@miranda8 @NaomiBardach Sorry for account switch! Multi-tasking. This will not be a full "live-tweet" but will try to capture some of what is happening at this meeting. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach Some interesting key findings from research being shared. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach Kids seem to have higher level of antibodies than adults against COVID-19 because have had more exposure to colds etc. Cases in schools tend to be all from community (not spread within school). #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach Are children superspreaders? Studies that suggest yes were based on more symptomatic students early in the pandemic. There is evidence that younger children don't spread as effectively for several reasons. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach Different at different grade levels. Can learn from Israel. Outbreak happened in HS after allowed to stop masking for a few days #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach Camps and hubs in SF have been successful. Implication is that it is possible to follow public health principles. Research at UCSF observing how layers of mitigation are working. Need all of the layers. It is a heavy lift but we can do it says Bardach #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach Research: Masks alone are even more effective than weekly testing of teachers and students. Also stable cohorts. With all of these interventions, rate of HS spread is almost as low as ES. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach There will still be a lot of testing, even without testing of asymptomatic students. Surveillance testing - in NY found 28 positives of 16K tests in Oct. Different rate in schools than community rate- helpful to understand. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach Numbers from Marin and San Diego show very very low in-school transmission. Takeaway, better to redirect resources to mitigation other than lots of testing. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach Upcoming testing challenges and opportunities. There are high testing demands, want to prioritize symptom-based testing. To be able to get back to school quickly. Need tests available. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach Bardach: It is important to keep a laser focus on reopening schools, but not on the backs of teachers. Need to take health pledge very seriously. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach Questions from committee now: Trustee @TheaSelby is asking about data from a particular study - qualtrics. (maybe this one? qualtrics.com/research-cente…) #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby Wonders how rate of staff to staff transmission from Covid-19 compares to flu transmission? @NaomiBardach has need seen the data but says it is a good question. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby Selby wants clarification on what is being recommended regarding surveillance vs symptomatic testing. Bardach: symptomatic screening is super-important, asymptomatic testing is really helpful to inform us, can do in more of a "sampling" like current recommendation of 50%/month.
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby Bardach: Thinks priority for asymptomatic sampling is adults, and maybe high school students. Not as important in elementary students. If had capacity could do screening high frequency to stop outbreaks, but not there yet on testing technology and logistics. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby Supervisor Ronen @HillaryRonen is asking if anyone from School Board or School District is available to answer questions. Feels that every educator from SFUSD needs to see this presentation. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen BOE VP Lopez @lopez4schools says need full city support to make sure opening can happen with all of these mitigation strategies in place. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools BOE Commissioner @AliMCollins says she felt very safe going into @UCSF hospital, wouldn't it be great if schools felt that safe. Feels dismissive when say teachers "look at the science." Not all teachers are worried that kids are "viral vectors" but need all layers of protection.
