Committee of the Whole is starting now! Presentation will soon start on the Student Assignment Policy Redesign. #BoardWatch
Here are the slides that will be discussed:… #BoardWatch
These are some reasons why the BOE approved a resolution in 2018 to approve a new student assignment policy and problem statements. #BoardWatch Image
Recommendation is to prioritize the three goals in the order on the slide, with Diversity as top goal. Next slide shows long historical context of segregation. #BoardWatch Image
Here is a timeline of the work so far on this policy. #BoardWatch Image
The new policy would move to "choice within zones" - instead of choosing from 72 elementary schools, each family would have a more manageable list, and would get a choice in their zone. There would be tiebreakers and "diversity categories" to disrupt segregation. #BoardWatch Image
Zones will help make process more predictable. Families will still have access to all types of programs they are eligible for (language, special ed, K-8, etc.) #BoardWatch Image
Diversity categories: every block in SF will be assigned to a category based on certain characteristics. Every school will have a certain number of spaces for students from every diversity category in the zone - so that every school looks like the zone it’s in. #BoardWatch
Individual student/family characteristics will not be considered. Diversity categories are based on aggregate data for the block. #BoardWatch
Staff considered many factors in developing the policy recommendation. Two of these were community input and policy simulations #BoardWatch Image
Findings from simulations informed the proposed policy. It was the only one that improved on all three of board's policy goals. Need both the zone and diversity categories to get these outcomes. #BoardWatch ImageImage
There was feedback in the fall as well, held via Town Halls and watch parties. Here are some of the findings. #BoardWatch ImageImage
Moving from policy to implementation will need to do work such as drawing zones, creating diversity categories and transportation and understand that these must involve community feedback. Making amendment to reflect this. #BoardWatch Image
Here are the various workstreams involved in implementation. Will need time and resources. #BoardWatch Image
A policy can achieve more diverse schools, but need more resources to achieve integration says Chief O'Keefe. #BoardWatch
Fiscal impact: this is what it will take to implement. Costs are over an 18 month period. Also continued research partnerships. #BoardWatch Image
Many of the changes we are considering will be needed with or without a new student assignment policy says O'Keefe. #BoardWatch
Here are the next steps...#BoardWatch Image
O'Keefe: By fall of 2028 Kindergarteners who start in this program will be in 5th grade - that is when we will see full impact of the policy change. #BoardWatch
Now it is public comment time! "Raise your hand" if you want to speak to this topic. #BoardWatch
Public comment: appreciate policy addition and also the focus on supporting schools and staff through changes. Also, as a mom with a child who will be impacted, appreciate transparency, but disheartening re Mission Bay- how will it all be equitable to existing structures.
Comment: Kevine Boggess from @ColemanSF1 - how do we implement something that reflects these goals in the current financial situation? Doesn't address issue of wealthy people taking advantage of the system by moving. #BoardWatch
Comment: would like to have a link available to the original AAPAC recommendations on this topic. Concerned about budget impacts. Oakland is using a different policy. This policy could impact Title 1 status. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Norton: this policy is a balancing act. We have ranked priorities in a way that is true to board's objectives. Would like to hear clarification on some of what was brought up in public comment around goals of diversity categories #BoardWatch
The way the diversity categories are written into policy are looking at race/ethnicity, income and (i think test scores). Not always exactly 1/3, 1/3, 1/3. B/c using a geographic proxy, not reserving seats for low-income students #BoardWatch
Norton: isn't accurate to say we have income caps at schools, but look to make schools reflect zones, and seek to draw zones that are diverse #Boardwatch
Norton: one aspect of this policy is that it allows us to rationalize transportation policy. O'Keefe explains the complexity of the current system - and cost. @rpnorton @OKeeffeOrla
O'Keefe: the assumption is that we will be able to provide greater access to transportation to help move students within zones. Depends somewhat on size/shape of zones. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Cook: interesting to see how public perceives this when it rolls out. Want to talk more about diversity categories - hadn't heard term until today and want to better understand it. #BoardWatch
