Education is the foundation of a properly functioning society. So when we have a large scale problem, education is our "go to" tool. Without a doubt, epidemiologists have proven to be an issue so I propose a year long re-education camp. So here we go.1/
At the onset, let it be known this won't be mandatory. But if one volunteers to decline, you won't be able to fully participate in society. Those things that bring humans pleasure will have to be restricted. Its just too risky, otherwise. 2/
It starts with a 28 day survival course where they forage off the land and learn "self reliance". It will be rough at first, we might even lose a few. But as those deaths are clearly secondary, there is no need to document them. The long term goal is a stronger herd. 3/
Each day, they will be given a prize (eg. sleeping bag, fishing rod) if they properly answer a question with two options. One built on anodyne theory grounded in anti-social behavior or a second centered on evidence based reasoning. This is where the imprinting begins. 4/
This initial step is essential to increase compliance. Now, an intensive 6 month course where the mind is nurtured with sound intellectual theory and the body challenged with a range of risk taking activities. You won't find a sociology textbook here. 5/
The principles of reason, law and humans rights will taught along side data analysis, immunology, virology and fundamental economics. Our "drills sergeants" come from all segments of society and I must say the response to this idea has been overwhelming. 6/
Risk taking activities include a rope course and a climbing wall. Those that find this too much will be asked to ride a bicycle without a helmet. At the completion of each task, volunteers will be encouraged to chant "Reason is supreme" an "Evidence based medicine rules" . 7/
The next 5 months will be dedicated to slow reintegration of epidemiologists back into society. It will be day trips at first to the local bar or perhaps a sporting event. They will be encouraged to get closer to "real" humans and even strike up conversations. 8/
We too at "Camp Normal" are worried about relapse to old behavior. So we will make sure to impose randon and arbitrary rules just when they see light at the end of the tunnel. This will certainly stiffen the spine. 9/
As they reach the end, we will allow them to recirculate in society. Don't worry, they will be asked to "mask up". If they strike an independent conversation, there's a good chance their muffled words won't be understood. A true evidence based use of masks. 10/
Upon completion, our epidemiological volunteers will be given a "passport" allowing them to attend social gatherings. Other party goers can rest easy that reeducation has taken place and relaspe behavior is low. 11/
We will make sure to "contact trace" their social interactions purely for safety reasons. Herd immunity will be maintained through a series of "booster shots" we call professional development workshops. One can never be too safe. 12/
So lets end with a poll. Is it in the best interests of a healthy society to propose reeducation camps for epidemiologists?
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These are dark days for science. Reason, the scientific method, and objectivity are our preferred weapons. We believe thoughtful engagement should drive public policy. But what happens when the powerful abandon reason? We must call it out! So here it goes. 1/
This is the face of technical incompetence and intellectual dishonesty in Canada. Dr. Theresa Tam incorrectly called the C-19 threat and unleashed on Canadians a propaganda campaign to support the wildly controversial "Hammer and Dance" strategy. 2/
It doesn't matter how you look at it, the data was clear from beginning. C-19 was a standard, albeit modestly more severe, respiratory illness that targeted the expected vulnerable groups (age with multiple comorbidities). Something akin to a hard flu. 3/
The tweet and the ensuing article sums up what is so terribly wrong with Ontario's political and media establishment. It beyond a blind spot, its about minimizing the working class in participatory democracy. 1/
"Barbeque guy" is Adam Skelly a small restaurant owner, who after 8 months of being jerked around by the public health public was told again to shut down. He then stepped out of the shadows and engaged in civil disobedience. 2/
Three brushes with the law later, an arrest, jail and bail, Mr. Skelly has emerged a champion of small business and the working middle class. Mr. Skelly has a righteous cause, a dedicated following and most importantly a skillful understanding of the law and the reopening act. 3/
Happy Anniversary CoV-2. Its been an excited year with you here in Ontario and more broadly Canada.
I thought CoV-2 arrived in mid March 2020. Well, that might not be the case. Shall we take a deeper look? 1/
According to Pravda, oops my bad the CBC, it all started with one person arriving in Toronto on January 25. It then of course spread like wildfire because thats what they were told. But is this really the case? 2/
Unlike the CBC, classy news joints do a bit of digging and have punctured these sorts of contrived narratives. In the United States, the NYT provides a good example. 3/
Well, a bombshell of a paper. Ten million residents of Wuhan PCR tested post lockdown. With symptomatics low, they could follow asymptomatics better, and found no, and I mean zero asymptomatic transmission. ....more…
This means your public health officials, your politicians and science councils full of brainless epidemiologists were wrong or frankly too stupid to grasp the truth. Models using asymptomatic transmission to drive our idiotic public policy were also completely wrong. ...more
This also means, those in power, lied to you about 1) the danger of asymptomatics, 2) the need for masks, 3) the need for social distancing, 4) the need to restrict and lockdown the healthy. They stripped you of your rights and all we had to do was ask the sick to stay home.