The right to privacy is basically the right to say "none of your business" in answer to Qs -
eg. What is your sex? age? sexual orientation? what is in that email? what is your religion? who are your children? how much money do you earn? are you pregnant?
It includes not just the right not to answer a question, but the right not to have that information recorded in a database where the information can be processed.
Or- where it is necessary to be recorded it shld be controlled & kept secure
(hence we have GDPR -data protection)
But it is a limited right - the govt demands information all the time - in order to work out how much tax you owe, in pursuit of crimes, in the healthcare system, in the census, in recording births, in child protection...
And there are situations where the right to say 'none of your business' is the right to walk away.
You don't have tell yr age at the supermarket, but you can't buy alcohol if you don't
You don't have to tell an employer yr full history, but u do if the job requires CRB check
This was an interesting case from 2015 about the right to privacy of trans people
A transwoman claimed that the information asked in a GRC application was a breach of privacy
The High Court rejected the claim on the basis that it in order to do its of certifying whether a person meets the criteria of the GRA job the panel has to know the details of a person's transition.
Kate Scottow has won her appeal and her conviction under s.127 of the Communications Act is quashed
On valentines day last year she was convicted for a dozen tweets of using a public communications network to “cause annoyance, inconvenience and anxiety”
You can only imagine the "annoyance, inconvenience and anxiety" for this mother and student being arrested, locked in a police cell for 7 hours, having her computer and phone impounded for months, then being tried, convicted and fined.
So what is going on with the Good Law Project crowdfunder?
Remember the initial launch was about a 14 year old transboy suing the NHS for delays - it raised about about £20K in the first days but has had a big boost since the Keira Bell judgment
This original case sounds quite similar to child S whose statement was included as evidence for the Tavistock in the Keira Bell case
Good Law Project Director Jolyon Maugham has argued that the justice system engineered to exclude the voices of trans children, and particularly Child S
Changing the word "gender" to "sex" makes it absolutely clear that when a woman does not consent to a person of the opposite sex putting their fingers inside her, that means no.
If @rapecrisisscot think this doesn't matter they are not fit for purpose.
Maria is 'famous' for coming out as non-binary to President Obama saying “In the UK we don’t recognise NB people under the equality act, so we literally have no rights." 🙄