City of #Portland#Oregon found in contempt of court for violating federal court ruling on use of tear gas and other munitions against protesters…
Police violated this federal court order 3 times on one day alone in late June not to mention many other days.
It's especially concerning when video from early days of massive #PortlandProtest demonstrate significant but openly peaceful actions & not until after chemical & other crowd control weapons are deployed do we see widespread violence at these protests
It's not only that chemical & other crowd control weapons were used in #PortlandProtest but that chemical weapons were abused to a point where bystanders in buildings who couldn't vacate were being directly effected despite building filters
#PortlandProtest against police violence & in favor of #BlackLivesMatter drew historic level of violence by Portland police even past that point of being (in contempt of court)
Daily breaches of federal court ruling on over-use of tear gas + other chemical & strategic violence is less concerning in itself than those long reaching conscerns which these flagrant abuses of law & violence will bring to this region.
Many businesses & citizens had already left the downtown area of #Portland due to increasing hostilities & lack of response to immediate conscerns yet now this has become an increasingly disproportionate burden on those businesses which remain to clean up
SpringSemester2013 was my 1st semester attending Concordia University Portland, because of the environment for minorities in #Portland I was careful to ask questions about this as I prepared to join CUP including asking questions about racism on campus making that a deal breaker
Imagine my surprise when little Lutheran CUP wasn't just "pretending" to apply to #yellowribbon veterans programs but was actively promoting adjunct professor Nick Caleb & his close friend Hart Noecker who actively recruited harassment of (veterans, minorities, disabled) students
Looking back & remembering that as an adjunct professor working only part time at Concordia University Portland; Nick Caleb was essentially a HotChalk contractor & (not) a regular employee, which may be how he kept his job after infractions which which would fire other employees
Government agencies which participated in violations on free speech & other civil rights are now reporting that @DHSgov involvement against protesters in #Portland & elsewhere constitut illegal acts by USA federal government against those people it is sworn to protect.
These illegal actions by order of @realDonaldTrump carried out by federal agencies & local officials have had & will continue to have long reaching consequences on streets & in lives of every day Americans
Especially those who were already disabled were among prime targets next to reporters in repeated onslaught of police & Federal officers opposing public protests by targeting these individuals.
"Federal judge allows additional time after USPS turns down court order deadline to sweep facilities for undelivered mail-in ballots"
President Trump ordered massive employment rollback before 2020 elections now preventing compliance with security sweep…
Employee reductions & facility limitations along with record turnout have caused delays for @USPS guarantee of clearing facilities yet USPS says it's still in compliance with individual state regulations as is reason for turning down order by federal judge @washingtonpost
Having no scanned delivery may have to do with a number of factors yet to be determined in key states where balots counts are stull underway. @USPS is still most secure mail system in the world with every election ballot in their care being taken very seriously.
Federal judges keep finding #POTUS45 at fault for making civil unrest worse by tweeting messages which encourage acts of violence & discrimination in disregard for existing laws
"At least four killed and several injured following shooting in Vienna"…
ISIS resurgence hits Vienna
as US federal judges declair #POTUS45 chief influence in white nationalist attacks & increase in abuse of power by law enforcement across USA
Austria attacks were spread across at least 6 different points of assault according to authorities reviewing incidents & it's presently unknown how many are involved in these deadly attacks.