widely known as one of China's 'Big 2' universities (along with PKU), and is arguably the most politically connected one -- having produced 4 out of the last 6 Presidents and Premiers, including Xi Jinping (pictured in 1975 at his send-off to Tsinghua)./2 Image
This survey is done by Tsinghua's CISS (Center for International Strategy and Security), and has made 8 findings. /2

1. Almost 80% of Chinese people believe they have 'great' (36%) or 'good' (41.3%) understanding of international security. /3 Image
Read 13 tweets
"The established supply chain for scholarly books presents a major challenge for small or new #OA publishers to thrive. Specialised title management systems, for instance, are difficult to access and many systems are not oriented to #openaccess books." #ScalingSmall #OABooks
"@COPIMproject has dedicated time and attention to this issue developing @Thoth_metadata, a #metadata management system, that aims to level the playing field between large and small publishers by alleviating some of the difficulties faced by scholar-led presses."
@COPIMproject @Thoth_metadata Everything about @Thoth_metadata is #OpenSource on Github - the database includes chapter-level #metadata for #OABooks
Plus #DOIs #RORids #ORCids with mappings between multiple #metadata schema including MARC
#ScalingSmall Image
Read 71 tweets
If institutions & funders are serious about #OpenScience & #OpenResearch then they have to reassess reward & recognition systems for academics so that there is a culture change away from traditional prestige publishing
#ScalingSmall #OABooks
It's about redirecting labour & funds to #open rather than propping up the status quo - part of this is for academic institutions to work with publishers to develop sustainable & equitable #openaccess options (not just those funded by TAs, APCs & BPCs)...
#ScalingSmall #OABooks
Also key for publishers to work with academic libraries to ensure #openaccess content can be found & accessed via library discovery layers + embedded in teaching.
#OA content should be as discoverable to library-users as paywalled content! #MetadataMatters
#ScalingSmall #OABooks
Read 5 tweets
du @YvesBossart1 würdest du mal mit @ursgredig einen kaffee trinken gehen, um ihm den clou von einem #schmetterlinseffekt zu erklären? #10vor10 #infotainment @srfnews @srfkultur…
@YvesBossart1 @ursgredig @srfnews @srfkultur vom schmetterling zum twittscherchen
- so schnell kann #infotainment schwurbeln und verquirrlen...

"professionellen zu unterstellen, sie wüssten nicht, was sie tun, wäre unprofessionell." ImageImage
Read 21 tweets

- "Antifascista" ma pro nazi 🇺🇦
- Anticomplottista ma poi crede a qualunque complotto che riguardi #Putin
- odia i #novax ma non si fa la #quartadose né le altre successive
- Crede a alla #propaganda di giornali come #repubblica #Open
#Corriere ecc. ma si ritiene un "libero pensatore"
- schifa i #troll ma poi segue la Bombetta, Sofy la Topa, Radiosilvana ecc.
- si mette la #mascherina per paura di un'influenza ma si fa iniettare finti #vaccini #mRNA sperimentali che possono uccidere
- è solidale con gli...
... immigrati ma ha appoggiato la discriminazione di milioni di concittadini sani attraverso il #greenpass
- adora la Costituzione salvo poi appoggiare chiunque l'abbia violata per il #COVID19 e per l'invio di armi ai nazisti #SlavaUkrainii
- si ritiene democratico ma...
Read 4 tweets
I will tell you something for nothing @Blklivesmatter @ukblm #BlackLivesMatter if you do not stop and open up your eyes we are going to see #BlackHistoryMonth #icantbreath @MLK50Memphis @OfficialMLK3 repeated all over again because of @MayorofLondon /@SadiqKhan @LibPeck Image
insult us all to that level or he would have #whitetwitter and it would have the @TwitterBlue next to it.

So #open your eyes, shut off what is a diversion so stop this right now.
Read 4 tweets
A warm welcome to everyone from our CEO @nataliamanola and Outreach and Engagement Officer @GMalaguarnera to our informative webinar. We are here to discuss what the shift to #OpenScience means for Research Performing Organisations and how #OpenAIRE facilitates this shift .
"Institutional approach is crucially important to make #OpenScience happen." @nataliamanola #OpenAIRE #PROs #OpenAIRE_Services
"Only through co-design and co-development, we can make this work" @nataliamanola during our "Stepping up Open Science with #OpenAIRE services; what’s in it for #Universities, Research Performing Organizations & #Institutions". Here are our 6 steps towards #OpenScience
Read 7 tweets
La #Pfizer potrebbe avere intenzione di mutare il virus del #COVID per sviluppare altri #vaccini #mRNA

Non lo dico io ma il direttore di ricerca sviluppo della #BigPharma stessa

In pratica se ci sarà un'altra #pandemia di #COVID19 mutato...
sarà molto divertente vedere cosa si inventeranno i #troll #provax i #Puente e gli #Open per smentire questa "confessione"
Read 6 tweets
#PolitiFact, ovvero #Open americano, provano a smontare l'intervista nella quale il CEO di #Moderna ha ammesso che stavano lavorando al vaccino anti #COVID19 quando ancora il #Covid_19 non esisteva.

