To anyone who thinks President Trump lost and we can’t do anything about it...
What side of history do you want to be on? It’s just a question to ask yourself. Do you want to be on the side that gave up on America, or the side that never quit believing? Now, think about ...
every person that is testifying in public, in front of the world, risking quite literally everything. These people are the definition of Patriots. They are risking everything for the great good of our country.
Don’t fall victim to the negativity you may hear from others...
Don’t give in to the idea that you/we can’t do anything to stop this. We can and we are. Not everyone can be actively involved, but you can be involved in the fight by supporting these great Patriots. The easiest thing we can do is support our Patriots that are fighting to...
Save our country. That doesn’t take much more than believing in them, and praying for them. They are more American than the people that support President Trump but thinks he lost, it’s over, and there’s nothing we can do.
When history is written, do you want to be one the...
side that gave in and gave up on our country, or do you want to be on the side that fought tooth and nail to save our great Republic? Myself, I’m fighting until my last breath is taken from me if that’s what it takes to save our Republic. I will not give up on our Patriots...
and I will not give up on our country. I refuse to give up the fight.
Does anyone else see the incoming narrative from MSM?! This week they will show you how many shooting deaths there were in big cities like Chicago. What they won’t tell you is who’s involved in those shootings. Majority have unfortunately been black on black crime. This is not...
a racist tweet. This is an Awareness tweet! The MSM doesn’t care about black on black crime. Wouldn’t that be considered racist in itself?! They will speak of the 60+ shot in Chicago, 50+ in NYC, etc.
If #BLM to the MSM why isn’t this a bigger discussion? Why will the MSM
Use the shootings as a talking point to take guns away, but they won’t mention the numerous black lives, including black children whom have been shot... who’s the real racist?! Who’s the real anti-American?
Why does this sound exactly like what @elonmusk would do? Because it’s true. In today’s era of blue vs red ideologies @elonmusk is as close to center as you will ever find. He supports the ideologies of both red and blue, which is more true to American values then either side...
Honestly offers. @elonmusk is a true liberal conservative. The first era of what being a liberal and a conservative actual was; not today’s hyped up versions. @elonmusk is pro-freedom over everything else. This is also more true of what the honest Q movement is about as well...
It may have a conservative backing but the core of the Qanon movement is freedom of life and liberty than any party affiliation. @elonmusk is free to correct any misrepresentations I may have made, in which I will apologize in advance for. This is just my honest observation...