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF Collins says the recommendations have changed: first say masks not needed, then needed, makes educators feel less confident. Need to agree on highest standards of safety we will guarantee. Black families also have a sense of distrust. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF Ronan says she has had many conversations with educators citing studies that contradict what Dr. Bardach has shared. Believe there is misinformation, would like this presentation to be shared with educators. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF Chief Lau-Smith says there are already very robust trainings for staff in place. Could add these slides. Current training has much but not all of the information Dr. Bardach has presented. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF Ronen suggests an opportunity for Dr. Bardach to answer educator questions. Lau-Smith says there can be Town Halls, should understand there is "a lot of staff." #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF Ronan says she has not seem much on the impacts on children of being out of the classroom for months. Dr. Bardach says there is not great data flow. There is a study that shows learning losses, though not as dramatic as we would have thought. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF Bardach: Children's hospital in Oakland is seeing a pretty large increase in suicidality in emergency rooms. Tragic accounts of kids hurting or killing selves during Zoom classes. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF Commissioner Collins wants to know about reporting in SF of cases. Hear rumors, have been hearing offline of cases of families bringing Covid into schools, and quarantines in hubs or private schools, but not seeing any numbers. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF Ana Validzik from DPH: there have been no schools or learning hubs that have closed, and no outbreaks. There have been individual cases. Less than 1% of students and staff, vast majority are community spread. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF Collins: where do we see this data? On people who were told to quarantine for example. Will help with planning. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF DPH is working on a dashboard similar to the slide that was shown of the dashboard from Marin. Hoping it will be posted by the end of the year. Need to make sure we pay attention to privacy issues says Validzic. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF Collins thinks being able to see the numbers would help reassure people. Validzic: the issue is that the numbers are so small there are real privacy concerns. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF Supervisor Fewer @SandraLeeFewer : thinks this is super-hopeful. Can do this if we put precautions in place. We will not always be in purple, this will shift. Now is the perfect time to plan. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer City needs to support this effort says @SandraLeeFewer. Notes that the emotional and mental impacts of this on children could be life-long. Laguna Honda intervention shows that we can be successful when put resources towards making something happen. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer Fewer: the most irritating thing is that we have been asking for months what assistance SFUSD needs from the City. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer Fewer: we first were operating from a place of fear. Now studies are showing we can open and there is very little risk. It is a call to action for a plan. Want an update on negotiations with labor partners. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer Commissioner @FaauugaMoliga speaking to wellness needs for students returning to school. Do we have the infrastructure for medical care and wrap-around wellness services to support kids. D/n think the school district can do it on their own. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga Mental health issues are impacting students across a broad spectrum, affluent kids too, says @FaauugaMoliga
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga UCSF Department of Adolescent and Child Psychiatry has done a lot of work around this says @NaomiBardach and have fantastic webinars. There is a lot of joy when people go back (to school) but also a need to help people. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga Maria Su Director of DCYF says they have partnered with SFUSD on a mobile response team to serve young people. The extension of the program will start early next year. Agrees that mental health is a "Major, major issue right now" #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga Lau-Smith says they are also coordinating with DPH, Seneca, and school site staff. There are issues with staffing, especially social workers and mental health professionals who have experience working with people of color. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga VP Lopez says she wants to pivot - our school system was already damaging. In returning, personal connections are important, have an opportunity to rethink our school systems with educators. There are no teachers in this conversation. @lopez4schools #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga Supervisor @MattHaneySF wonders about relationship between high rates of community spread and the risk inside of schools. We are now in purple tier, so cannot open new schools. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF Dr. Bardach: data from Duke that hasn't been shared publicly. They have crazy high rates compared to us and have had very few transmissions in schools. If we have mitigation layers in place we can be successful. @NaomiBardach #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF Haney: so is there a level at which we cannot reopen safely? Bardach: operationally, if there are a lot of cases, and so much quarantining, that will shut down schools. Can also just choose a number, but there is no data to inform exactly what that number should be. