Spoken to 10 #Jamaica50 detainees & confirmed dets for 8 - this is who @ukhomeoffice planning 2 shackle & put on charter flight b4 Xmas at height of #COVID19 Fathers to 31 Brit children. Men who’ve been in UK most of their lives #StopCharterFlights#EndDeportations (thread 1/8)
To carry out flight, up to 20 people will be shackled with waist, hand & feet restraints w/ guard either side of them as they are forced on a plane. Because of Coronavirus restrictions they will not have been able to say goodbye to their children and families in person. (2/8)
In many families the father looked after children while partner worked; many mothers (inc several key workers) are now facing additional costs of childcare & may have to stop working. Several fathers not felt able to tell their kids about the flight cause afraid of impact (3/6)
vast majority MFJ in touch with facing deportation due 2 drug convictions. Lammy Review reported that odds of receiving a prison sentence for drug offences were around 240% higher for BAME offenders compared to white offenders. #YesItsracist#Allblacklivesmatter@DavidLammy (4/8)
ALL Charter flights torturous & unjust - extra cruel to tear families apart during #COVID19 pandemic before Xmas. People like Dv who faces significant danger on return (4 a single drugs offence) & whose mum (worked NHS 39yrs) has stage 4 kidney disease #Jamaica50 (6/8)
Or like Mc who is facing dangerous deportation for a singular non violent criminal offence (never even faced a caution) - 18yrs in the UK, indefinite leave to remain, one mistake & you and your children’s lives are ripped apart #YesItsRacist#StopCharterFlights (7/8)
Let’s talk children. Imagine being a 14y/o boy seeing ur dad in prison every wk of 2yrs inside except when #COVID19 meant visits stopped. You’re excited cause he’s due out Thurs - day b4 your 15th Birthday. You’ve been planning & thinking about it 4 mths #Jamaica50 (Thread 1/7)
Lockdown & visits stopping has been so hard but your parents reassure you it’s ok cause this is the day he’ll be out, he’ll be there for your birthday. So you try to keep your head down, get to grips with online learning, keep focused. It isn’t easy. #EndDeportations (2/7)
It’s been a struggle living without your dad cause he’s been there all your life. Your parents are stressed and distraught, they are scared to tell you that your dad likely won’t be coming out for your birthday. #Jamaica50#StopDeportations#YesItsRacist (3/7)
Spent 2day following up w/ cross channel refugees detained in #Yarlswood - picture emerging of vulnerable people denied right to legal reps & contact with outside world in drive to deport as quickly as possible. Here are some of things we’ve learned... (thread 1/9) #EndDetention
Detainees being told that detention in hotels after #yarlswood will b for 14day “quarantine” - even those w/ families & addresses told they must go to hotel (we know it’s because it is easier to raid a hotel & pick everyone up at once for a charter flight) (2/9)
One detainee had asylum screening today & only after that was given list of solicitors but told he was not allowed to call them till AFTER his 14 day quarantine period #EndDetention#RefugeesWelcome#StopCharterFlights (3/9)