Cook: if someone is signing up for student assignment, how will they understand what diversity category is? O'Keefe: very similar to what Berkeley has been doing for several years. You will know your category based on your home address. #BoardWatch @OKeeffeOrla @stevoncook
Cook: what does Berkeley call it? Henry O'Connell: they also call it diversity categories. One difference in how they communicate is they lead with values, rather than technical details b/c they don't think those are as important as guiding value. #BoardWatch
Cook: what will families see? O'Connell: they will see full list of schools for their Zone, diversity categories will work to make sure each school represents demographics of entire zone. #BoardWatch
Cook: the Zone choices are easy to understand, but how the diversity categories work is not easy to understand. O'Keefe: will need to work on communication, but also need to lead with values, and make it as simple and easy for families. #BoardWatch
Norton: when we redesigned the system in 2010, one big issue was parents strategizing to get certain schools. By putting emphasis on how the process works, we encourage strategizing. Want them to tell us what they want within constraints of the policy. #BoardWatch
Cook: last question is about language pathways? How does this affect segregation within a school? #BoardWatch A: assignment policy won't solve all problems. #BoardWatch
Cook: example, if at Starr King (mandarin immersion) someone on the west side wanted to attend, would the Zone be expanded for that? O'Keefe A: if there is only one of something, the zone for that would be the whole city. So everyone has access to it. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Collins: Concerned that this resolution does not seem to be a result of parent advocacy, would like to hear from advisory representatives about this #BoardWatch
Laticia Erving (AAPAC coordinator)- this resolution is not something that families in AAPAC has pushed for. What we have said, going back to formal requests to the Board, is want to focus on what quality schools look like, and equitable access #BoardWatch.
Erving: inbox is going crazy, "how is this going to address needs of my kids" "board is going to do what the board is going to do." That said, we are very grateful for the policy team, have been amazing and really listening to family voice. #BoardWatch
PAC coordinator Michelle Menegaz agrees and notes that zone decisions are the meat of the implementation phase: what will this mean for my kid? Going forward, team has been really clear that engagement is important. #BoardWatch
CAC for Special Ed leader Alida Fisher seconds what O'Keefe says about assignment policy not addressing all the equity issues. Training of one para in one class can make a difference. Don't know what Special Ed will look like in Zones. #BoardWatch
Fisher: many of us feel very marginalized by the board in this process, but heard by Henry and Orla #BoardWatch
Kevine Boggess: see segregation not only across schools but within the same school building. Think there is a trust gap between the school district and families. That is what creates some of the hesitations. Would like to see a model that works, so I can trust. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Collins: how does it work with zones, to keep people from cheating the system? Even if based on blocks. Would it reinforce gentrification? #BoardWatch
O'Keefe: that is one of the problems, that is why ran thousands of simulations. O'Connell: places with gentrification can create diverse schools, but need to make sure those with more resources don't wield more power. #BoardWatch
O'Keefe: Proposing guidelines for developing zones, not proposing zones right now. Collins: that is where there are many unknowns in the process. #BoardWatch
Lopez: hear that we want to make sure in developing the zones we take away any opportunity to take advantage of the system. O'Keefe notes that the zones will not be approved by the board -but the board will approve the policy #BoardWatch
Collins: committing to 2.5 millions dollars for a policy that was not brought by parents is concerning. Propose that this moves to the budget committee to understand the costs. Also understand how demographic shifts may impact school site budgets. #BoardWatch
Collins: Don't think this should move forward in the current context #BoardWatch
President Sanchez: at this point not in favor of that proposal. On the issue of families playing the system: folks of means will ultimately move out of the system if they don't get what they want. Want to know more about how Berkeley has managed this. #BoardWatch
O'Connell: re Berkely - admissions manager notes that schools mostly have same demographic diversity, same level of PTA fundraising = no incentive to game the system. No school is widely considered to be better than others. #BoardWatch
Sanchez: can you talk about how zones will be determined with input from partner organizations? O'Keeffe: still working out details, but have been meeting weekly with a planning group that includes advisory committee representatives and hope to continue that. #BoardWatch
