Many people are unaware that the COVID-19 vaccine has significantly more side effects than the flu vaccine. I hope to see more honest discussions regarding this.
Props to @Cat_Ho for her realistic, data-centric reporting of this issue. It's much needed.
The COVIDhub Ensemble model that combines all the models did not perform well over the past 2 months.
This is due to the fact that the majority of model submissions did not properly forecast this current wave.
Roughly half of all models failed to beat the baseline.
This is a known issue with pandemic modeling. For most scenarios, it's beneficial for models to make forecasts close to the status quo (since that's usually true).
This means the they're accurate a majority of the time, but they will miss large spikes such as this current wave.
On the flip side, if a model predicts a large spike and is wrong, it will be heavily penalized by most evaluation metrics. This can happen even if the spike does happen but is a few weeks early/late.
That's the dilemma a lot of modelers face, including myself earlier this year.
I deployed some new features to over the past week. Here's a brief summary:
1) Maps over time - you can now view how the pandemic progresses over time for the US, on both a state and county level:…
2) Plots of confirmed cases and deaths for every state and county in the US (in addition to estimates of true infections).