You're about to watch gold (79) transcend time and space (88)with Xrp (X). 79=88. Make 1 travel from 9 to 7 to make 88. Gold, time, space in the digital age. #Xrpthestandard#GoldStandard
You can thank Covid-19 for the digital age's arrival. The internet of value. Like in 1991 the birth of the internet of information right? Cern. But I want to touch on the reason they used that time to make the WWW or 232323. 19 represents the end. Its similar to 9.
Reason being because they end before a transition number such as 10 or 20. 1 represents the beginning and 9 the end. So 19 ends with a final number (9) and 91 ends with a beginning number (1). So 1991 is a duality number. The end | the beginning. How does this tie to Xrp?
Well since 1991 provides us with the internet in August, this year gave us Covid-(19) while providing us the phoenix (91) which we know as "Xrp" or the internet of value. So here we still achieve a 19-91 and history repeats in a "transition" year of 2020.
Season 4 Episode 10. Like bgs tooth he points to while the 10th is sharp. Remember my decode? 4,10=41. In 3s! 41×3=123. Posted almost 1 year ago on 12/12. I encourage you to watch the scene.