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On Dec. 10-11, the European Council met, discussing among other topic, EU-Turkey relations in light of recent developments and the October conclusions.
In October, the Council concluded that they would pursue better EU-Turkey relations
Since then, the international community has been outraged by Turkish actions in Cyprus, France has withdrawn its diplomatic actors from Turkey, and #Erdogan has signalled opposition to "overt attacks on our nation"
"One major assumption on which Turkish foreign policy in the East Mediterranean builds on is the assumption that EU cannot act as a whole, and that the EU is not yet ready to burn all bridges with Turkey"
"The EU can act, but sometimes it takes time to build up this action over time. Therefore there is possibility for the situation to escalate further throughout 2021"
"The EU will work with the new administration in the USA, highlighting that Turkey will be a key factor in the renewed EU-US relations in the context of a #Biden administration"
"The most important thing was the request of work from the HR/VP to investigate the prospects of relations. When you don't want to take a decision, you ask someone to produce a study."
.@MCVinciguerra's lecture focusses on the EU-Turkey Statement: she will put the Statement into context, assess the impact of the #RefugeeCrisis, give an overview of the Statement's formulation, and finally assess the Statement's current status and future prospects
Join us to discuss the topic "Pouring Oil on Troubled Waters: Bridge-Building in EU-Turkey Relations" with Bernard Brunet, Fuat Keyman, @FundaTekin17, and @ilketoygur
Our moderator @ilketoygur from @rielcano begins the debate by setting the scene of EU-Turkey relations in the context of current crises in the Mediterranean, recent developments demonstrating an unsustainable scenario, and the current "watershed moment"
Ebru Turhan from @tauedutrde receives the Teaching Award for her Jean Monnet Module INSISTER “Inside the Turkey-EU Relations (2016-2019)” at the Turkish-German University in Istanbul
.@gtsourapas from @unibirmingham receives the Research Award in the category ‘People’ for his work on ‘The Syrian Refugee Crisis and Foreign Policy Decision-Making in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey,’ in @Journal_of_GSS
.@FundaTekin17 welcomes our broad audience to the conference: "The VIADUCT Network consists of 40 partner institutes and deals with EU-Turkey relations. Today we take stock of our activities over the last three years"
Prof. Wolfgang Wessels from @UniCologne will soon introduce our Keynote speakers: @aneichhorst from @eu_eeas, the Managing Director for Western Europe, Western Balkans, Turkey and United Kingdom
"I didn't think sanctions would be the EU's primary option, so in my view the summit declarations are a mid-way formula to save time until the winter, giving Turkey time to reassess its position and negotiate, and giving Europe much needed flexibility"