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30 Nov, 73 tweets, 25 min read
🎙 Finance Secretary @KateForbesMSP is now speaking at #SNP20.

📣 KF: "While a virtual conference doesn’t capture the energy of a packed conference centre, or give the same opportunities for gossip, it does allow me to speak to you from Scotland’s epicentre, Dingwall." #SNP20
KF: "This has been a year unlike any other – we have all had to make huge sacrifices, missing out on precious moments with family or feeling isolated and lonely working from home. Each of us has a story to tell – of worry, loss and anxiety." #SNP20
KF: "But amidst that – we have also seen glimmers of hope. And it is hope, and our confidence as a nation, that I want to talk about today.

In the last few months, we have stood together as a nation, to help our neighbours and support our communities." #SNP20
KF: "People have extended a helping hand of support and friendship in every village and town. We have all made enormous sacrifices for the safety of our families, our friends and our neighbours – those we know and those we don’t." #SNP20
KF: "Too often we hear that our country is divided, in my view, it has never been more united. We’ve come through the most challenging of times because it has been a collective, national endeavour." #SNP20
KF: "COVID-19 highlighted our common humanity, it has also changed our country completely and exposed inequalities and weaknesses that must be fixed." #SNP20
KF: "Re-building what we have lost will take time, effort and resources – but more than that, it will take hope –for a better future, a fairer country, a stronger economy – and it will take confidence –that we have what it takes to get there." #SNP20
KF: "I joined the SNP almost 10 years ago. It was perhaps an unusual move for a student at Cambridge…there was no student society for me."
KF: "I joined because I believed that our country and communities had all the talent, abilities and resources to shape our future. That with the right tools, there wasn’t anything we couldn’t do. That has been proved true in the good times, and in the tough times." #SNP20
KF: "Back then, I knew we could be independent, that we were just as capable and wealthy as countless other countries – and couldn’t understand why we were content to put up with decisions taken by governments we didn’t elect. " #SNP20
KF: "I don’t speak for everyone my age, but I’m never surprised when I see polls showing younger people in our country overwhelmingly want to see Scotland become an independent country, because for me it is that independence that offers us the most hope for the future." #SNP20
KF: "A chance to build the country we want to live in and to create the kind of opportunities we see elsewhere."
KF: "When I became Finance Secretary in February, Covid hadn’t been found in Scotland yet. In the entirety of my first budget debate there was only one mention of COVID-19, made by a certain Bruce Crawford, an MSP of great foresight and integrity." #SNP20
KF: "Bruce has taken the understandable, if disappointing, decision to retire in May next year after 21 years of service in Holyrood.

He is a true giant of our movement, I know he still has a big contribution to make but his presence at Holyrood will be sorely missed." #SNP20
KF: "Of course just three weeks after that budget was passed, a budget that tackled child poverty, invested in the low carbon economy, and delivered our commitments to expand childcare - we were in lockdown." #SNP20
KF: "Of course just three weeks after that budget was passed, a budget that tackled child poverty, invested in the low carbon economy, and delivered our commitments to expand childcare - we were in lockdown." #SNP20
KF: "First decision I made, was to support those who have the least with the funding that they would need to get through the pandemic – investing £350 million in our communities, in food supplies, in tackling loneliness and in helping those who had no home to lockdown in." #SNP20
KF: "That was followed by £2.3 billion of emergency support to businesses, money that didn’t just support high street shops but helped people like the newly self-employed who were ignored by the UK Government." #SNP20
KF: "And of course we ensured that our public services, not least our NHS, had the resources required to respond to the pandemic." #SNP20
KF: "We did all of that, whilst being one of the very few countries around the world which was dependent on another Government’s decisions to make the funding we needed available." #SNP20
KF: "That has often felt like a ridiculous position to be in, but never more so, than when we found that the public health measures, we needed to take had to be weighed up against whether the UK Government might give us the funding needed in plenty of time, to take them." #SNP20
KF: "Nothing exemplifies that better than the furlough scheme.

Furlough is a scheme I welcome.