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF Dr. Bardach: In EU, even during surges, prioritize keeping kids in elementary school. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF Supervisor Haney: wonders if Bardach's understanding of SFUSD's testing plans is consistant with recommendations. What amount of testing should be in place for elementary schools? #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF Bardach supports the strategy the @SF_DPH is recommending. Focus on mitigation, symptomatic testing, and asymptomatic screening of teachers (all teachers every 2 months). Not a good use of resources to do any testing of students. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF @SF_DPH Bardach: there really does not seem to be support in the data for extensive surface cleaning. Would suggest backing away from sense that we need deep cleaning, wiping down bathrooms every half hour. Hand hygeine is still important. But lower on list than masking. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF @SF_DPH Dr. Bardach needs to go, she has stayed an hour over allotted time. Still some more questions from committee members. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF @SF_DPH Fewer: agree that educators should be at the table, but that is the purview of SFUSD, not City. Where are we with negotiations? #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF @SF_DPH Fewer: it is imperative that we alleviate fears of educators and parents by communicating this data, and how we are going to keep students safe. To ask parents if they want to come back without sharing safety protocols and data does not make sense. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF @SF_DPH Fewer: also need to think about how to get kids to school safely. That is where we can work with MTA. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF @SF_DPH VP Lopez: there are some assumptions; there has been a lot going on and plans being made. We need to stop working in silos, need to start viewing each other through partnership. Should include teachers in all city departments #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF @SF_DPH Commissioner Collins: a plan was presented Tuesday, it is online, will be re-presented today. Part of the reason there is a sense of distrust is if you have been in a system that hasn't taken care of you, you don't trust that it will happen in a pandemic. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF @SF_DPH Trustee Selby: at CCSF there is not a plan for return. Wish would could have a similar presentation for higher ed. Sharing some starting data about high level of Latinx students not planning to return AT ALL and large reduction in DACA applicants. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF @SF_DPH Deputy Superintendent @myongleigh is now speaking to the committee. He and Chief Lau-Smith will be presenting the district plan. Will stop tweeting when presentation starts b/c we tweeted this on Tuesday. Notes that have submitted plans to DPH for approval process. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF @SF_DPH @myongleigh Leigh says that today there is an all-day negotiation session with SFUSD and educators. #BoardWatch
@miranda8 @NaomiBardach @TheaSelby @HillaryRonen @lopez4schools @AliMCollins @UCSF @SandraLeeFewer @FaauugaMoliga @MattHaneySF @SF_DPH @myongleigh Here is a roll-up of our tweets from the full presentation of SFUSD's reopening plan from this past Tuesday drive.google.com/file/d/1mu6Pcp… #BoardWatch

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More from @PPSSFBoardWatch

8 Dec
SFUSD Board of Education meeting is starting! I'm Miranda, PPS-SF's policy director and I have the first shift of live-tweeting today. Stay tuned, action starting soon! (btw, my live-tweet drink of choice is a combo of black cherry and ginger juice..) #BoardWatch
Great news! There is now sign language interpretation for Board of Education meetings. #BoardWatch
Here is tonight's agenda go.boarddocs.com/ca/sfusd/Board…. Staring with the Superintendent's report. He is thanking Commissioners @rpnorton and @stevoncook for service to the board. #BoardWatch @SFUSD_Supe
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1 Dec
Committee of the Whole is starting now! Presentation will soon start on the Student Assignment Policy Redesign. #BoardWatch
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17 Nov
We are joining the SFUSD Board of Education Special Meeting. The board will be discussing a resolution on reopening schools. #BoardWatch
The resolution is being read into the record now. It has been amended as of today. You can find the resolution here: go.boarddocs.com/ca/sfusd/Board… #BoardWatch
Commissioner Lam adds an additional change to the resolution that would require that any survey sent to families to understand their return to school or distance learning preferences would include detailed information about the district's plans #BoardWatch
Read 126 tweets
21 Oct
Public Comments on the school reopening presentation is now beginning- #BoardWatch
PC: A parents shares "I'm curious what we are doing to talk about the scientists, what's happening in other school districts and if we'll bring fourth that information given that we are in the yellow." #BoardWatch
PC: A parent and student speaks on how behind SFUSD is in reopening compared to NYC schools. She expresses this is a failure on the side of SFUSD. Its unaffordable and not conducive to learning. #BoardWatch
Read 83 tweets
20 Oct
The meeting is about to start! There will be interpretation in Spanish and Cantonese at this meeting #BoardWatch
It has now been called to order #BoardWatch
@marksanchezsf this is going to be a long and probably emotional meeting and we expect decorum and respect. Please do not talk over others #BoardWatch
Read 113 tweets
15 Oct
Board discussion on the policy #BoardWatch
The board is curious how this has been playing out in Berkeley #BoardWatch
Board President @marksanchezsf is curious about the sizes of the zones #BoardWatch
Read 19 tweets

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