Secondo i #Puente Boys americani, Stephane #Bancel si riferisce al fatto che #Moderna già da anni stava lavorando a vaccini contro i coronavirus [in collaborazione con #DARPA ndr] in particolare un vaccino mRNA contro il MERS-CoV documentato già a dicembre 2019

Ma la domanda e la risposta sono chiare

D: “You were working on a vaccine for covid at that point covid-19 didn't even really exist”
R: “I think there was no name at the time”

Si riferiscono al #SARSCoV2 non al MERS-Cov (che allora aveva un nome)


Read 4 tweets
Last week, @Gizmodo's @lincodega caught a killer scoop - a leake Hasbro's plan to revoke the decades-old #OpenGamingLicense, which subsidiary @Wizards promulgated as an allegedly #open sandbox for people seeking to extend #DungeonsAndDragons:… 1/ A remixed version of David Trampier's 'Eye of Moloch,' the c
The report set off a shitstorm among #DandD fans and the broader #TTRPG community - not just because it was evidence of yet more #enshittification of D&D by a faceless corporate monopolist, but because Hasbro was seemingly poised to take back a #commons. 2/
RPG players and designers had built that commons over decades, having taken #WOTC and the #OGL at their word.

#Gamers were right to be worried. 3/
Read 54 tweets
0/ In the past weeks, #Mastodon network grew by 50% (and counting). A growth level that would impress any investor. And a growth level that makes many of the network's older users weary. To grow or not to grow – this is the big question for the #Fediverse. A 🧵:
1/ (Now that it is again OK to mention on Twitter other social networks, like Mastodon)…
2/ New users are organically joining Mastodon, at a steady pace of 300k/week. Will the institutional backbone grow and adjust as well? I recently published an opinion on this in @techpolicypress:…
Read 25 tweets
🧵#Bioinformatics and its impact on #healthcare, a THREAD🧵🧵:
#Bioinformatics is the application of #computational techniques to the analysis of #biological data, such as #DNA sequences and #protein #structures.
In #healthcare, #bioinformatics is used to gain insights into the #genetic basis of diseases, and to develop new #diagnostic tests and #treatments.
Read 11 tweets
The #startup world's dirty not-so-secret: most startups fail. Startups are risky and so investors place bets on lots of startups and fold the ones that don't show promise, which sucks for the company employees, but also for the users who depend on the company's products. 1/ The staring eye of HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Cente
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
You know what this is like: you sink a bunch of time into familiarizing yourself with a new product, you spend money on accessories for it, you lock your data into it, you integrate it into your life, and then, one morning - poof! All gone. 3/
Read 48 tweets
#einordnungskompetenz am limit (so?)

#CancelCulture an der @ETH: Ein Professor erhält #Morddrohungen wegen einer Vorlesungsfolie… via @NZZ @jonasmroth | @DirkHelbing thread 1/n
die ausgangslage für den professor ist unangenehm. morddrohungen zu erhalten ist nur in liebesaffären attraktiv:

killing me softly

genügz, studierende anzuklagen, #shitstorm #CancelCulture kreischen, wenn kommunikationsabteilung @ETH überfordert ist?…
dass engagierte jungjournalistende ihrem vorauseilend gehorsamen mittelbau zeigen wollen, dass sie @marcwalder's ruf zu #solidarität mit der inszenierung von HASS IM INTERNETZ @s_sommaruga @bakomCH inbrünstig internalisiert habe: wohlan.…
Read 20 tweets… @alexisohanian Without Their Permission: How the 21st Century Will Be Made, Not Managed
Schau dir „Without Their Permission - book teaser - drops Oct 1st, 2013“ auf #Vimeo an
Read 8 tweets
Do you want to create an energy system model for any part of the world? In our new preprint, we introduce you to a flexible #opensource model solution that works with high spatial and temporal resolution #opendata.

@MacroEnergySys #energytwitter @openmod
🧵0/11 Image
PyPSA-Earth enables large-scale collaboration by being applicable worldwide. The model is derived from PyPSA-Eur (EU model) using new data and functions. It is suitable for operational as well as combined generation, storage, transmission expansion studies.