Due to the nature of devolution, only the UK Government has the financial and administrative powers to put this in place." #SNP20
KF: "But let’s remember – it doesn’t come from a big UK Government bank account somewhere. Every single penny of it is borrowed and will have to be repaid... and repaid as much by taxpayers in Scotland as anywhere else." #SNP20
KF: "Without it we know unemployment would be far higher than it is now, which is why the Scot Gov't, alongside our MPs, spent all summer urging the UK Gov't not to end the scheme, but to follow the lead of countries like Ireland, France & Germany, and extend the scheme." #SNP20
KF: "In September and October I asked for furlough to be extended. The First Minister asked for furlough to be extended. So did the governments of Wales and Northern Ireland." #SNP20
KF: "And conference we all know what happened next.

They told us there was no money left. They told us people would just have to deal with unemployment. They told us some people’s jobs simply weren’t viable." #SNP20
KF: "They even told ballet dancers to go get jobs in IT.

Until, that is, they needed furlough extended for themselves." #SNP20
KF: "I don’t begrudge furlough for anyone in England, I know it’s needed. But the whole of Scotland saw with their own eyes, what drives decision making in the UK Government and there is no doubt –it is not driven by what Scotland needs." #SNP20
KF: "By acting sooner, redundancies could have been avoided, months of anxiety and worry could have been spared.

With power comes responsibility – the powers to protect jobs lie at Westminster. The responsibility for the failure to protect jobs also lies at Westminster." #SNP20
KF: "Let there be no doubt, if those powers had been in Scotland – if that decision had been mine, furlough would have been in place for every day and every business that needed it." #SNP20
KF: "There has never been a clearer example of why our Parliament needs the powers of independence – than Tory indifference to the need to protect jobs in a pandemic." #SNP20
KF: "For Scotland, like much of the world, Covid-19 has meant we must manage two crises at once – a public health emergency and an economic one.

But in a matter of weeks – we face a third crisis." #SNP20
KF: "One that will cause deep and lasting damage to our economy and society.

One that will cost jobs, impact on livelihoods and reduce living standards.

One that we have not chosen, but that is entirely avoidable." #SNP20
KF: "Brexit never made economic sense. It was never the will of the Scottish people.

Deal or no deal, any Brexit will be bad for Scotland." #SNP20
KF: "We are one month from being taken out of the EU against our will and businesses across the country still do not know the terms on which they will trade and the tariffs they will pay." #SNP20
KF: "In the midst of a global pandemic and economic crisis – Brexit is nothing short of an act of political and economic vandalism." #SNP20
KF: "But we should have hope. The kind of country that emerges from this crisis will depend on the decisions we take now and, in the years, to come." #SNP20
KF: "We have the talent, we have the resources – and with hope and confidence – then we can and will change Scotland. We will use every penny and every power at our disposal to do that." #SNP20
KF: "In the aftermath of the 2008 crash, the Tories inflicted a decade of austerity, balancing the books on the backs of the poorest and most vulnerable. Last week, the Chancellor’s first actions to manage our public finances was to freeze pay and cut international aid." #SNP20
KF: "It’s the same Conservatives, with the same ideology.

If we want our economic recovery to look different, then we need the powers to set a different course." #SNP20
KF: "Of course we will use the powers that we have to do the very best we can for Scotland.

Like with the Scottish National Investment Bank – an institution whose origins begin here at SNP conference, delivered by your SNP Government and opened last week by our FM." #SNP20
KF: "It will drive investment in the industries of the future, but what will really set it apart is that tackling climate change or boosting wellbeing won’t just be an afterthought, it will be at the very core of the bank’s decision making." #SNP20
KF: "My budget in January will build on the steps we have taken to date.

I will use it to build a strong economy because that is vital to pay for the services we need.

But a strong economy also relies on strong public services." #SNP20
KF: "That’s why austerity will never be our answer. That’s why there will be no Tory pay freeze in Scotland. This is a crisis like no other." #SNP20
KF: "We need an economic recovery that delivers new, good, green jobs. That accelerates the transition to a net-zero economy and recognises that the wellbeing of our population is as important as the wellbeing of the balance sheet." #SNP20
KF: "Firstly, we will guarantee that every young person under the age of 24 has a job or an education and training opportunity. A commitment to the generation that will be entering the job market in the most challenging times. We will make opportunities for them." #SNP20
KF: "Secondly, we will invest in the sectors that will power the Scottish economy for years to come. As the for the digital economy, I am proud of the steps we are taking to ensure Scotland can build a strong, vibrant technology sector." #SNP20
KF: "To accelerate digital adoption I am announcing today that we will be providing an additional £10 million this year to help an estimated 2,000 small and medium enterprises reap the benefits of investment in digital." #SNP20
KF: "In recognition that it is businesses in rural areas that have the most to gain by access to new technology.

