#roamcult, what is the STRONGEST argument for labelling edges in a knowledge graph?
If I want to say: Topic -> Supported By -> Evidence
I can just tag the [[Topic]] and [[Supported By]] in the evidence's block, then when I go to the topic page, I can filter for supported by.
How does doing, for example, [[[[Supports]]:: Topic]] in the evidence block help?
Like it would save clicks cuz now I can just go to the [[[[Supports]]:: Topic]] page rather than going to the topic page then filtering for supports, but you also have to type more.
There's designs, curations, and a bunch of stuff that I hope y'all find useful and can spring board off of!
There's also stuff from fellowship work I did last Fall so feel free to take a look there and use that too if it helps
I hope these starting points help kickstart a ton of divergence over the next couple days in #roamcult. I'm down to host a call Friday evening if people are down where we can hash stuff out and converge our designs. Hand it in together and split the loot as Team Carbon.
been using this method where i create an outline of ideas I want to pickup and create notes for, then I go down that list and create well-linked, formalized notes for each of those items. This is very useful btw and I use my evergreen notes all the time... but this is suboptimal
very frustrated rn cuz i realized i could've been learning at twice the rate if i was better with handling abstraction levels
start off at very high level, and sketch a map of the various parts with a sentence/drawing/equation for each part and the connections between the parts. this can be incredibly messy, informal, and like a "fat-marker map"... kind of like creating a latent space
the tools you use shape you, i didn't really get that until like this year, but i have a big problem with google chrome and i thiink its messing up my brain
google search bar + tabs makes it too easy to wander instantaneously and lose intention/awareness.
my brain wanders and chrome helps reinforce that behavior until it gets progressively worse at being intentional and directed
made a custom browser called Roam Garden (centered around #roamresearch not google) over the past couple days and it's tailor-made for intentional browsing that really pushes you to architect your browsing behaviors while at the same time helping you garden and make connections