See Nigeria:
1/11 Image
The model architecture is built around `Snakemake` as a workflow management tool. It makes the model flexible and 'easy' to use, while having other benefits.

Curious about the other benefits? You can read more in the Snakemake paper:…
2/11 Image
Read 12 tweets
✨✨We are thrilled to share 2 new papers published this week in:
#BiologicalPsychiatry: Genetic heterogeneity shapes brain connectivity in psychiatry…

#Brain: Brain connectivity mirrors genetic pleiotropy in psychiatric conditions…
1/7 #Polygenicity (=multiple genetic variants associated with one condition) and #pleiotropy (=one genetic variant influencing more than one trait) are key properties of the genomic architecture of #psychiatric conditions and represent major challenges in identifying mechanisms.
2/7 We processed 9 rs-fMRI datasets including 32,726 individuals, to examine the connectome-wide effects of 15 copy number variants, 7 polygenic scores (common variants), and 4 idiopathic psychiatric conditions (Autism, Schizophrenia, ADHD, Bipolar disorder).
Read 8 tweets…

Tune in to listen to @rajbhagatt to understand systemic and natural reasons why #Bengaluru floods, and what can be done about it.
Despite being 900m above the sea level, why does this water logging happen?

Topography of ancient #Bengaluru was apt for making bunds/tanks along the valley to support irrigation.

Now these tanks and bunds became interconnected network of lakes.

Developments (roads, elevations, buildings) started happening around these valleys and lakes.

This prevents percolation of water underground

So many of the heavily flooded areas fall in the valley region

Rmz ecospace.
Manyata tech park
Kendriya Vihar

Read 7 tweets
@WikiDienstag @Siesta________ @Wikipedia @WikimediaDE @WikimediaCH @WikimediaAT @wikidata du @Siesta________ warum fragst du nicht mal @Lantus_MWCH nach meiner geschichte: das würde dir all deine annahmen bezüglich @wikimediaDE durcheinander schütteln ;-)

1. mitglied @WikimediaCH
2. angestellt #MWCH
3. admin
4. mitglied schiedsgericht

@WikiDienstag @Siesta________ @Wikipedia @WikimediaDE @WikimediaCH @WikimediaAT @wikidata @Lantus_MWCH @ilariovaldelli @WikimediaItalia @UZH_ch fragte (rhetorisch) meine lieblingsfrage, was eigentlich der unterschied sei, zwischen #Open und #Free

brechend lautes schweigen @OpendataCH @opendataswiss @opendatabeerCH trallalla

doch dann sagte #IlardioValdelli:

- OPEN? just to litte FREE 💕👾🚀…
Read 19 tweets
😵 ¿Quieres hacer tu primera PR #OpenSource pero no sabes por dónde empezar? Entonces esto te interesa

Tu primera contribución al código abierto puede ser muy difícil si no sabes cómo.

Te muestro un sistema que te ayudará con esto.
⟪ H I L O ⟫ ↓
Tanto si quieres mejorar como developer y aprender de los grandes proyectos, como si quieres contribuir por gusto, aportar al mundo #Open #Source te puede beneficiar. Incluso, ¡te puede ayudar con tu primer empleo!
Conoce "Good First Issue", un sistema que selecciona las ´issues fáciles´ de proyectos populares #OpenSource y te ayuda a hacer tu primera contribución al código abierto.
Read 6 tweets
❺ Blogs about Blockchain, Web3 & #Metaverse Research everyone should Follow ✅

Thread 🧵
✿ Web3 Foundation

Are you interested in staying up to date with the latest #blockchain technology, protocols, decentralized applications, and open source projects?

The #web3Foundation is the perfect place for you.

✿ Hashnode #Web3

Documenting the path to #decentralization.

Discover the Web3 universe with a curated team of Hashnode writers.

Learn about #crypto, the blockchain, altcoins, #NFTs, and about our decentralized future.

Read 6 tweets
1/ #Perpetuals #futures contract has been the holy grail of derivatives in the #crypto market. We present you our latest #visualguide that breakdown complexity behind future market simplicity with our lead @minnymousegirl

#Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #ETH #BTC #AVAX #BNB #SOL Image
2/ A #futures #contract is an agreement to buy or sell a commodity, currency, or another instrument at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future. two counterparties will trade a contract, that defines the settlement at a future date. Image
3/ A #perpetual contract (Perp) is a special type of futures contract that doesn’t have an expiry date. So one can hold a position for as long as they like. Perp only exists in the #crypto market. Image
Read 13 tweets

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