Andreia Nobre 💚🤍💜 Profile picture
Dec 13, 2020 270 tweets >60 min read Read on X
"Kenyan schoolgirls sent away from the city to extended family in the countryside to keep them safe from Covid-19 have been raped either by family members or neighbours. If 4,000 girls are pregnant, how many more were raped?"…
Women El Salvador’s being sent to prison for miscarriages and stillbirths for decades, sometimes to 40 years…
Yemeni 8yo girl dies of internal bleeding on wedding night to 40yo man…
Women in prostitution see themselves forced to accept men they grew up with booking them for sexual activity

Girls physically assaulted by their father see their aggressor been spared jail after he claimed "cultural displacement" for his violence towards them…
Females who take steps to look masculine don't pose a threat to men's sports
Afghan woman shot, blinded, for getting a job
Female who identifies as a man told by partner, who is a male who identifies as a woman, the only the one of them who identifies as a woman has the right to have an opinion about female issues like abortion or pregnancy
"More than 900 women and girls have been reported missing in Peru since the start of coronavirus lockdown measures in March"
Day 197, 15/07/2020. Argentina closer to legalize abortion. in effing 2020.…
Scottish MSPs backed an amendment in Holyrood that will allow the survivors of rape and sexual assaults to pick the sex rather than the gender of the person examining them after an attack…
Brazilian bill to tackle political violence against women veto amendment that would replace "because of her sex" for "bc the victim is a woman", proposed to include males who id as women
Sexual harassment of women a lesbian firefighter by her male coworkers…
The reality of a forensic exam for a woman after rape

Female police officers off on PTSD as a result of systemic sexual violence
Men who pay for sex with women fuel ‘brutal sex trafficking trade’…
"Residents of a small town in central Japan have overwhelmingly voted to remove the local council's only female member after she accused the mayor of sexual assault"
Dalit feminist writers are sparking change through their literary works
A 12-year-old girl has given birth to twins in Argentina after being denied an abortion despite having been raped…
Day 197, 15/07/2020. "The normalising of male violence towards women from the likes of Vogue, Maxim, Calvin Klein, Dolce and Gabbana and Jimmy Choo in advertising"
Women's only app (and spaces) eternally attack for excluding men

Women in the workplace don't get recognition
Women are being erased from the law and public policy…
Game Cyberpunk doesn't allow users to have the options for the correct female anatomy, only the male anatomy

Young girls trying to escape being female
Why does life insurances cost less for women?

Buying sex from desperate women…
Women are suffering because of the two-child benefits limit in UK…
Day 198, 16/07/2020. New rules approved by FIFA on Friday say female player will be given 14 weeks maternity leave and her club will be obliged to reintegrate her afterwards…
Women who exit #prostitution traumatized told the "weren't made for the job"

Life as a female cyclist led to vulva surgery…
Montréal Massacre is finally recognized as an anti-feminist attack…
School maths curriculum features "sums about women going on spa breaks and calculating weight loss; men buying bikes and doing sit-ups"
School lets the boys straight into school, whilst making the girls line up outside for ‘uniform inspections’
The largest general strike in human history is led by Punjabi and Dalit women farmers

"In Sudan, there's a myth that if a girl is sick or thin, #FGM will make her fat, beautiful and give her a good body shape"
FGM persists in Singapore…
5yo indigenous Brazilian girl gang raped and murdered

Day 200, 18/07/2020. Girl, 14, takes on police over pupils’ right to free speech…
Amnesty reveals alarming impact of online abuse against women

Young woman harassed and mentally abused for not wanting anyone, apart from her mother, to witness her birthing experience
Trigger Warning: "young women suffering female genital mutilation" videos uploaded to porn sites…
1/3 of women giving birth vaginally suffering childbirth injuries and sometimes lifelong consequences
Women are telling their stories about male partners who start to identify as women…
Female survivors of sexual assaults forbidden from saying their own name on media in case the offender is found guilty

Forcing women to resort to illegal abortions should count as violence too against women and girls

Women who had multiple children removed from their care dying prematurely

Day 201, 19/07/2020. Women remarried to their brother-in-law after their husbands died to give an heir to her deceased husband's family
Over 40% of black women have been victims of physical domestic violence. Over half have been victims of psychological abuse.

