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May 24th 2023
Central to Alzheimer's pathology is a phenomenon known as brain hypometabolism. Let me explain better what that term means. šŸ§µ (1/25) #alzheimers #AD #neurotwitter
Brain hypometabolism refers to a state of reduced metabolic activity in the brain, characterized by a decreased uptake and utilization of glucose - the primary #energy source for brain cells. (2/25)
This disastrous metabolic slowdown is not just a mere lack of energy, although that would be devastating enough. It triggers a cascade of effects that impair neuronal function and disrupts communication between #brain cells. (3/25)
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Jan 9th 2023
Itā€™s here! šŸŽ‰ Our study reveals both new and known #geneexpression programs involved in hippocampal memory following #adolescent #exercise, and also investigates two #epigenetic regulatory mechanisms (open access @CommsBio) 1/ā€¦$
We asked which genes are regulated after aerobic exercise (voluntary wheel running) in adolescent #hippocampus using a transgenic mouse & technique we developed for simultaneous sequencing of the #epigenome and translatome in excitatory #neurons. 2/
Using our ā€œSITā€protocol from a single hippocampus (Simultaneous INTACT and TRAP; yes we used ā€œSITā€ in running mice!) found high correlation (Spearmanā€™s) when compared to traditional INTACT/TRAP in separate samples. Protocol here: 3/

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Dec 2nd 2022
In my 1st tweetorial, Iā€™m happy to share our preprintā€”my first, first author manuscript! We used @10xGenomics single-nucleus RNA-seq in a mouse model of electroconvulsive seizures (ECS) to assess activity-regulated gene expression in hippocampal #neurons.ā€¦
Activity-regulated gene expression patterns in the #hippocampus regulate #plasticity, #learning, and #memory, and are linked to risk and treatment response for neuropsychiatric disorders. However, the cell type-specificity of these patterns is still not well characterized.
We sequenced a bunch of neuronal nuclei (15,990) from mouse hippocampus and used graph-based clustering and a priori marker genes to annotate these nuclei across all major hippocampal subregions and neuron types in both of our experimental conditions (Sham and ECS). Image
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Oct 1st 2022
SEMINAL ARTICLE re: #ICD11 Chapter 08 - Diseases of the #NervousSystem šŸ§ 

Study Title: The #leptomeninges as a critical organ for normal #CNS development and function: first patient and public involved systematic review of #arachnoiditis (chronic #meningitis). @PLOSONE

#CES- #CaudaEquina Syndrome
#DLM ā€“ Diseases of the #Leptomeninges
#ESI- #Epidural Steroid Injection
LM - #Leptomeninges
#LMF- #Leptomeningeal #Fibrosis
#NAA- #neuraxialanesthesia
PSR- PRISMA Systematic Review
#SAH- #Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
#SAS- #Subarachnoid Space

Key Findings:

1. A varyingly described, and poorly characterized #CNS disease called #arachnoiditis (aka #adhesivearachnoiditis) was exhaustively systematically-reviewed for the first time.
Read 27 tweets
Jun 18th 2022
@fchollet It continues to be amazing that #neurons operate with action potentials which have a *maximum* frequency of a few hundred bits/second. One organizing principle is simply massive parallelism of very slow wetware units.
@fchollet Another principle is the analog processing capability of neuronal and dendritic membranes, e.g. dendritic action potentials.
@fchollet @fchollet Yet another principle from comparative anatomy and physiology is that brains reflect the structure of the body they inhabit and the motor/sensory needs of that animal. #AI has no physical body and no connection with natural selection to organize it.
Read 4 tweets
May 18th 2022
"We evolved to be physically active. But most of us avoid physical activity."

The Active Grandparents Hypothesis

Daniel Lieberman, @Harvard

SFI Colloquium, streaming now:
"We evolved from #apes and apes are couch potatoes."

Daniel Lieberman, @Harvard

SFI Colloquium, streaming now:

#evolution #hominin #anthropology #physiology
"Your average hunter-gatherer walks from New York to LA every year."

