As the @3_20Coalition we are shocked and dismayed by interactions during the Borough Council meeting held on December 7, 2020. In particular, we call out and condemn the threat made by Ted Dannerth, (aka Wyatt Earp),
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... who pledged to meet our calls to defund the police with the “full force of the 2nd amendment.” Dannerth spoke for over two minutes, uninterrupted, while he boldly made threats against the 3-20 Coalition. In fact, neither the Mayor, nor any member of the Borough Council, (2/ )
acknowledged these threats until they were specifically called out by one of our co-leaders.
The 3-20 Coalition has consistently protested in an non-violent manner for over 20 months while pursuing justice for the murder of Osaze Osagie.
At no point and time have we ever invoked, pursued, nor perpetuated any notions or acts of violence, despite the fact that members of our coalition have been targeted numerous times. We take exception to the fact that a violent threat was issued on a public call,
hosted by the State College Borough, without any check or balances on that caller. We take these threats seriously, and the protection of our members is of paramount importance to the coalition.
While we cannot ensure the state that perpetuates violence against us will uphold the law to protect us, we vow to make the public aware of these threats, and the actions, or lack thereof, on the part of those elected and representing the Borough.
We remind everyone that these threats exist in State College, and we call on our allies to be vigilant and watch out for one another.
As a Coalition, we find the blatant disrespect surrounding the conversation of Osaze’s death, to be reprehensible and abhorrent.
We are dismayed at the assertion that race was not a factor in the murder of Osaze Osagie. Not only do we whole- heartedly disagree, but we renounce any notion that Osaze’s murder was "Suicide by Cop." Among other things, we absolutely reject comments from those speakers ...
who blatantly denied the facts about the nature of Osaze Osagie’s murder, or fabricated crime statistics to justify the murders of countless other Black people at the hands of the police.
Despite this fervent opposition, we remain determined to seek justice in State College.
We encourage the citizens of the State College community to call and email the Borough Council, demanding that the 2021 police budget be defunded by $2 million, in an attempt to distribute the funds to social services that are desperately needed in our area.
We urge our community to stand up and speak out for justice. We can't do it alone. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all ...” MLK
Join on Monday, Nov 23rd in Harrisburg, PA at the State Capital to mourn the 1/4 million Americans who have died from Covid-19, including those who have died in prisons and jails in Pennsylvania.
Then, they will release our COVID prison demands for the Governor, DOC, and legislature and ask the Governor to remember those who have passed in prisons from this pandemic--and no longer sit on the sidelines as more people senselessly lose their lives.
The Centre County Freedom Fund (CCFF - @CC_FreedomFund) is organizing against Center County Correctional Facility's refusal to release the names of its captives. They claim to not keep a list of its current captives, and refuses to even release the number of people being held -
This purposeful opacity is dangerous. It prevents a real evaluation of the risks of COVID spread, prevents us from really understanding how much the County profits from keeping captive people from other counties, and will make it significantly more difficult to bail people out.
Watch out for action updates in next week's email as well as on our social media (links below)
There isn't anything up yet, but we'll be sending out information about the county's bail system, jail, and prisons, as well as action updates.