Women are being instructed by some employers to 'dress sexier' on Zoom or 'redo their hair and makeup'…
The largest spike in suicide rates among any demographic occurs in women aged 50-54, due to menopause…
Afghan women forbidden to revealing their name to ppl outside their families, even it's just their name on a prescription for a medicine…
During Covid19 lockdown, women badly missed having a companion for their baby scans

Women getting pregnant after their male partners lied to them about having had vasectomies

Women took on bulk of childcare during British lockdown…
Indonesia, underage marriage of girls: 'Bride kidnapping, or kawin tangkap, is a controversial practice in Sumba with disputed origins which sees women taken by force by family members or friends of men who want to marry them.'…
FGM survivors recounts her journey to find out about what happened to her as a child

Day 202, 20/07/2020. "India—A girl who had earlier been a victim of gang-rape, and her mother, were mown down and crushed to death by a tractor driven by one of her attackers"
Brazilian university organizes talk about Lesbian contraception, implying that lesbian sex involves penis

Medical staff are trained to ask females of reproductive age if there's a chance they are pregnant

Mother groups trained in sewing menstrual pads…
Placenta lacks major molecules used by SARS-CoV-2 virus to cause infection. #NIH study may help explain why the virus has rarely been found in newborns of women with #COVID19
"Women farmers internationally are facing “the triple whammy” of lost earnings, an increase in unpaid care, as well as higher risks of gender-based violence during COVID-19"…
Kenyan 12-year old girl, married to two men within a month, rescued by authorities…
A female gang-rape survivor who yelled in court possibly because of a nervous breakdown after waiting for three hours in a dingy corridor in close proximity with an alleged accomplice of the rapists has been sent to jail for 14 days…
Covid19: Lack of antenatal assistance and vaccines will kill thousands of mothers and children…
Woman convicted of infanticide 25 years after she was raped by her stepfather, gave birth in a cubicle alone when she was 14yo, baby suffocated by accident…
Day 203, 21/07/2020. Women forced to give parental rights to the men who fathered their children through rape…
City of Paris fined for having named "too many women" to senior positions, because patriarchy wants women submissive and cleaning toilets only while men rule over women's bodies…
"80% of the 1.1M workers who dropped out of the US workforce in September were women"…
Women taking loans to pay back their employers for their maternity leave

This village never had a girl who finished secondary school and got a job for a long time

More than 55% of women in Arab states are subjected to FGM
Rape crisis centres recruiting males who id as women against female wishes to be dealing only with females…
Estimated 600 pregnant women are held in prisons in England, and about 100 babies are born inside

"Cosmetic surgery company is selling t-shirts for girls with lines on them to signify and promote where their healthy breasts will be cut out, if they start identifying as boys"

Tavistock's Early Intervention puberty blockers trial: in the English study girls show more internalising problems and worsening body image dissatisfaction.

Day 204, 22/07/2020. Reddit removed a PCOS group because militant trans activists complained women were not using inclusive language like "men have ovaries".

Women's health concerns dismissed…
TROKOSI: "virgin girls are forced (donated) to serve at shrines for sins of their fathers"

Abortion ban linked to dangerous miscarriages…
Women forbidden from talking about female issues on Reddit

"During relationships, primary care giver usually mother, after relationship breakdown father role valorised"
Woman shamed for menstruation by male partner

"Women find it very difficult to get access to land. A man has to stand in for you"

Migrant women left out of UK abuse bill, sending the message that their lives are not valued…
It's very gruesome to read that the chainsaw might have been invented specifically to cut female pelvic bone during childbirth

Day 205, 23/07/2020. Why is contraception targeted at the Females only?