Daniel Lieberman, @Harvard

SFI Colloquium, streaming now:
Read 24 tweets
Apr 20th 2022
Excited to share our paper ā€œSomatic genomic changes in single Alzheimerā€™s disease neuronsā€, published today in @nature!ā€¦
@Nature This was a wonderful collaboration with August Huang @tuihuaorjinhua, mentored by @ChrisAWalsh1 @EAliceLee2 and @_MikeLodato, with contributions from many others across multiple institutions. @BostonChildrens @BrighamWomens @HHMInews @harvardmed @UMassChan @broadinstitute
@Nature @tuihuaorjinhua @ChrisAWalsh1 @EAliceLee2 @_MikeLodato @BostonChildrens @BrighamWomens @HHMINEWS @harvardmed @UMassChan @broadinstitute Somatic mutations in the genome of cells are a major part of how we think about cancer, but recent studies found that somatic mutations also occur in ā€œnormalā€ cells, and build up in neurons and in other cells as we age.
Read 19 tweets
Dec 22nd 2021
New preprint: The team did autopsies on 44 patients w/ #COVID-19 to map + quantify SARS-CoV-2 distribution, replication and cell-type specificity across the human body (including brain) from acute infection through over 7 months following symptom onset:ā€¦
2/ They found that #SARS-CoV-2 was widely distributed, even among patients who died with asymptomatic to mild COVID-19. They also detected persistent SARS-CoV-2 RNA in multiple anatomic sites, including regions throughout the #brain, for up to 230 days following symptom onset
3/ Persistence of low-level #SARS-CoV-2 RNA was frequently detected across multiple #tissue categories among all late cases patients who passed away after 31 days, despite being undetectable in plasma
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Dec 14th 2021
As COVID's Omicron variant spreads, an Australian research team is 'very concerned' about discovery on its origins - ABC Newsā€¦

#omicron, #COVID19, #variants, #transmissibility, #virulence, #GlobalControl
The Consequences of Moving from Industrial to Financial Capitalism ā€“ Consortium Newsā€¦

#IndustrialCapitalism, #FinancialCapitalism, #consequences
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Aug 25th 2021
Our new study on genetic determinants of dietary intake is out in @NatureHumBehav


Press release:ā€¦

Summary stats will be available soon at @AMP_CMDKP

A short summary below:
Diet is an extremely complex exposure. In addition to measurement error, noise, correlation with other traits, reverse causation, or variation across life course, diet is based on substitutions. That is, a higher intake of A necessarily implies lower intakes from B and C.
To accommodate the substitution nature of diet, we used multivariate GWAS to factor the correlation between dietary carbohydrate, fat, and protein in 282,271 participants of European ancestry from @uk_biobank and CHARGE Consortium @chargetiger
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Aug 4th 2021
How do brains rewire throughout life?

Our paper out in @Nature today outlines several principles of brain circuit development that we found by mapping the complete wiring of eight brains.ā€¦

#neuroscience #connectomics #brain #neurons #celegans #science
PDF available here for anyone interested in the full story:
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Jul 6th 2021
1/šŸ§µWake-Up to how #SLEEP flushes waste from your brain šŸ§  @JAMA_current
I may get more done when I šŸ’¤ less, but I lose the long-game! #Evolution dictated that we gain an advantage by spending 1/3rd of our lives asleep.

Iā€™ll tell you WHY?

2/ Why do we sleep? Brain rest? To process bad decisions or incomplete conversations? Maybe. But the coolest reason is removal of #amyloid & #tau proteins that cause #dementia. Our #glymphatic system does this most efficiently during deep sleep.
3/ Have I mentioned that Iā€™m fascinated by the glymphatic system? Itā€™s the lymph system for our #brain & serves as the ā€œgarbageā€ removal program to keep our #neurons healthy. Wanna know more?
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Jul 1st 2021
Five ways to ensure flood-risk research helps the most vulnerableā€¦

