64% is a staggering number. Consider: Who runs for office and who retires in the coming years? Who ascends into leadership or moves to higher office? Easy to imagine pro-democracy folks opting out and anti-democracy folks opting in to an extent that people are not grasping.
And how many of these are only mounting federalism objections? Not all 70 actually oppose contesting the election; some are just objecting to the means by which the suit attempts to do so
Most Republican states are calling on a R-dominated Supreme Court to overturn the result of the election despite the outcome being obvious and the legal arguments being laughable. Imagine a Bush/Gore situation where legal issues are less clear and the margin is closer. What then?
"the correlation of Twitter metrics—likes and retweets—and persuasion was -0.3, 'meaning that the better the ad did on Twitter, the less it persuaded battleground state voters.'"
super-interesting to contrast viral videos with what was found to be most persuasive super PAC ad
This. Also note that Lincoln Project folks note that some of their online stuff was directed at media conversation and Trump himself, not persuadable voters. (Cost-effectiveness question there seems substantial, though.)
Important @jbview on how Rs are happy to roll Trump on the defense bill, Fed nominees, etc. but are terrified of him in other domains (e.g., Biden winning) - suggests it's less about being scared of him than of GOP voters on certain high-salience issues bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…
Also this from @anthlittle. Depends how you define power! Trump got Rs to refrain from criticizing him or even support him as he violated countless norms up to and including trying to overturn the election. But he didn't get his way on policy very often.
We published an article finding no backfire rdcu.be/bhWnf, I wrote an Upshot column and did an NPR interview on it, and we/I wrote 2 lit reviews em.rdcu.be/wf/click?upn=K…aeaweb.org/articles?id=10… (excerpts below) but no sign of going away. Ironically v. hard to correct!