"A woman who alleged that a man had raped her at gunpoint was told in a CPS letter that the weapon “was not a serious threat” during the alleged attack, and that the man may have thought she consented"

Lesbians in Iran are being asked to get sex changes or die

"Women are being overmedicated and enduring excess side effects, the study determined, because clinical drug studies and dosage calculations are done mostly on male subjects"

Cancerous ectopic pregnancy…
Poor women are being trafficked and duped into selling their skin to be used for penis and breast enlargements…
Woman died after giving birth in a busy market…
Women thrown out of their home because their husband has died…
Women "27% less likely to receive CPR because...breasts"…
Women routinely prostituted by their in-laws because of the cast system in India…
Day 206, 24/07/2020. Being raped and impregnated by a male nurse, and the health trust forcing an abortion to attempt to cover this up…
Every 13 days, a woman is raped inside hospitals in Sao Paulo/Brazil. The picture says: "don't fall sick, women. Take care of yourselves, because noone is taking care of us" Image
Women exploited in cashew nut production

#WeAreTired: Nigerian women speak out over wave of violence…
Schoolgirls in India are facing a massive shortage of sanitary napkins because schools - a critical part of the supply chain - are closed during the coronavirus lockdown…
Women in Fiji struggling to cope with periods in the pandemic, exchanging food for pads…
Girls sitting over holes during their periods in Covid19 lockdown because of lack of pads that they would get if they were attending school…
Lack of the right sport kit for women and girls…
"There is NO information about menopause and disability"

There are many complex diseases that affect women more than men. Multiple Sclerosis is one example

Day 207, 25/07/2020. Pub has to put up a sign saying to male patrons to not touch women's breast working to serve them their drinks

Female Welsh artist silenced by @Critic_Speak and called transphobic for talking about sexism

Women being tortured in custody after demonstrations in Turkey…
Germany: "Pimps get retirement money, cooks & cleaners receive transitional measures to other employment, women in prostitution were independent contractors and will receive no benefits"
"The majority (82%) of victims of sexual violence crimes were female"
"Girls face discrimination in education at all levels in Japan"
"He told her get on her knees before speaking about MbS!

More than 500 women's social media accounts hacked, women blackmailed for intimate photos by British man…
Woman who stopped identifying as a man has YouTube channel where she talks about her experiences, like being a mother after a double mastectomy and giving birth after hormone therapy

Day 208, 26/07/2020. 71 year old woman raped at home by neighbour born male who self-identifies as a woman…
Men's sport can continue but NOT women's during new lockdown in the UK
One in 5 sex assault victims were strangled: women choked during sex without consent…
Kuwait exclusively appoints men to its Women's Committee…
"Two finger test & hymen test conducted for the purposes of obtaining the status of the victims virginity is a violation of (women/girls) personal integrity"

"Misogyny and 'manosphere' spreading to playgrounds…
26k females who self-identify as men are seeking financial assistance to have double mastectomies on GoFundMe

Canada changes language in health insurance for double mastectomies, replacing "cosmetic" to "reconstructive", which may end age limit. "Breasts are reclassified as "abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects."
Man says that a drawing of a tampon is "obscene". The drawing was an illustration on a news piece about the end of the Tampon Tax
Uber won't give women the option for a female driver on late nights

Day 209, 27/07/2020. Vulnerable young women illegally offered a 'rent free' home in the UK in exchange for sex since the pandemic started: At least 30,000"…
The Tampon Tax money was used by Pride Trust to make a dice game for school children to learn about anal sex, instead of being used to buy menstrual pads for girls
Tampon tax will be abolished across the UK

Globally, 38% of murders of women are committed by an intimate partner

Reading this gave me period pain. Women having to pay for same sex hormone replacement Image
Man pretended to be a "girl" to infiltrate female rape survivors online forums
Prison Service apologises for sending male sexual predator who self identifies as a woman to women’s prison…
while investigating a woman’s death after an abortion, Indian police officers discovered 19 female fetuses dumped in plastic bags…
One of the reasons women are not self-identifying as men after their 30s

