My heart is sooo full. My On-Trak delivery lady Naomi just came.We hug. We are SiStars🌟she says I needed this, ty. We lost our home this fall in the fires. We are staying w/friends. We had no insurance. But we are fine. I know we will re-build and better than we did before...
My heart drops. Tears fill my eyes, her eyes. She says my 3yo son is the light of my life. Come in I say you have to see this beautiful vid.I just found. IAM Light w children singing😳🌟💥We are now friends on FB. I tell her, my neighbor just gifted me a generous ck for Xmas..
I was just thinking this morning who needs some of this gift??
My 💖is full, tears flow again for I know well that abundance is divine Creator gift to us &only multiplies as it flows to me-to you and thru us to others. I ALWAYS have enough for me& plenty to share😉😇#SoBlessed💖
What about our friends, family, loved ones and others who choose to continue their journey another way? What about the relationships that are not in tune with us and worked against our growth. Are we going our separate ways?
Do we have the spiritual awareness to trust that what is unfolding is guided by our individual soul group and spiritual guides? This could very well be where we go separate ways, to individual new adventures. I certainly have experienced this in the past few months.
People and situations that I thought were permanent have shifted. New opportunities I wouldn’t have predicted came in, almost out of nowhere. New soul contracts are on board and will be part of my new journey going forward.
From an email I saved a year ago..that rearview mirror😉I resonate so much deeper Now..growth is a beautiful thing🌟
“Embodied Love says “I love you for who you are as a being with or without me.
I support your highest self, even when that means I need to own my pain, triggers..
and make deeper love within myself as I take response-ability.
Everything that is happening bringing me back home to myself.
When I surrender this illusion of control (and my mind) I enter deeper to the root of the whole and here I begin to see that every experience is FOR me,
happening through me... not to me.
Every experience I fully embody only serves one function: so that I can choose who I want to be, how I want to feel, how I want to show up, even shifting my perceptions of those who hurt me...
Instead of making “others” out to be the cause..
On a lighter note🥰 these little chickadees dropped in at my patio door asking for their special breakfast plate. I had set it out earlier then rain so I brought in in. I see their friends in spot, then I spy these 2 literally at my door🤣look who else showed up😉
💖my frens🌟😇
It took me a long while to learn this so perhaps this may assist yr process.😉When you are ready, shine your lovelight in the dark &hidden corners of your soul. Invite the shadows to come be heard w/o judgement, only love and kindness. Listen closely. Ask questions to clarify.
Assure the shadows you hear their fears, doubts, anger,sadness..whatever they voice. Ask yr Higher Self to assist in the healing process to release the lower vibrational aspects stuck in the shadows. Give them love, honor the work they’ve done &assure them it is safe to let go.
You can heal them by acknowledging their role in yr journey, honoring their commitment to yr growth &thanking them even as you release them w/love back to Source. There are often many layers to release..a process to be sure. I suggest inviting the process rather than avoiding it.
Judith Kusel
Photo Credit: Joseph Fanelli via Pinterest: "The Sacred Heart..."
The Gift of the Sacred Heart, opens the highest form of sacred and highest Love within those who are gifted to receive this. It comes with a rushing in of the Holy Spirit, the Shekinah, and thus the total unity of the highest degrees with the Divine &the Divine Source Self within
and All That Is. The Immortal Divine Soul within. The Power of Love, is beyond all human understanding. It is the greatest of all Powers and in truth, is the Power through which the Divine Source created all and everything. It is the heartbeat, the heart pulse, the heart centre