Dalmatia through history.
Part I: The Name
The name Dalmatia is today well known throughout the Globe. Average European knows for sure it is southern part of Croatia, a little less average don't know that „Croatian part“ but relate it as tourist brand and destination.⬇️
Throughout the globe the term Dalmatia is recognized by one sort of dogs, a Dalmatian, which originates from it.
Walt Disney made this enormous free advertisement so even an average American at least heard of it.⬇️
Dalmatia indeed is a most southern and most beautiful region of Croatia with rich historical and cultural heritage.
In this thread you will read few interesting informations from the past of Dalmatia, maybe unknown to you. ⬇️
Origins of the name Dalmatia.
The name Dalmatia is of Roman origin, „born“ in 1st century AD.
But the core of this name is much much older; we don't know how much older. ⬇️
First written traces about this region were left by ancient Greeks.
They sailed into the Adriatic in the 4th century BC and founded several of their colonies, on the islands and the coast.
This is actually the beginning of the history of this area. ⬇️
Take a closer look at this map of the Greek colonies!
Do you see the similarity of today’s modern names after more than 2300 yrs have passed?
Korkyra=Korcula, Aspalathos=Split, Traugiron=Trogir, Pharos=Hvar, Issa=Vis, Buthoe=Budva, etc.
But, let's get back to Dalmatia... ⬇️
The Greeks were not conquerors; they established colonies in areas not so densely populated and began (trade) interaction with the hinterland.
Someone had already lived in that hinterland before them, right? The natives.
Greeks used to call all these natives as ILLYRIANS. ⬇️
They were not one unique people, rather a lot of tribes, groups with different customs and different names.
But the Greeks called them with common mark/name – Illyrians.
The closest analogy would be the common name Indians for all native people of Northern America.⬇️
One of these Illyrian tribes were Delmats or Dalmats (Delmatae/Dalmatae).
They lived in central part of Adriatic coast, roughly between modern rivers of Krka and Cetina.
Although they were originally from hinterland (modern day Duvanjsko polje, engl. Field of Duvno). ⬇️
Then we come to the Romans (ca. 2nd century BC).
They were not peaceful traders. When they came, their intention was to conquer.
And that means a lot of wars and fights with local tribes. Romans took over the Greek name for them – Illyrians. ⬇️
The Roman armies were the most organized in then Europe (=World). "Illyrian" tribes fell one after another.
However, in contact with the Dalmats, the Romans felt what the term "to be punched in the head” means; their legions suffered several defeats. ⬇️
Yet, no one could resist the Roman army in long term then, not even the Illyrians.
Romans organized all conquered areas into provinces.
Our regions were organized into the province of Illyricum.
The name is, logically, derived from the conquered "Illyrians". ⬇️
Province of Illyricum grew with the Roman conquests.
By conquering and annexing the Pannonian plains into Illyricum, it became simply too large.
After the Illyrian uprising (6-9 AD), the Romans simply had to divide it into two smaller provinces for better organization. ⬇️
The northern part of Illyricum has since been organized as a province called Pannonia, after the Pannonian tribes. ⬇️
And because the vivid memory of strong resistance and enormous courage of native Dalmats Romans decided to name the southern part of the province, the original Illyricum as DALMATIA.
It was the 9th. A.D. ⬇️
And so DALMATIA came into being.
About the transformation of ancient Dalmatia into what Dalmatia is today in the following threads.
Pročitate li ovaj 🧵 saznat ćete odgovor na pitanje gdje su se nalazili grobovi nekih naših vladara i kako je hrvatska historiografija došla do te spoznaje.
Ove informacije trebao bi poznavati svatko tko imalo drži do povijesti Hrvata.⬇️
U prvoj polovini 13. st. u Splitu je živio i djelovao kao arhiđakon stanoviti Toma, čija je ostavština djelo o povijesti salonitanske (=splitske) crkve poznato kao Historia Salonitana.
Toma nije bio Hrvat (kao što ni Split nije bio Hrvatska).
Ovaj detaljčić bitan je samo da shvatite da Tomino djelo nije nikakvo pristrano štivo puno uljepšavanja što se tiče "hrvatske strane". Hrvati su tu sporedan faktor, susjedi s kojima se njegov Split često sukobljava.
Do you know what is a [small?] contribution of 3 members of Croatian people to the whole Christian world?
What could be possible relation between Christ, Gethsemane garden and Croatians?
Well, the year is 1681 when 3 brothers, Antun [Anthony], Pavao [Paul] i Jakov [Jacob] Branković, Croats from city of Sarajevo (🇧🇦), decided to sell everything what they had and buy a Gethsemane garden from its then owners (some Turkish Muslims) and gifted it to the Franciscans.⬇️
Garden is today ownership of Franciscan order and thus is preserved for the whole Christian world.
Commemorative plaque is revealed so that all pilgrims can remember and thank to those three brothers.
Posljednja bosanska kraljica Mara Branković, udovica kralja Stjepana Tomaševića, nakon pada Bosne (lipanj 1463.g.) nekoliko godina živjela je u [mletačkom] Splitu, u samostanu Sv. Stjepana pod Borovima (na današnjem Sustipanu).
To su oni borići s druge strane zaljeva.
O tome...
...jasno svjedoči pismo mletačke vlade svom knezu u Split datiranom 11.XII.1469.
Iz tog pisma saznajemo da je splitski knez prethodno pisao u Veneciju da kraljicu Maru u samostanu često posjećivali neki Bosanci i Ugri.
Mletačka vlada takve je susrete smatrala opasnim jer nije imala kontrolu o čemu se tu "šuška", stoga su u pismu splitskom knezu dali nalog da si u glavni zadatak stavi da kraljicu Maru na fini način nagovori da napusti Split pod raznim izgovorima.
Unpopular opinion:
Kralj Petar Krešimir IV i hrvatske granice!
Jesu li i vas (na)učili da je hrvatska [srednjovjekovna] država svoj najveći doseg/opseg ostvarila za vrijeme vladavine kralja Petra Krešimira IV?
Te su teze najčešće potkrijepljivane kartama kakve vidimo ispod 👇🏽.
Karte su neujednačene što se tiče srednjovjekovne Slavonije. Potpuno s razlogom jer izvori za Slavoniju toliko su škrti tako da ni dan danas ne postoji apsolutan i neoboriv stav da je Slavonija bila u sklopu Hrvatskog kraljevstva, a ako i jest, u kojim granicama [prema istoku].
No, manje-više sve se slažu u pogledu Bosne!
Mainstream povijest tvrdi nam da je Bosna bila u sastavu Hrvatske kraljevine za vrijeme Tomislava, u međuvremenu je ta (pre)vlast izgubljena zbog sukoba unutar Hrvatske, a Petar Krešimir je tu vlast nad Bosnom ponovno uspostavio.
This event has absolutely no echo in European history because it was one relatively small fortress which fell to Ottomans among so many others.
One mega BUT follows
Story of its siege and final fall into hands of the enemy hides most vivid example of the greatest possible heroism of the defenders absolutely rare in the history of warfare which amazed even the enemy.
Average person has heard of the Alamo and probably of 🇮🇱 fortress of Masada. Less average person heard about Alkazar fortress in 🇵🇹.
All these are world-sung examples of resistance to the occupier and endless heroism of the defending soldiers.