Argentina legalised abortion in December 2020…
Day 210, 28/07/2020. Saudi women who advocated for the right to drive before it was granted in 2018 and for the removal of male guardianship laws over women sentenced for several years in prison…
"Altruistic" surrogate alerts other women of the dangers around womb rental, including the enormous amount of drugs used for embryo implantation…
Women make better fitting antibodies after infections and vaccinations
Testosterone effects on female bodies: female reproductive system atrophy causing early menopause, incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse

Women unsafe in mixed-sex homeless shelter, one raped, others witnessed DV or were placed close to men who have formerly abused them…
Pro-bono family law attorneys for Muslim women victims of domestic violence are basically non-existent

Germany: At least one woman is physically injured every hour on average at the hands of their partner…
"Women who transition, even after years of testosterone, are not fighting to break down barriers in men's sports"

ACLU is challenging Idaho ruling that would keep female sports to be competed among biological females

Woman fired after reporting sexual assault at work

Day 211, 29/07/2020. Women objectification: sex doll described in details by seller

Women get blamed all the time for male violence

Women who are mothers are prosecuted way more than men who are fathers for failing to ensure their child’s attendance at school

Seven-year-old girl followed by man into toilet cubicle and attacked…
The Philippines is raising the age of consent from 12 to 16, although it's a victory, it's not enough to tackle child marriage

Many females who id as men and take steps to appear male are afraid of men

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding will have to wait to get a Covid19 vaccine

"More victims of domestic violence will be eligible for legal aid after the Ministry of Justice agreed to drop restrictive “imaginary capital” rules for home ownership that falsely inflated their wealth and deprived them of help"…
Places where "grandmothers are still in charge"
Day 212, 30/07/2020. UK: Police record more than 2,000 honour crimes in the last year including 74 cases of #FGM and 140 victims of forced marriage.
China is forcing women to be sterilised or fitted with contraceptive devices in Xinjiang in an apparent attempt to limit the population of Muslim Uighurs…
Woman said on MumsNet she wanted to join a FB group abt vaginismus, she was told the group was ‘inclusive’ and she should not state or imply that vaginas are linked to womanhood

Between 2000 and 2015, 200 thousand underage marriage occurred in the US, the vast majority of them being between an underage girl and an adult man

Stillbirths for females who took steps to look like men Image
"He used scissors to remove the clitoris of his 2-year-old daughter in his family’s Atlanta-area apartment"

Many females who take steps to look like men might be trying to escape a pornified culture and its subsequent hypersexualization of women and girls

Transgender prison policy is not fair to women in prison…
Statistics and evidence about Germany after 18 years of of highly permissive laws towards brothel keepers, pimps and sex buyers shed light on the violence against women on the sex trade
FB blocked 3 prochoice accounts, depriving women from access to safe abortion

Day 213, 31/07/2020. Journal of medicine said biological sex has "no clinical utility", even though not knowing a individual's biological sex might kill them

An abortion service exclusive for females who id as men says that those females want to call vaginas "front bums" ImageImage
142 million females are missing in the world as speak, never born or killed in heir first years of life, due to sexism…
Increasing number of Japanese women 'forced into porn'…
Menopause discrimination in the work place…
80% of individuals with autoimmune diseases are women…
This link brings 2 stories: of a female who id as a man and got pregnant, insisting that men can give birth, and of a nurse in her delivery who had to leave during labour bc she didn't call this female "he"…
"I was 14. All I wanted to do was go to the movies & eat candy with my girlfriends. Next thing I know, I was married off, bleeding as my mother-in-law shoved her finger in me to see if I was a virgin."
Police officer searches a woman and pulls off her tampon in public, in front of 2 male officers

"Most of the women who don’t have access to family planning methods live in 69 of the poorest countries in the world, according to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)"…
Day 214, 01/08/2020. Dozens of women who thought they were having a "complete mesh removal" have discovered material has been left behind…
A woman is challenging rules which deprived her of legal aid for action to protect her from her former partner…
Afghan hospital attackers 'came to kill mothers'

Institutions are saying that calling women "females" is now considered exclusionary, derogatory and misogynistic Image
Why does medicine treat women like men?…
Fifteen men competing to impregnate 41-Year-Old Woman in reality show…
'Where are the women?' Outcry over all-male government meeting in Afghanistan…
The post-pandemic world could mean smaller, more claustrophobic and more constrained lives for women

