JK Rowling calls for end to 'climate of fear' around trans debate. mol.im/a/9034385
The VAST majority of people support ending this nonsense.
The High Court ruled children cannot consent to puberty blockers, but over here in Canada, our Liberal and NDP members of the Justice Committee are feigning deafness and won’t even read the briefs.
Within 10 minutes of arriving at B.C. Children’s Hospital, the nurse and social worker had brought up Lupron, a puberty blocking drug, directly with her child.
Our Canadian government pretends that detransitioners don’t exist.
Member of Parliament Randall Garrison @r_garrison called detransitioners a “false narrative.”
He came up to talk about my signs, and quickly started getting super aggressive, so I took my phone out to film and he sent it flying.
I then asked people on the sidewalk to call the police as I held his jacket. He ended up on the ground with me holding him down with one arm, but the bystanders just stared.
So I let him go and then grabbed video of him for the police.
This fine young man disagreed with my signs, but in a stunning development for Victoria, he wanted to have a conversation! ❤️
I love conversations.
Part 2 of chat with nice Victoria man.
Part 3.
This was funny. A woman had driven by, and she was yelling at me from inside her car and I thought she was yelling “Shame, shame!” but it turns out she was yelling “Yay, yay!” ❤️