Vaccine rollout
Senate package
New strain in UK
More data/California 1/
Vaccine rollout.
Trump Administration have problems counting how many Pfizer vaccines they have & where & when they go. Will fail to send committed amounts on time to states. 2/
Governors are annoyed & trying to be patient. Delay will be weeks not months from what I hear.
This sounds sloppy. But kinks are to be expected. Moderna vaccine begins to ship. 3/
Next topic— Senators tell me the $900 billion COVID relief bill is passable. $ for:
-vaccine distro
-$300 UI
-small biz loans 4/
Language being drafted, room for surprises. But expect late night vote.
Two thorny issues left out are business liability protection (Rs want$, $ for states (Ds want). 5/
Tomorrow I will have @SenDuckworth on #inthebubble. She will describe the deal for you and the Ins & outs as well as discuss how we survive— the theme of 2020. 6/
Continental Europe has reported seeing this strain as well. Countries are shutting down travel from the UK.
Disruptive. More disruptive in a country like the US that has failed at containment & has had no ability to implement strict public health measures. 8/
Next topic— The extent of the challenge of COVID is becoming public finally. Analysts are pouring through the new data the WH finally made public.
It’s grim. And its unconscionable that it hasn’t been released until now. 7/
There are things that can be seen before we experience them with this virus & they tell us which counties & cities are about to get worse. Yet the public wasn’t told. 8/
While things are bad virtually everywhere this tells us where things are about to get worse (Tennessee). 9/
California is in the most dramatic situation today. Scenes never experienced before in US hospitals to my knowledge.
-hospitalizations up 50% over last week
-60% of ICU COVID (double rest of country) 10/
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COVID Update December 21: 2020 has been filled with such a strong assortment of emotions, facts, and politics.
And I’ve tried the best I could to find & summarize the right facts in these threads. But there’s more going on that I haven’t captured. But I will try now. 1/
As a country it became clear to most of us at some point that you can’t get through a pandemic very well as a divided nation. That all the division that had been brewing for years was coming back to haunt us. 2/
That every bit of indifference to the plight of others, every time we didn’t do everything we could to make people less likely to suffer, every selfish instinct— were all coming bone to roost. And in the worst possible ways— with people’s lives. 3/
I have some responses and am gathering others but the met effect is this is not a game changer but all the more reason to limit your interactions as much as possible. 3/
COVID Update December 18: We got here not just because Trump did nothing but also because he asked nothing.
Biden plans to change that. 1/
Trump had no concerns letting us get to a place where thousands of day are dying. He had no understanding, no interest, and desire to prevent the pandemic from overwhelming the country. 2/
But doing nothing is not his only crime. Before there was a vaccine, and even now, our best medicine is how we communicate, how much we can unite, and our willingness to sacrifice a little to save a lot. 3/
COVID Update December 17: This is my worst thread. I hate writing it. But I have to write it. 1/
This is what happened yesterday in California. 61,000 new cases in a single day.
But it’s not the cases. It’s the trajectory. 35,000 prior peak. 2/
This is what happened in Minnesota. It’s not the decline to still historically high numbers. It’s that the governor was forced to majorly let up on restrictions yesterday at the first sign— a sure fire sign they are coming back. 3/
2020 highlights in review: Who said it & when. No Google searches, just guesses.
“I think we are going to be in two, three, four weeks, by the tune we next speak, I think we’re going to be in very good shape.”
Question 2: “We now know, thanks to widespread blood testing, that the virus isn’t that deadly...The death toll is a tiny fraction of what we were told it would be.”
COVID Update December 16: Why you won’t hear me use the phrase “anti-vaxxer.” 1/
First let me tell you my opinion of vaccines. If they hadn’t been invented we would be so much worse off as a planet.
It’s probably a more important invention than Tik Tok. 2/
And the story of the first people who took vaccines is a story of “you’re serious. You’re going to put that in my body. GTFO.”
But the story with small pox goes (more or less) the first does went to the vaccine makers kid & when it worked all the next went to the king’s kids. 3/