1/ While I was high school, my bias solidified away from science and toward technology. I wasn't aware of it at the time but my unconscious decision may have been largely based on the fact that while the basis of science, those immutable laws of the universe, will...
2/ ...be forever argued in the #DunningKruger-afflicted minds of the uneducated, put a computer in front of somebody and they suddenly have the same power as any world-renowned #ClimateChange scientist.
3/. I have a lot of sympathy for the hardworking @KHayhoe 's and @MichaelEMann's of the world. Because while they are forever reminding the #Twitterverse of what has been known for centuries, the average conspiracy hack has at his or her fingertips computing power...
4/....only dreamed of by their predecessors, and with that the ability to invent and promote any type of virtual universe that suits their whims. A universe where magical undetected sun rays raise global temperatures and cause carbon molecules to suddenly pop into existence.
5/. Or where coral reefs will suddenly, without any explicable reason, suddenly turn a beautiful shade of white.
@Laurie_Garrett Living in Vancouver, Canada, I enjoy the dual benefits of being Canadian and removed from the more virulent provinces of Ontario and Quebec. The map shows a dot for each political area of both countries where the size of the dot is the relative number of cases. /1
@Laurie_Garrett The dots in the states are so close together representing I assume the State counties - distinctly political divisions- that most of the dots simply melt together. The Canadian dots are for each province. /2
@Laurie_Garrett .The differing politics and even philosophies of the two countries have indeed produced different results in their struggle of the “spikes beast”. I have often admired the values of liberty held by our southern neighbour - the nation of my Fox forebears.... /3