Day 215, 02/08/2020. Rwanda announced in May 2020 the release of 50 women jailed for having abortions…
South Korea demands Japan to pay damages to women used as "comfort women" during WW2…
Women on exercise trip 'surrounded by police'…
"When younger feminists are rewarded for dismissing older women as “contemptible or suspect”, which often happens (especially over social media), our movement is weakened"

Women blamed for "failing" to protect males from male violence against males

Ingoing evidence builds up that Trump supporters also had the intention to rape women during the invasion of the Capitol

Rape used by men as a weapon to instigate fear on women…
"Clearly women making up the bulk of surrogate candidates are not only lacking the ability to give informed consent regarding their own health, but they are also less likely to be able to care for themselves and the unborn babies they are asked to carry"…
Objecting to the sexualisation of girls is not the same as objecting to sexuality…
"1,019 reports of sexual assaults on mixed mental health wards from April 2017 to October 2019: call for Government to "tighten" its definition of single-sex accommodation, to ensure wards were "genuinely" single sex"…
Day 216, 03/08/2020. Huge FGM rise recorded in Somalia during coronavirus lockdown…
A UN report has found almost 90% of men and women hold some sort of bias against females…
No lesbian forums allowed on Reddit that are exclusively for lesbians

During lockdown, women selling clothes online received creepy messages from men demanding sexual favours…
Normalizing sex trafficking led Brothel in Australia to hire a dominatrix who is a 16 years old girl

Pool in Canada reopens with no single-sex changing facilities, ignoring the risks that women and girls face in places where both men and women can be present in a intimate setting

NatWest intervenes on the Sponsal Veto, which currently allows women married to transexual males to get divorced before they change their legal "gender identity"…
Kenyan woman was subjected to female genital mutilation because she was considered "lustful" for asking for sex to her husband

Man is looking for not only one, but two women who are "submissive and obedient"

"Where life for women can be worse 'simply by virtue of their sex', biology matters"…
Day 217, 04/08/2020. ‘A global expert on autism has warned in newly released legal papers that girls who are autistic or anorexic appear more likely to say they want to become boys.’
Irish church and state apologise for callous mother and baby homes…
Then, Amnesty refers to those women sent to Mother and Babies Homes in Ireland "people with vaginas", dehumanizing them even more

Edinburgh University publishes article accusing women's concerns about transexual males in female spaces of transphobia…
Woman raped by male who identifies as a woman…
Medical experts call women "people who get pregnant" but call people with erectile dysfunctions "men"

Teen girl raped was subjected to the "two fingers" virginity test and sees her rapist walking free because she was considered "spoilt"

People are forbidding women who know that humans can't change their birth sex from talking about issues that matter to women like domestic violence

PornHub tells victims of "revenge porn" (mostly women and girls) that if they want to avoid their videos "leaked", they should not have made videos (when it's known that many videos are made without the victims knowing it)

Investigation found 'virginity tests' (for women and girls) are being offered at British medical clinics
Day 218, 05/08/2020. Woman who survived FGM severs ties with her own mother who wanted to perform FGM on her daughter

Covid pandemic shatters economy, specially in areas where women dominate, many turn to OnlyFans to make money but earnings are low due to the vast number of women in it…
Women are disadvantaged in sports where transexual males are allowed to compete with them…
Woman kicked out of a 'women only' group for stating that she has a specific trauma relating to males

Woman has her menstrual products taken from litter bin by transexual male roomate to make "tea"

Thread with several institutions and groups refusing to use the word women when referring to women and female issues

Thread reminding that women on a tight budget are more reliable to handle money than most

Facebook group for Women With PTSD tells that if they were raped by transexual males, they were not raped by men

Women-only pool in Sidney will allow transexual males to use it

Leblouh: forced-feeding of Mauritanian girls…
Day 219, 06/08/2020. "Beading": rape tradition of underage girls In Kenya…
Woman who was prostituted since she was a teenager writes a poignant account of her ordeal