#research #ClimateChange #flooding #resilience #demographics
Neurons Act Not As Simple Logic Gates, But As Complex, Multi-Unit Processing Systemsā€¦

#neurons #dendrites #behavior #nodes #MultiUnit #ProcessingSystems
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Jun 28th 2021
All vertebrate #brains have #parvalbumin #interneurons, but in mammals they play a critical role in the function of the #cortex. @ellie_bucherā€˜s debut paper in Brain Structure and Function surveys the field to tell this emerging and exciting story. Image
Parvalbumin equips these #neurons for sustained fast firing, synchronizing large areas of cortex to focus attention. Linked in vast networks which buzz with gamma #oscillations, their outputs target cell bodies and axons of principal neurons to control their interactions. Image
Uniquely among interneurons, #perineuronal nets and #myelin anchor and stabilise the cell bodies and axons of basket cells, tightly regulating #plasticity to bind their networks into functional structures after critical periods pass. Image
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Nov 23rd 2020
This is an incredibly important preprint to inform #LongCovid. Among many analyses, the team recruited 4 patients w/ prolonged + recurrent olfactory function loss after #COVID-19 (time from first COVID-19 symptoms to inclusion ranged from 110-196 days):ā€¦ Image
2/ None of these patients had detectable COVID-19 #RNA in nasopharyngeal samples by routine diagnosis (RT-qPCR). However, ALL patients had detectable COVID-19 RNA in samples obtained from their olfactory mucosa (confirmed with aRT-qPCR SYBR technique)
3/ Three of the patients had a high COVID-19 #viral load in the olfactory mucosa. Immunostaining additionally revealed the presence of COVID-19 antigens in 3 out of 4 patients. Based on that and related findings the team concluded...
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Nov 11th 2020
How do the hundreds of genetic risk-factors for #Schizophrenia actually lead to disease? New workā€¦ from @manoliskellis illuminates the #SingleCell landscape of #Brains from patients with #Schizophrenia and their healthy counterpartsšŸ”¬šŸ§ šŸ§µ1/10
Combining single-nuclear RNA-Seq @10xGenomics, barcode #ing, and multi-level cell-state decomposition, first author Brad Ruzicka et al. identify 20 cell types in the prefrontal cortex of 24 patients with #Schizophrenia and 24 controls 2/10
While most of these #cells have been described before, what's powerful about the approach is that we can now ask: are there specific cell-types that are increased or decreased in numbers in #Schizophrenia patients compared to healthy individuals (great study design) 3/10
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Aug 25th 2020

The Seeker of Truth

What are we? Where have we come from? What is our origin? Some studies have shown that our DNA is similar to that of stars. Are we made of stardust? You are above and beyond your physical body and mind because you replace more than 90% of your
physical body in less than 240 days. One #atom at a time. Atom by atom our physical body replaces the previous one. This discovery was made by Radioactive Isotope analysis. So, what happened to our body of last year? Where did it go? Well, the answer is, our previous body is
now scattered all over the cosmos. It is dead now, but our consciousness is still alive and the same as the previous one. It hasnā€™t changed a bit. The belief that the physical body is ours or we are the physical body, is not correct. If you think you are your physical body,
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Aug 20th 2020
Strong minds do not exist. Mind is largely made of #neurons and not #Steel. Each one of us can suffer from sadness,fear or depression and attempt suicide though some are more vulnerable. Suicide is due to a state of mind that needs to be treated."
#MythSuicide Those who talk about attempting suicide are less likely to act  

#FactSuicide: People who threaten are more prone to attempt than those who do not. Hence do not challenge those who threaten to attempt
#MythSuicide: Suicidal attempts in families will dissuade relatives from doing the same when in emotional turmoil  

