Over the last 14 months I have been refining the briefest possible explanation of CO₂ #climatechange physics:
(1/15) Any warm object radiates energy at wavelengths depending on its temperature. The distribution of wavelengths is described by Planck's Law:
2. Planck's Law predicts that the Sun, having a surface temperature of 5,800 degrees, will radiate mostly at visible light wavelengths.
3. The sun-facing side of Earth receives 1,362 W/m² in a combination of visible and infrared radiation.
Source: Kopp & Lean doi.org/10.1029/2010GL…
4. Earth reflects and radiates a total of 340.5 W/m². This is exactly ¼ of the solar flux, because the sun illuminates a disk (πr²) but the Earth radiates from a spherical surface (4πr²). This is radiative equilibrium.
(Image: windows2universe.org/earth/climate/…)
5. According to Planck's Law, the Earth, being much cooler than the sun, will radiate mostly longwave infrared.
6. The area under the curve described by Planck's Law is the radiant flux (W/m²) which may be computed using a simpler equation known at the Stefan-Boltzmann Law.
7. If Earth had no atmosphere, it would radiate infrared smoothly across a range of wavelengths. Instead, Earth's atmosphere absorbs & re-radiates outgoing infrared causing the characteristically jagged emission to space. The area under the animated emission curve is constant.
8. IR-active gasses suppress emission in some portions of the spectrum, requiring surface warming by more than 20K to re-attain radiative equilibrium. The warmer surface emits ~380 W/m², though only 340 W/m² escapes to space. Difference (~40 W/m²) is the greenhouse effect (GHE).
9. CO₂ emissions are forecasted by Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). The worst-case scenario (RCP8.5) is sometimes referred to as "business-as-usual" but there is disagreement here, RCP4.5 may be more realistic and RCP8.5 may be a 'worst-case-conceivable' scenario.
10. If CO₂ concentrations roughly doubled (369→670 ppm) it is predicted to increase the GHE by +3.2 W/m², which in turn leads to surface and atmospheric warming.
11. Warmer air can hold more water vapor, another greenhouse gas. The IPCC asserts that for every 1 W/m² CO₂ forcing, water vapor amplifies this "by 2-3x." Combined, how much warmer will Earth become?
12. Climate models run on supercomputers attempt to predict effects of additional water vapor and clouds in response to CO₂. These models do not agree on whether (or how much) additional heating or cooling this produces.
13. Consequently, estimates of the climate sensitivity parameter describing how many degrees the Earth warms up given additional CO₂ forcing vary over a fairly wide range: 1.0-6.0.
14. +3.2 W/m² forcing at a lower climate sensitivity parameter of 1.6 produces ~1.5°C warming after ~2xCO₂. The same forcing at a higher sensitivity parameter² of 5.3 results in ~5.0°C global warming.
Image: science.sciencemag.org/content/337/60…
15. Those anticipating dangerous warming in their lifetime are effectively expecting:
🌦️High water vapor feedback parameter
🔢Strong climate sensitivity parameter
☁️Positive cloud forcing
📈Worst-case (RCP8.5) emissions scenario
16. My research seeks to avoid the uncertainties inherent to climate models by instead analyzing spectroscopic satellite data to empirically measure the forcing effects of rising CO₂.
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I went through the technical guide for a modern climate model and counted the user-specified parameters:
1,737 (and I know I missed some).
If you've ever wondered what dials must be set to run a GCM, here they are...🧵
I have been told 'these just physics simulators' suggesting that after entering π, σ, 𝑔, etc and some earth-specific information, the rest is simply the consequence of laws of nature. I would observe this is not entirely the case.
First, the model needs 207 plant optical properties specifying the IR/vis reflectance and absorbance of leaves and stems
At best they may use data to update existing beliefs
Have you ever discussed climate data with someone, only to arrive at opposite conclusions?
There is interesting math behind why. [1/11]
img: @waitbutwhy
In the Bayesian framework, how much you believe something after you see the evidence depends not just on what the evidence shows, but on how much you believed it to begin with. The posterior is affected not only by the evidence you encounter, but also by your prior. [2/11]
Here are 5,498 temperature anomalies from Berkeley Earth's 2019 dataset. Natural variable weather ensures that any individual station reports higher or lower temperatures in a somewhat random fashion. [3/11]
1/ I asked for a Geiger counter for Christmas last year and got my wish. I took it on a westbound flight across the US and this .gif records the readings during take-off and climb to 30,000 feet where it recorded 25x as much radiation as at ground level.
2/ Total radiation dose measured was 8.5 microsievarts on the four hour flight. xkcd’s radiation dose chart expected even higher levels than that: xkcd.com/radiation/
3/ The part I find notable on the chart is nuclear power plant neighbors should expect to receive an additional 0.09 μSv/yr while coal power plant neighbors should expect to receive +0.30 μSv/yr. The non-nuclear power plant delivers more radiation!