..Efficacy data is for 27,817 people randomized to either vaccine or placebo; & there's safety data for 30,350 people. I'll get started with the adverse events data, because that has been a question mark for this vaccine...2/n
...The FDA raises lymphadenopathy & Bell's palsy again. More people with lymphadenopathy with Moderna's vaccine than BNT/Pfizer's: 173 in vaccine group, 95 in placebo. Bell's palsy similar. Frequency of serious adverse events (SAEs) low: 1.0% in vaccine & placebo arms...3/n
...FDA expressed no concern about any SAE: 7 SAEs were determined by FDA to be vaccine-related or potentially so (more than the sponsor deemed related) - several from nausea/vomiting. People died at the same rate as would expected for their age groups, the FDA concluded...4/n
...A developmental/reproductive toxicity study report was included: FDA identified no serious concern about adverse impact on pregnancy or perinatal/postnatal development. All up, no safety concern that would prevent emergency authorization... 5/n
Solicited adverse events (AEs) in 1st 7 days were considerably more common than for BNT/Pfizer vaccine - close to universal: 92% had local reactions, 83% systemic - severe systemic reactions were common: 17%.(Remember: BNT/Pfizer has a 30μg dose; Moderna 100μg.) ...6/n
... Frustratingly, solicited AEs are only reported here split into people under & over 65, & differently in general to the BNT/Pfizer report. So can't unpack this quickly...7/n
...Eg fatigue. After 2nd dose, was 68% for 18-64 year-olds; 58% for 65+. Severe fatigue: 11% for younger, 7% for 65+.
For BNT/Pfizer, it was 59% overall, severe was 5%. But the 2 trials have different age spread, for example. Complicated...8/n
...Bottom line, many similarities, but some types of AEs tilt to more common & severe for Moderna; some other things seem more clear, tho depends how measured etc: eg rate of pain around the injection site is higher (80-90%, severe 5% & 3%; for BNT/Pfizer, 66%, severe 0.5%)..9/n
...OK, over to the efficacy questions. Overall efficacy, after 2 doses & a week (people with no previous SARS-Cov-2 infection): that's the great news we already knew - 95% efficacy overall... 10/n
...Vaccine efficacy was similarly high for people with co-morbidities at high risk for severe Covid-19 (remembering some, as for all these trials, were excluded). 0 people out of 13,934 in this efficacy analysis got severe Covid-19 vs 11 in the placebo group. ...11/n
... There was 1 person (⬇️) in the vaccine group who was severely ill, but without a confirmed test result till later - so the 0 severe Covid-19 call is questionable here. (So no major difference here between the 2 vaccines) ...12/n
...Here's the corresponding incidence graph to the now-famous one for BNT/Pfizer. However, there wasn't a calculation for vaccine efficacy after 1 or 2 shots, to see if the extra week between shots makes a difference (BNT/Pfizer has 3-wk interval, Moderna 4)...13/n
..Finally, news on efficacy & age is great: similar for both vaccines. Some differences as numbers are smaller for Moderna (& there's 0 Covid-19 for 65+, while BNT/Pfizer had 1 in a larger group). But basically, great news - though one seems somewhat easier to tolerate...14/ fin
Not "fin" after all! Firstly @Nutmeg031992 pointed out my screenshot was for the interim efficacy analysis. Apologies! Here's the final vaccine efficacy: 15/16
Vaccine efficacy for both vaccines was similar for Hispanic/Latino & Black/African-American groups to overall. (BNT/Pfizer had a much larger number of Hispanic/Latino people.) ... 16/16
I checked the sponsors' document fda.gov/media/144452/d… but couldn't find the modified intention-to-treat vaccine efficacy I was hoping for (1 or 2 shots, with/without previous infection). However, there was this good overview. .../ends (really!)
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#tbt This is the dedication, with Eleanor Roosevelt, for the Polio Hall of Fame, honoring 17 scientists critical to polio research & the vaccine. The only woman scientist is in the center. She's Isabel Morgan (1911-1996) ... 1/5 asm.org/Articles/2019/…
...Morgan cracked 2 major barriers that made the Salk vaccine possible: identified 3 serotypes for polio that needed to be protected against. Then in preclinical studies, she showed inactivated vaccine could work if you added adjuvant & a booster shot ...2/5
...These are her parents, both geneticists. She's Lilian Vaughan Morgan, a pioneer in using Drosophila as a model, revealing some of its chromosomes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilian_Va…
...Mystery #1 - why Indian phase 3 trial isn't included - isn't solved. They report only that they have trials in UK, Brazil, SA & Kenya (Kenyan data not included). Trials in the US, Japan & Russia also not mentioned... 2/n
...Ah...in the statistical analysis plan, they describe the 4 studies as Oxford-sponsored. The trials that aren't mentioned presumably aren't. Given there was a serious adverse event in the Indian trial in October, this raises issues... 3/n marlin-prod.literatumonline.com/pb-assets/Lanc…
The FDA will start releasing phase 3 trial data on Covid vaccine any moment now & a media deluge will start! Tips on what to watch out for | My latest @WIREDwired.com/story/new-vacc…
This is utterly appalling. The manufacturer of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine in India, @SerumInstIndia, is *suing* the trial participant who lodged a claim for compensation after experiencing a serious adverse event for damage to their reputation thehindu.com/news/national/… ... 1/2
..The trial participant has the right to sue for compensation. While the company is denying the severe event was vaccine-related, they are not denying it happened, contradicting previous statements eg "zero hospitalisation" livemint.com/science/health… & hindustantimes.com/videos/htls/si… 2/3
...Recap: trials of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine were put on pause for investigation by regulators the other 2 times there was a severe adverse event (SAE) - standard practice. This participant was in intensive care & we're only hearing about it because he sued... 3/4
Lawsuit has been confirmed & statements by lead researcher at the hospital trial site to more than one journalist confirm person was in the trial, there was a serious adverse event, & they judged it *not* vaccine-associated. No official statement from the trial or regulator...1/2
...According to the person interviewed, India's regulator was informed when it occurred. Until there's a report from the regulator side, we don't know official status or whether other regulators were notified. (Thank you to everyone tweeting me links to coverage in India.)
...PS: There have been multiple public statements prior to this development from the institution running the trial that there had been no serious adverse events. Hopefully the regulator will sort this out & report publicly soon.
Oh no. 😥 Last week a participant in Indian trial for the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine sought compensation for a serious neurological adverse event. Local principal investigator: "we don’t think the adverse event was related to the vaccine."
1/4 economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/healt… HT @abledoc
...That quote seems to confirm there was an SAE, but I think we need further confirmation. Would be 3rd neurological SAE made public, first 2 in UK trial: 1 of which judged not to be related to the vaccine; for the other, cause was not clear after extensive investigation... 2/4
... The participant's legal action, which will be taken to court next week, alleges participants weren't informed of the risk & the trial wasn't paused when it happened... 3/4