This has been my question for years. Why don't BC journalists cover issue X or Y? Especially those stories about the welfare of children. You do see important topics sometimes but the vast majority of stories remain untold while a few stories seem to get a spotlight repeatedly.👇
And I'm always interested in reach. If i have to dig deep to find a story - if I don't cross paths with it in my daily travels - the coverage doesn't have legs. But then there's also the issue of the interest of readers. 👇
I wrote about misinformation that the government has in print. I could barely muster up interest. Do we not care about being fed misinformation by officials - *in writing* when similar health agencies elsewhere are sharing peer reviewed scientific research?
Meanwhile, I see BC journalists laughing at mask convos in the spring.Referring to the main parent/teacher FB groups as rogue & sharing misinformation👈🤨 Referring to constituents asking intelligent questions as trolls/non experts who are @BogochIsaac (great resource) wannabes👇
Not only should we put the state of journalism under a much need spotlight of scrutiny but we should also ask why missing in action MLAs, school trustees,senior SD officials, parent rep orgs and other important officials are not speaking up about misinformation and other issues👇
I'm not stopping there. I reminded my 11 year old tweens that many youth activists started out as tween activists By UR teens, protest should be something you think about. I did! And not just batting off an Email or waiting for Greta to come to town. Where are the youth protests?
And I'm not the only one calling out the "be quiet and go back to UR Netflix bing you intellectually inferior troll" snark. Sometimes referred to as hysterical if said person is female.I kid you not.But don't worry.We are wise to that playbook. Exhibit A:
Youth protest can take many forms. It doesn't just involve taking to the streets. Start by having conversations with teachers and admins. Organize as a group. Put together a proposal for change. Anticipate the inevitable stonewalling and come up with solutions in advance. Go!
When I was 17, I had a prof from Columbia U get upset at our proposals and ref. '60s protests and people dying. Our politely delivered response? "This is not 1968. Nobody is going to die here. Now back to what we were discussing...". Help elders to form new pathways. #bced
This is a story about #covid19bc messaging and #BCEd schools. In the @Fraserhealth exposure letter that parents in my twins' school received, it states that Covid is only transmitted via droplets. Recall that stuffy classes contain 30 people and as few as <10 wearing masks. 👇
I went to the @CDCofBC site & found this comparison, stating that droplets spread @Covid19bc. Aerosols are connected w/ other conditions. Researchers/ experts have been weighing in on this topic for weeks (I'm not the researcher. My professional research interests lie elsewhere.)
On the US @cdc site you find this info RE aerosols & HVAC issues. This research is acknowkedged in BC. It's why gyms and dance studios are under review & likely why Dr. Tam @CPHO_Canada suggests a 3 layer mask indoors during winter months. (See following tweet for 2nd part. )