Within 10 minutes of arriving at B.C. Children’s Hospital, the nurse and social worker had brought up Lupron, a puberty blocking drug, directly with her child.
Our Canadian government pretends that detransitioners don’t exist.
Member of Parliament Randall Garrison @r_garrison called detransitioners a “false narrative.”
“Being straight is boring.”
Yes, just another part of the social craze of all of this.
“Children with mental-health problems or conditions such as autism are more likely to experience gender dysphoria. Untangling all this is extremely hard.”
The amount of time the author spent on this article is incredible.
The Economist spoke to more than four dozen people around the world, at great length.
Indeed. Our ‘affirming-only’ endocrinologists prescribing puberty blockers on the first visit have forgotten the first duty of medicine.
When numbers skyrocket like this, we should be pausing to figure out what’s going on, not passing a bill that will ensure these numbers skyrocket even more.
BC Children’s Hospital is lying.
How is it a ‘rigorous process’ when it’s only 2 appointments — and only with ‘affirming’ doctors, nurses, or social workers?
How many of these stories do we need to read before our government wakes up?
“She was also deeply depressed.”
In the majority of children with gender dysphoria, there are comorbidities - one or more other conditions going on.
But straight to puberty blockers?
Gender dysphoria goes away all the time!
“The flood of hormones in puberty help reconcile a child to their sex in a way that doctors do not fully understand. Blockers stop that.”
Lack of bone density, heart problems, vaginal and uterine atrophy, sterilization, mastectomies, hysterectomies, shaving the Adam’s apple... all this to validate a confused child who likely has comorbidities and will grow out of the dysphoria.
Dr. James Cantor @JamesCantorPhD thoroughly debunked the medical evidence for an ‘affirmative’ approach.
“Ideally, she said, an adolescent with gender dysphoria would have been regularly seeing a therapist, who encouraged them to explore other possible causes for their feelings and had a comprehensive psychological assessment before being put on blockers or hormones.”
Schools are the new front line, and Kindergarteners don’t need gender identity lessons, thank you very much.
5 year olds don’t need to role-play being non-binary, practicing their pronouns.
Look out for Joe Biden, America. 🇺🇸
He’s about to redefine sex to include gender identity.
Canada and Australia are going 100 miles an hour in the wrong direction.
It’s encouraging to see a backlash is starting in Sweden, Finland, and the UK.
Keep fighting! ❤️
Can you imagine having to make a freedom-of-information request to find out what your child is learning?
Fortunately, you can find BC and Alberta’s gender identity lesson plans here: bc.sogieducation.org/sogi3
The more conversations we have, the more we get these excellent outcomes.
Keep having conversations! ❤️
This shorter piece is also by the same journalist.
(The Economist doesn’t do bylines. Its journalists just work quietly away.)
He tells me “Do try to get your Parliament to read that.”
JK Rowling calls for end to 'climate of fear' around trans debate. mol.im/a/9034385
The VAST majority of people support ending this nonsense.
The High Court ruled children cannot consent to puberty blockers, but over here in Canada, our Liberal and NDP members of the Justice Committee are feigning deafness and won’t even read the briefs.
He came up to talk about my signs, and quickly started getting super aggressive, so I took my phone out to film and he sent it flying.
I then asked people on the sidewalk to call the police as I held his jacket. He ended up on the ground with me holding him down with one arm, but the bystanders just stared.
So I let him go and then grabbed video of him for the police.
This fine young man disagreed with my signs, but in a stunning development for Victoria, he wanted to have a conversation! ❤️
I love conversations.
Part 2 of chat with nice Victoria man.
Part 3.
This was funny. A woman had driven by, and she was yelling at me from inside her car and I thought she was yelling “Shame, shame!” but it turns out she was yelling “Yay, yay!” ❤️