On 19-01-2021, women prostituted as teenagers are challenging the retention of their criminal records at the High Court

Woman was subjected to FGM because she was younger than her husband who was "afraid" of her "sexual power"

In India, woman who was raped, called a liar by the Chief Minister and accused of being a planted actor from the opposition party

@MensHealthMag says that many men are violent towards their female partners because they were "depressed"

"Vulnerable foreign women seeking status in the nation were given application points if they listed prostitution as a skill or desired job field"

"The AFL & other major sports in Australia are undermining that opportunity by allowing biological males into women’s sport"

FGM survivors are being called "transphobic" for using the word "female" in Female Genital Mutilation or acknowledging that FGM is an issue done to females only

Day 220, 07/08/2020. Woman with stage 4 cancer is told that her life is less valuable

Muslim women won't being able to use "inclusive" pool in Australia

"The only Sikh women led specialist BAME domestic abuse support service provider in the UK"

UKA’s equality plan suggests that women's past sports performances are viewed as "lacking" because women "raced shorter distances than men"…
Man thinks that feminists are forbidding other women from having babies because his female partner had a baby. Hot take, mate.

Black woman talks about scams told to black women

Woman is struggling to accept constant requests from male partner to have sex in public Image
"Women received death threats for supporting McIver Ladies Baths remaining female only. The people who sent the death threats are now welcome in the baths"

The female problem: how male bias in medical trials ruined women’s health

"There's an additional worry that... men might cynically exploit trans-inclusive legislation in order to inflict violence within women-only spaces"

Day 221, 08/08/2020. "The warden of Grand Valley prison for women is denying lawyers visits & not facilitating privacy for phone calls" during Covid19 lockdowns

"In June 2020, an Egyptian father tricked his 3 young daughters to have #FGM done on them"

Woman was given Lupron to treat endometriosis, her body sent into menopause overnight in her 30s…
"Subreddit (R/breakingmom) of mothers who are close to their wits end about one sided childcare & housework" ImageImage
"In Japan, over 50% of married men give all their money to their wives & get back a monthly allowance"

Rotherham abuse survivor Sammy Woodhouse's anger as Google refers to her rapist as 'ex partner'…
Woman is asked by male partner if he can have a "hoe phase" because, I'm assuming that how he thinks, he "loves her so much" ImageImage
Women subjected to coercive control/domestic abuse from male partners who late identify as women…
"Canadian guide to surrogacy for gay men" says to them to
"look past what you see on the outside and look for the beauty on the inside" as "Size, hair color, nose shape, and age have no bearing on a woman’s ability to carry a child"

Women who called for the reinstatement of the word woman by the HSE in cervical screening campaign ImageImageImageImage
Day 222, 09/08/2020. “Sex selection can distort the composition of a country’s population for generations… Over time, these skewed ratios translate into missing girls, missing women and missing elderly women…'…
The number of reported cases of females being sexual predators increased by 84% due to transexual males being recorded as women

New offence of non-fatal strangulation will help women get justice…
LGBT Foundation offers a women's programme for women to learn how to fix clothes

Some useful statistics on issues affecting females only… Image
"Moms look for validation from those who best understand the job – other moms"

Female Journalist @layal_alekhtiar exposed to online death threats over a post she shared on Twitter. CFWIJ denounces the deliberate smear campaign against Layal & demands authorities to ensure the journalist's safety…
US employers cut 140,000 jobs in December, according to the latest jobs report. Women accounted for all the losses, losing 156,000 jobs, while men gained 16,000.…
'Sexual harassment was exceedingly common, with one in six female doctors reporting it on social media'…
A female athlete set up the 'Proud Girls', a branch of the Proud Boys, which seems to fight for women's access to women's spaces…
Day 223, 10/08/2020. During Covid19 lockdowns, maternal employment is falling and can take years to be repaired

