>2018, Sargon uses a clip of Akilahs youtube video with a youtube title that made fun of her.
>Akilah gets mad, lawyers up and begins proceedings to sue Sargon.
>She makes a video bragging how she is "boutta end this mans whole career"
>Sargon crowdfunds for legal support, hits his target.
>Sargon lawyers up too, the lolsuit begins.
>Sargon throughout the whole trial stays quiet, only gives basic factual information about the lawsuit that is in the public interest. Follows advice of his lawyers to the letter.
>Akilah ignores all her legal teams advice and constantly attacks Sargon on twitter calling him a nazi, white supremacist etc, while bragging about how she is going to financially ruin him, how she can't wait to get all his money, what she is going to spend his money on etc.
Blocking is not anti-free speech. People are free to say what they want, but that doesn't mean people have to listen.
If there is someone they don't want to hear, they can block, change the channel, flick to the next page of the newspaper etc.
The key element here is individual choice, a person can choose to listen or not.
With the censorship crowd, they wish to remove the individuals choice and make the decision for them of what they can and cannot hear to influence their opinions to match those of the censors.
A practice very common in dictatorships, control the information a populace has access to, only allowing information that speaks of The Party favourably and over time this will build an obedient population, a very effective method in securing The Parties power.
Despite Humzas extremely authoritarian tendencies, I thought maybe this headline was misquoted or embellished.
Nope, he actually believes this and is defending it.
Humza literally wants to be Big Brother.
For the protection of human rights, Humza must be removed from power.
An appeal to the @SNP and @NicolaSturgeon . This guy is actually costing you voters and is damaging your goal of independence. You need to sack him.
No one wants an independent country if it's going to be ruled with an iron fist.
Never have I said that someone should be fired, but when a guy is constantly using his position to take away fundamental basic human rights, then he should not have that position.