1/ With high rates of viral transmission all over the country, people who have traveled should be advised to quarantine when they return. Many people will not know that they’ve had an exposure, but they can still stop onward transmission chains by quarantining. #covid19
2/ But important to remember that quarantining does not mean walking around your house as if things are normal.
It means avoiding contact with others in the home and wearing a mask if you need to leave your separate space.
3/ Some places allow people to end quarantine if they have had one negative test. Important to remember that one negative test does not mean you are “safe”— the best bet would be to get tested upon return and again within a few days to cover a longer incubation period. #covid19
4/ If you have tested positive or have had a known exposure, letting your public health department know for contact tracing purposes is extremely important. This can feel difficult or embarrassing, but your action matters and can save other peoples lives. #covid19
5/ Some may argue (some already are in the comments) that there is no point in telling people that have traveled to quarantine bc they won’t follow that advice either. I don’t think that’s true. I think that every action counts and every step someone can take matters. #covid19
6/ Many people traveled for many different reasons. Some of these may have been emergencies; others may have done so with extreme precautions taken; some may have been “careless”—
but **nihilism now will hurt us more**
Every day is a day to do whatever we can. #covid19
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Back again to stigma— have had multiple friends disclose in confidence to me in different states that they contracted #covid19 but didn’t want to tell anyone because of the fear of how they would be perceived. This is a real problem, & it *will not be solved by judgment & shame*
2/ If this makes you angry—this won’t be solved by your anger. In fact, that will make this worse. How someone else got infected is not for you to judge even if you feel like it is. That’s a tough thing to hear when people are making sacrifices.
3/ I get that- I’m a doctor, I too have sacrificed. But when I treat patients, if I sat there judging them/how they got sick— I’d quickly become a pretty bad doctor. So let’s start reframing this as something that no one wants to get- even if they sacrificed “less” than you did
If there was ever any doubt that this response was not supposed to be about politics, let that be put to rest now. Claims from Trump & friends were that #covid19 would “disappear” after the election if Democrats won. It’s worse than it’s ever been on most fronts.
2/ As doctors, it has always been difficult navigating messy politics bc we don’t want health to be political, but we also know that it always has been. Health is only partly what we do at the bedside; a much bigger part of it is how people are harmed by systems.
3/ While I’m absolutely hopeful and thrilled with the Biden administration bringing back real scientists & people that can and will bring us back on track for the response, I am also committed to continuously pushing for what is right regardless of how that “looks” politically
Trying to reconcile that some of the people in this country who are hardcore "Nationalists" are also the first to exercise "personal freedom" as the reason for why they won't wear a mask that could protect their fellow countryman at little to no personal cost. #covid19
2/ When you dig deeper here, you may find that this isn't about "personal freedom" at all. If political leadership on both sides of the aisle had been consistent about masks from day 1; kept the narrative the same; pushed for cohesiveness & shared values, I wonder...
3/ I wonder if masks could have then avoided politics & stuck within the realm of science only. Many of our country's most ardent nationalists are also people willing to sacrifice a lot for this country/ many already have. But the way that masks have been framed has missed...
1/ As the virus spreads, more people will "have no idea" where they got infected from. As this happens, we need to gain a better understanding of how & why it continues to spread. For me, one big ? is- what types of masks are needed in diff situations bostonglobe.com/2020/11/24/nat…
2/ @RanuDhillon & I wrote about the "when, where, why and how" problem of #covid19 spread in @washingtonpost ; this gets worse as case spread outpaces our tracing & outbreak investigation capacity
3/ @sri_srikrishna@RanuDhillon and I wrote about masks early on in this context- what is the bare minimum mask you need in different settings in the community? In the hospital, we use N95s w/ #covid19 positive & #covid19 potential rule out cases
1/ Flying during the pandemic is a nuanced topic. In theory, planes should have low transmission; mandatory masks+great air filtration. But- tracing transmission specifically back to a flight isn’t exactly easy- as w/ most things, the data is limited
2/ Would need to test folks after the flight to exclude those already pos; would need to serially test others thereafter; in folks who became pos, wld need to make sure transmission wasn’t before the flight (ex on way to airport in taxi, or at airport restaurant before flight)
3/ Also would need to make sure transmission wasn’t during other activities they did after the flight; some studies have used genomic analysis to figure out if similar strain spread to multiple folks on flight which helps to paint the story more clearly.
Thankful for all the frontline workers that carry our country on their tireless backs and have been since the day this epidemic started (and before). Many have since died; we must thank them but thanking them isn’t enough; we must stop failing them. #covid19
2/ Thankful for all the people who played whatever role they could; whether that meant canceling a gathering; whether that meant taking extra precautions to reduce risk; whether that meant wearing a mask; thank you. Every action matters. Millions of small actions stop epidemics.
3/ Thankful for my fellow doctors, nurses, PAs, pharmacists, social workers, nutritionists, patient care assistants, physical therapists, care coordinators; Many of you work tirelessly without ever seeking credit or acknowledgement- you do the work for the work. Thank you