• • •

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More from @Andreia_O_Nobre

Nov 14, 2024
In 2022, while visiting family, my adult younger brother told a rape joke in front of me. My older brother laughed. I said simply, "I should tie both of you in chairs with a gag mouth and read to you my book (The Grumpy Guide to Radical Feminism). Older brother took an issue. 1/
He said "I will never read your book because I'm against extremism." I tried to reply that radical feminism was not "extremism" but he kept shouting me down. Younger brother defended older brother's "right" to not read my book, mind you. They wouldn't let me speak, so I told 2/
Both to go "eff" themselves and left the room. Older brother, nearly 50yo, ran to our mother to tell her I was verbally assaulted them, and she almost fell for it, until I told her about the rape joke and what I said about my book. Older brother demanded an apology from me. 3/
Read 10 tweets
Oct 24, 2024
I carried the blame for being sexually abused as a girl for 30 years, because when I disclosed it, my stepfather became furious with me for "defaming his relative" (the abuser was married to a female cousin of my stepfather). I was 8yo and insisted that this happened... 1/
... and he went into denial, saying that this man would never do such a thing because he was his relative and because he was "such a religious person - he went to church every Sunday". I insisted I was telling the truth and that he forced me to touch his penis... 2/
...and my stepfather went "then you must have done something around him for this to happen." At 8yo... and I believed it for 30 years. It was only after a gang rape happened in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 that I started to understand what happened. Brazilian men were like: 3/
Read 16 tweets
Sep 3, 2024
Longer-ish thread, I hope. The case of the French woman who, for a decade, was drugged by her husband and then raped by men her husband recruited online is something I've been banging on for years now, since a 16yo girl was gang raped in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 by 33 men. 1/
These two cases are not even isolated. Off the top of head I can remember at least another one in which a 14yo girl was found drunk in a park by a man, who raped her, then send messages to other men to come and rape her, and in the end she was raped by 26 men or so. 2/
What about the uni student who left a party, found a woman unconscious outside and put his hands on her vulva and vagina, remember that one? You get the gist. What I've been banging on since 2016 is: these men above are healthy members of patriarchy, not "monsters" 3/
Read 7 tweets
Aug 6, 2024
Last night, I received an unexpected message sent by a man who downloaded my report "Women's Sex-Based Oppression in The 21st Century". With his permission, I'll reproduce it here:
"Hi Andreia, I have two girls and a boy who were brought up with utmost respect and love..." 1/
"... and have grown into beautiful people now having kids of their own so to read some of your articles about oppression is an eye opener to me. However in the last few years I have started employing young people in my small business and have noticed how boys are treated..." 2/
"... differently to girls. With me, they are treated identically, same $30/hour, same work, same conditions, etc. But they have all opened up to me about life. All are aged in 23-28 bracket. I've had four girls and three boys working with me." 3/
Read 12 tweets
Apr 17, 2024
The man who was challenged by a woman in the female toilets, got angry and shot her dead, has been finally arrested yesterday, I've been told. This happened in Brazil. The woman was in a restaurante with her husband and kids, he was there with his wife and kids. He went to the 1/
female toilet for "reasons", she challenged him, he "got angry", left his family in the restaurant, went home, got a gun, came back to the restaurant and shot the woman who challenged him in the female toilet. For "reasons" (like challenging his presence in the female toilet). 2/
Brazilian media was informed that this man, who shot a woman 3 times (1 of them in the head), killing her, already had a criminal record. This was another femicide. This was male violence against a woman. A violent man was free to commit violence. Now another woman is dead. End/
Read 5 tweets
Jul 10, 2023
Would I be too far off if I said: "when a person is experiencing coercive control from a partner/relative/"friend", if they tell their abusers what coercive control is, the abusers will use their new found knowledge of coercive control to further the abuse"? It feels like it.
I want to say something very uncontroversial: abuse is very abusive. It drains the life of the abused, the abused becomes a shred of what they could become. I have no time for abusers. I cut them off my life and say "no" to them.
Very few people care about women and girls. We complain, we speak out, we fight against female discrimination, but very few people actually listen to what women say. Today, I despair. It's very isolating. Yes, I'm in a very bleak mood.
Read 4 tweets

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