Sanchez: commends staff on engaging families, and happy to hear from community members that you have been listening and responding to concerns and thank you to leadership from @rpnorton #BoardWatch
VP @lopez4schools asking for other thoughts on the fiscal issue raised by @AliMCollins. @jennyhlam would like more details about timeline. #BoardWatch
Chief @OKeeffeOrla hopes to start immediately, and with proper investment can be done in 18 months to implement in fall of 2022 for students starting in 2023 #BoardWatch
Commissioner @rpnorton thinks it is important to "play back" how we got here. Former commissioner Haney noted that families almost unanimously would talk to him with incredibly negative feelings about the assignment process. Not just one kind of family. #BoardWatch
Norton: first contact with the district is a negative experience. Felt like high time to try to improve the process. No other district does it this way: expensive, transport and special ed are harder, there are many reasons to redesign #BoardWatch
Norton: think that the problems pointed out by advisory members cannot be solved by the student assignment system. We have rampant inequality in the city. Trying to set up a system easier to navigate and more transparent for families #BoardWatch
Norton: owe it to the system to address the fact that our current system allows some schools to be half empty, and that directly affects the students in those schools that are not schools of choice or 90% free and reduced lunch. We can disrupt this dynamic. We have to change it.
PAC coordinator Menegaz: advisories are not saying that we need to scrap the redesign. Asking that it get slowed down a little bit. Even Stanford researchers noted it was a "really ambitious timeline." #BoardWatch
Menegaz: look more at budget and let new board have a chance to weigh in. We know the current system is not perfect, just asking for a slow down. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Cook: don't know a moment in this district when we have had a lot of trust. The distinction around what assignment system is and how we assure school quality - perception of school quality driving choice, no matter what the system is. #BoardWatch
Cook: would be a disservice to keep the system that we have—more segregated than before Brown vs. Board of Education. The community was supposed to be driving the process. Sounds like staff listened, but take responsibility for feeling like the Board didn't. #BoardWatch
Cook: our current system encourages leaving, and that is not OK with me. Want a system that promotes investment in the communities where people live. Think we have accomplished that as best we can. #BoardWatch
Commissioner Norton: There have been other engagement opportunities, this has been going on for two years #BoardWatch
Commissioner Collins: The reasons that families don't trust this system is because things are still going on the same way. It is mostly one way communication. It is not a dialogue and it is not shared decision making #BoardWatch
Collins: @ppssf has been doing the things we should have been doing by listening to people. If we do it wrong we are just going to recreate another problem. Again I would like for us to wait for a new board #BoardWatch #ThankYouCommissionerCollins
Collins: I want to make sure that the families most affected by segregation and racial inequities are the one leading this conversation. My request to other commissioners is that we wait until January and have a robust conversation with new members #BoardWatch
Commissioner @lopez4schools: What we are speaking to is changing a school culture that has been going on for a long time. Parent choice has created segregation. This will help create trust between the district and parents. I support and appreciate all the work that's been done
Next on the agenda: Update on Our Healing In Our Hands #BoardWatch
Here's the slides for Our Healing In Our Hands…
This was a result as students who wanted increased wellness services especially for those who may not speak English as their first language #BoardWatch
This resolution was created before COVID19 #BoardWatch
Hired community health outreach workers in Dec of 2019 and placed them at Lincoln and Lowell. During the spring semester they started a wellness ambassador program. They also supported existing leadership programs like Mental Health Awareness Week #BoardWatch
With two COC's last week, they were able to run two mental health fairs and were able to partner with more schools groups. Both COC's are People of Color and were able to add more language diversity and representation #BoardWatch
Attendance and engagement increased during distance learning, which was not expected. Some of the students who are coaches themselves, have their own things to deal with, so it can take time to fully train them #BoardWatch