Highlands & Islands Enterprise will be allocated £800,000 to extend its Digital Enablement Grant scheme to reach more businesses in the Highlands & Islands." #SNP20
KF: "And the Data Lab will also receive £1 million to help businesses to invest in more advanced technologies such as data analytics and artificial intelligence.

These investments will help support SMEs on their digital journey, driving Scotland’s economic recovery." #SNP20
KF: "In a few weeks, I will set out the Scottish Govt’s budget with a five-year pipeline of investment in infrastructure to boost economic growth.

Not pet projects like a Boris bridge to Northern Ireland, but the essential investment our economy and public services need." #SNP20
KF: "Our Infrastructure Plan will include almost £5 billion to inclusive economic growth, including £500 million to extend full fibre broadband to businesses and households in rural areas and £30 million to support our Islands." #SNP20
KF: "It will see more than £11 billion invested in our cities, towns, villages and rural areas, including £275 million to revitalise our town centres and create vibrant neighbourhoods and nearly £2 billion on health infrastructure and equipment." #SNP20
KF: "Investment that transforms our country, renewing and rebuilding.

Investment that creates jobs and supports society.

Investment that tackles poverty and meet the climate challenge." #SNP20
KF: "I will always push the powers of devolution as far as they can go to build a better, fairer economy – but I cannot hide the limitations on our options." #SNP20
KF: "With no meaningful borrowing powers and limited powers over tax, devolution means UK spending decisions are still the biggest factor in deciding the size of the Scottish budget." #SNP20
KF: "For the second year in a row the UK Government has shown complete disregard for devolution by delaying their budget to March." #SNP20
KF: "Scottish Finance secretaries are well used to balancing the books with one hand tied behind our backs.

But this year, of all years, I’m being asked to do it blindfolded too." #SNP20
KF: "The Scottish budget has an impact on all our lives – it funds our NHS, schools and other vital public services and shapes our economy.

It should not be subject to the disinterested whims of a distant Tory Government." #SNP20
KF: "But that risk will always be there until independence, and that is why the election in a matter of months is so critical. A once in a generation vote, you might say." #SNP20
KF: "It will give us the opportunit to put our record before the Scottish people for their endorsement." #SNP20
KF: "Present a vision for our country - how we build a better economy that doesn't leave people on the bread line, strengthening our public services, delivering a National Care Service & backing our young people to have the skills they need to live up to their potential." #SNP20
KF: "And crucially; to win a renewed, unequivocal, unavoidable mandate for an independence referendum. I have never been so convinced of Scotland’s need for independence. And as poll after poll shows – that view is now shared by a clear majority." #SNP20
KF: "I am often asked: does Covid or Brexit mean we need to rip up the economic case for independence and start again?

Or that we couldn’t have coped as an independent country, ignoring the reality of other small independent nations around the world facing exactly that." #SNP20
KF: "The answer to both is categorically no. Our economy will thrive and prosper with the ingenuity of our people, the wealth of our resources and the strengths of our industries." #SNP20
KF: "Our economy is big enough, inventive enough, resilient enough and rich enough, not just to protect what we have, but to grow stronger.

While the starting point might have changed – the destination remains the same." #SNP20
KF: "We know that with independence we can and will create a wealthier, fairer, greener country. An economy that values its citizens and contributes to their collective wellbeing." #SNP20
KF: "We know that the recovery from Covid will take time, require a collective effort and the shape of that recovery will be dependent on where key powers lie.

We also know that if we leave those powers in the hands of a Tory Westminster Government what we have in store." #SNP20
KF: "Austerity - particularly for those on low incomes – and an economic model that prioritise London and the South East above all else.

How do we know that? We just need to look at what happened in the last crisis." #SNP20
KF: "Conference, 2020 has not been the year any of us thought it would be. I didn’t expect to be managing Scotland’s finances during a global pandemic and an economic recession. I certainly didn’t expect to be doing it from a corner of the house." #SNP20
KF: "It will be a year that none of us will ever forget and it will take time to recover from the deep impact Covid has had on every aspect of life.

