Season 4 Episode 10. Like bgs tooth he points to while the 10th is sharp. Remember my decode? 4,10=41. In 3s! 41×3=123. Posted almost 1 year ago on 12/12. I encourage you to watch the scene.
So if they initiate this new voting system, which we learned yesterday MIT is in league with Ripple, they will probably have martial law due to civil unrest. Remember I said many of these topics will be a cocktail? Here you have this voting system being next to martial law and
Civil unrest. Seems they'll be prepared for a Trump land slide. Either way, stay vigilant because December is the biggest month of the year. Boom!
If a dark winter scenario plays out like I think, this will be the reboot moment before January. This entails the crash. No electricity and cash dies to be replaced. Just know this, when it happens, chances are its at night time during America's night. Also, cash is useless.
So are anything of electricity. It will catch us off guard but be aware of it.
This will happen 100% before the digital age. 100%
I'll never betray your trust. Look, I stopped calling dates because I'm not God nor a insider and I do not want to mislead people or be wrong. But, look at what else i do. Everything i have been saying is accurate. Covid 19 was my biggest hint at the change of this year.
I changed my mindset to signs and seasons with events. I connect dots, provide proof or evidence to my points. Now you're seeing it come to pass. I want to stay honest and true. Here is something else that is true. December? History will be made. #xrpthestandard
I cant be this accurate if I focus on 1 thing. You gotta see the forest to make it happen. Not one tree. Thats how you mess up
Covid-19's strain on the world's economy is what will cause the liquidity crisis. The words "On demand liquidity" will start to make heavy sense. This is the time we have been waiting for. Between this demand and regulations that will funnel all the money into Xrp after crypto
is heavily regulated into oblivion. Much of this will be a rapid dominoe effect that will transpire. Much of Xrp's utility like I named above will cause the flip of the switch moment. The leaders of the world have already agreed to a high stable price for Xrp and for gold.
Other things too but I want to focus. Freeing up all that extra capital as well from nostro vostro accounts? The levels will be insane. Look around, the world is almost there. Regulations will be ushered in faster than a lightning bolt. Watch ⌚
You can thank Covid-19 for the digital age's arrival. The internet of value. Like in 1991 the birth of the internet of information right? Cern. But I want to touch on the reason they used that time to make the WWW or 232323. 19 represents the end. Its similar to 9.
Reason being because they end before a transition number such as 10 or 20. 1 represents the beginning and 9 the end. So 19 ends with a final number (9) and 91 ends with a beginning number (1). So 1991 is a duality number. The end | the beginning. How does this tie to Xrp?
Well since 1991 provides us with the internet in August, this year gave us Covid-(19) while providing us the phoenix (91) which we know as "Xrp" or the internet of value. So here we still achieve a 19-91 and history repeats in a "transition" year of 2020.