Going into public comment, there are 3 community members that would like to speak. Each gets two minutes #BoardWatch
PC: Want to speak to this resolution. Very excited to hear this update. The fact that we are seeing an uptick during covid shows the importance of peer to peer lead programs. Encourage the board to continue and expand this pilot. Build on the youth leadership model #BoardWatch
Same PC: It's powerful to see youth leadership during covid step up and take the lead during this moment especially with how covid and bigotry overlap #BoardWatch
PC: Policy & Alliance Director at Chinese Progressive Association. This dream would not have come to fruition without Mele & Christine. Want to speak to another public comment to make sure we continue to fund these programs. There is clear interest based on attendance #BoardWatch
Public comment has been closed #BoardWatch
Commissioner @FaauugaMoliga shout out to the kids! Gratitude also to Mele and Christine. Want us to start having the conversation that we fold into medical. Does June Jordan still have a full time therapist? #BoardWatch
June Jordan does currently have a full time therapist. Considered putting a second there but there were other schools with more need. #BoardWatch
Good Samaritan family resource center offered a group and did case management in the group. Able to engage both students and families. #BoardWatch
This fall they are at Mission High School, Galileo, Thurgood Marshall, and one other that I missed. Sorry all! #BoardWatch
Commissioner @jennyhlam thank you to all the staff and Commissioner Moliga for inviting me on! The key part of this is that students are the ones leading this. How are the video projects and how are those used for cross school community building? #BoardWatch
Commissioner @AliMCollins thank you to all staff & students! I really liked the part of the presentation where you talked about how one more staff member allowed for them to move away from triage, to tier 1 & tier 2. Tier 1 is more about school culture and is more responsive
Collins: What do you need so then you can focus more on Tier 1 and Tier 2? #BoardWatch
As we move closer to January we will be able to identify what will it take to do those types of things. We are working towards having that type of information #BoardWatch
The medical reimbursement will be a really helpful part of this conversation #BoardWatch
No hands raised for closed session and I'm logging off! #BoardWatch

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More from @PPSSFBoardWatch

17 Nov
We are joining the SFUSD Board of Education Special Meeting. The board will be discussing a resolution on reopening schools. #BoardWatch
The resolution is being read into the record now. It has been amended as of today. You can find the resolution here:… #BoardWatch
Commissioner Lam adds an additional change to the resolution that would require that any survey sent to families to understand their return to school or distance learning preferences would include detailed information about the district's plans #BoardWatch
Read 126 tweets
21 Oct
Public Comments on the school reopening presentation is now beginning- #BoardWatch
PC: A parents shares "I'm curious what we are doing to talk about the scientists, what's happening in other school districts and if we'll bring fourth that information given that we are in the yellow." #BoardWatch
PC: A parent and student speaks on how behind SFUSD is in reopening compared to NYC schools. She expresses this is a failure on the side of SFUSD. Its unaffordable and not conducive to learning. #BoardWatch
Read 83 tweets
20 Oct
The meeting is about to start! There will be interpretation in Spanish and Cantonese at this meeting #BoardWatch
It has now been called to order #BoardWatch
@marksanchezsf this is going to be a long and probably emotional meeting and we expect decorum and respect. Please do not talk over others #BoardWatch
Read 113 tweets
15 Oct
Board discussion on the policy #BoardWatch
The board is curious how this has been playing out in Berkeley #BoardWatch
Board President @marksanchezsf is curious about the sizes of the zones #BoardWatch
Read 19 tweets
15 Oct
Public comment will be starting. It will be 25 minutes total. In a moment people can raise their hand so that the board knows how many minutes to give each person #BoardWatch
You can only make comments about the proposed elementary school student assignment policy. This is not the time to comment about the interim Lowell policy #BoardWatch
PUBLIC COMMENT: Appreciate what was shown but disappointed that the presentation did not show how this will actually change what happened because of redlining. Struggling to see how this addresses segregation & will wealthy families be able to cherry pick which zone they want?
Read 9 tweets
15 Oct
What will this look like for families? #BoardWatch
Every student has a residence that is in a zone #BoardWatch
Flowchart from some of the slides about how this would work #BoardWatch
Read 5 tweets

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