But, despite the huge cost, we have not lost our hope." #SNP20
KF: "That hope, that resilience, that confidence, has brought us this far, and it will take us further. This crisis is not yet over – but we know a better future is possible and we will work tirelessly to achieve it. The choices we make now will change that future." #SNP20
KF: "2021 will be a year of huge opportunity for our party – let’s seize it." #SNP20

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More from @theSNP

1 Dec
First Minister @NicolaSturgeon: "Presiding Officer, I will shortly set out the conclusions of the Scottish Government’s weekly review of the allocation of levels of protection to each local authority area."
NS: "But, I will start with a brief summary of the statistics.

The total number of positive cases reported yesterday was 754.

That's 7.3% of all tests carried out, and takes the total number of cases to 95,811."
NS: "1,021 people are now in hospital – a decrease of 20 from yesterday.

70 people are in intensive care, 5 fewer than yesterday."
Read 57 tweets
30 Nov
🎙 @NicolaSturgeon delivers the keynote address to #SNP20.

📢 NS: "A very happy St Andrew’s Day to all of you. Scotland shares our patron saint with countries like Greece and Romania. That is a small but timely reminder of our interconnectedness and shared humanity." #SNP20 Image
NS: "These connections run deep in the ethos of our party.

The SNP is the party of independence. We want Scotland to take her place as an equal, independent country. To be in the global family of nations, playing our part in building a better world." #SNP20
NS: "Our vision is open, internationalist and outward looking. These values should never be taken for granted. The last few years have shown us that." #SNP20
Read 124 tweets
30 Nov
First Minister @NicolaSturgeon: "Good afternoon, everyone. Thanks for joining us today. I'm going to start with the usual update on the statistics."
NS: "Before I do that though, I need to point out there has been a technical issue with our reporting systems overnight which means today's figures might be slightly lower than we would expect."
NS: "And of course, that means figures over the next day or two might be a wee bit higher than usual, as it might be the case that some cases that should've been reported today will be included in the figures for the next couple of days."
Read 51 tweets
29 Nov
📺 Watch @NicolaSturgeon live on #Marr, setting our positive vision of an independent Scotland, as Day 2 of the #SNP20 begins.

👇 Tune in now on BBC One:… Nicola Sturgeon
@NicolaSturgeon 📣 @NicolaSturgeon: "We're still in the peak of the pandemic.

Every single day right now, my focus is on trying to do the best I can with my @scotgov colleagues to suppress the virus, to drive the levels down, and save lives - and we're not complacent about that." #Marr #SNP20
📣 @NicolaSturgeon: "I don't think there is any acceptable level of COVID deaths.

Across the whole of the UK, right across Europe, far more people have died from this virus than anyone would be comfortable with."

#Marr #SNP20
Read 7 tweets
26 Nov
📺 Watch First Minister @NicolaSturgeon's live update on COVID in Scotland and Christmas restrictions, before she answers questions from MSPs at #FMQs.

⏰ Live from 12:20pm at
📢 @NicolaSturgeon: "The total number of positive COVID cases reported yesterday was 1,225.

This represents 4.7% of all tests carried out, and there are 1,125 people currently in hospital - 31 fewer than yesterday."
📢 @NicolaSturgeon: "In addition, I am sorry to report that in the past 24 hours, a further 51 deaths have been registered of patients who tested positive for COVID.

I want to convey my deepest condolences for everyone who has lost a loved one through this pandemic."
Read 19 tweets
25 Nov
📣 @alisonthewliss responding to Rishi Sunak's #SpendingReview:

"£29 million for a Festival of Brexit, while they let weans go hungry at home and abroad, just about sums this Tory government up."
📣 @alisonthewliss: "The Chancellor speaks about getting young people into jobs, but he utterly failed to address the problem of low paid, part time and precarious work.

What he should be announcing today is a real Living Wage for the under-25s." #SpendingReview
📣@alisonthewliss: "It feels like this UK government is punishing people for working in the public sector.

The absolute heroes who saw us through this pandemic have more than earned their fair pay." #SpendingReview
Read 4 tweets

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