#FactSuicide: Suicidal behavior can be seen in families across generations as Depression can run in families
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Jul 1st 2020
Ooof interesting! This team found Ljungan #virus (LV) antigens in autopsied #brain tissue from the hippocampus region of 18 #Alzheimerā€™s brains. No LV antigen was identified in any of their 11 age-matched control brains:ā€¦
2/ The LV virus antibodies reacted with #neurons and #astrocytes and also showed distinct positive reaction in the #amyloid/neuritic plaques. The team thinks the findings indicate LV #virus may persist in the Alzheimerā€™s brain
3/ Hereā€™s an image from one of the #Alzheimerā€™s brains. The red stain visualizes presence of LV viral antigen in neurons, astrocytes + #glial cells. In Panel C, an amyloid/neuritic plaque is shown staining positive in the glial compartment + in dystrophic neurites Image
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Jun 27th 2020
Awesome study used mice + human brain organiod model to show #COVID-19 can infect the CNS/#brain, where it specifically infected radial #glia, neural stem cells + #neurons. The #virus altered the #metabolism of the neurons it infected + cld use neuron cell machinery to replicate
2/ Itā€™s not surprising that #COVID-19 can infect neurons given the nasal cavity is connected to the #CNS via the cribriform plate, olfactory epithelium + #nerve. This led the team to state that ā€œthe brain should be considered a high-risk organ system upon #respiratory exposureā€
3/ The team also showed that, at least in some #COVID-19 patients w/ #neurological symptoms, there is a robust antibody response to the #virus in the #cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In fact, CSF-containing antiviral #antibodies blocked COVID-19 infection in brain organoids
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Jun 23rd 2020
Absolutely delighted to share the labā€™s newest study showing that autism-iPSCs diverge from control-iPSCs from early development in a region-specific manner. Heroic work by @neuro_blue & wonderful collaboration with @sbaroncohenā€¦ What did we find? (thread)
Prenatal development may be a key period when differences associated with autism could be established. We studied early neurodevelopment using human iPSCs generated from autistic or typically developing individuals.
We found that autism-iPSCs displayed impaired ability to self-organise into neural rosettes, which are neurogeneic niches that give rise to neural progenitors that subsequently differentiate into neurons.
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Dec 6th 2019
Incredible new study šŸ‘‰ Demonstrates that #gut-innervating nociceptor #neurons modulate several layers of GI physiology including regulation of #Payers Patch M cells + small intestine microbial communities + defense against enteric pathogen Salmonella:ā€¦ ImageImageImage
2/ Overall the study expands the role of the #nervous system in host defense and suggests that ā€œmanipulation of #neurons and their mediators could be a target for therapies to treat inflammatory and #infectious diseasesā€
3/ For more info on the study check out this press release which describes the findings in more simple terms:ā€¦
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Aug 16th 2019
ā€œIf borne out by subsequent studies, this paper will be a paradigm shift showing that #pain-sensitive #nerve cell terminals are not in fact always directly driven by a painful stimulus but instead can be driven by associated [Schwann] cellsā€ ā€”Prof Peter McNaughton, IC London
Hereā€™s the formal paper šŸ‘‰ Working in mice, the team discovered that Schwann cells (a type of #glial cell) can sense #pain (this was not known before!)ā˜ļøthese Schwann cells wrap around nearby neurons which can further transmit pain signals to the brain:ā€¦ ImageImageImage
One reason the discovery interests me is b/c #infection of Schwann cells can really dysregulate their function šŸ‘‰ For example mycobacterium leprae can infect Schwann cells in a manner that results in peripheral #neuropathy and even changes in ATP levels:ā€¦ Image
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Jul 24th 2019
Interesting! šŸ‘‰ This study in mice found that persistent herpes #virus (HSV) activity detected in the brainstem...may primarily result from the transport of reactivated HSV from the trigeminal nerve into the brainstem:ā€¦ ImageImageImageImage
Context on the study šŸ‘‰ā€Investigating HSV reactivation in the #brainstem is a reasonable first step to understanding #HSV pathology in the CNS, since...lesions in the front of the brain, characteristic of Alzheimerā€™s, may originate from #neurons located in the brainstem.ā€
But as the team explains, the study of HSVā€™s activity + reactivation in the central nervous system can inform the study of many #neuroinflammatory conditions (in addition to Alzheimerā€™s)
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